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 If i was to quit smoking now..?
i've been smoking 10 a day for about 3 years. if i quit now and never smoke another cigarette again, in years to come will my lungs be as healthy as a non smokers?...

 How does smoking affect the enviroment?
like ...

 I was wondering why I felt this feeling of having trouble breathing...?
I was wondering what this feeling is called. This entire week I've been feeling like I can't breathe. I have to take huge gasps of air to breathe all the time. My chest also feels tight ...

 Can you take two different antibiotics at the same time?
I have been taking amoxicillin 500 mg for several days. This morning I took two trying to avoid the doctors office. I went to the doctor today and was diagnosed with Bronchitis and was prescribed C...

 I seem to have chronic bad breath - comes from my chest/stomach area i think-suggestions?

 My son 7 complain of chest pain, is this possible?
could it be something serious or just heartburn..he said it in the middle of his chest....

 I have white chunks at the back of my throat.?
My doctor told me I am prone to tonsillitis a few years ago, and they are always swollen. Lately there have been white chunks growing inside them. It's like hard, and smells absolutely terrible. ...

 What is the health risk of mold from water leaks in a house?

 What does passive smoking mean?
What does passive smoking mean?
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Im getting different answers... which one is right?!?!...

 Why does he kept on looking at my chest?

 Is there any one who could tell me where in China a heat transplant is carried out?
i would aprreciate it , if you know an address of e-mail or website ....

 Please help!! Sore throat :(?
I woke up this morning with an awful sore throat! :(
I have plans for the whole weekend & I don't want to be feeling like this! Does anyone know anything that will help me quickly?!

 Gerd what can i do?

 Does anyone use Nyquil Medicine to just sleep?
Does anyone know anyone who uses Nyquil Medicine to just sleep? And if they do, is it harmful? and also, if its ok to just use it to use it to sleep for just 5 hrs?...

 Will moving to the seaside sort out my constant mucus hacking?
I don't smoke, eat healthily, not much dairy, exercise regularly, etc. But over the last few years I have to hack up mucus every few hours. The mornings are worst and I find my self wretching ...

 A bit of red or blood phlegm in throat cough, itzit normal?
i been coughing very badly for the past few days.. itzit cancer??...

 How does a asthma attack happen?
reason im asking is im doing a play for school to raise awarness of childrens diseases and to educate people on how to handle them and my character has a asthma attack and i dont have asthma so i ...

 Anyone around who knows about asthma???
hi guys.....

doctors always prescribing me salbutomol inhalers were u have to press done to get the mist however when im in a coughing fit its quite hard to get relief.....has any asthma ...

 How can we cure asthma? if it happens to kids. What is immediate releif for it is allopathay is best for it.?

 What are the symptoms of pneumonia?
my 10 yr old complains of tight chest and was sleeping all day yesterday threw up yesterday 3 times and is having trouble at times moving around
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he had a lowgrade ...

Granny has cancer and water between lungs?
My granny is 88 and has breast cancer, one breast was removed when she was 65. She still takes a lot of cancer and other medications. She has one kidney, heart and breathing problems. She needs a wheel chair and oxygen and is in a nursing home. Two times water between her lungs were removed. Now she has water between her lungs again. She told me that she cannot do a surgery again because that would damage her lungs. She takes medication to remove the water, but it does not help 100%.

She does not have any pain, why? She is a lucky cancer victim. I heard that some cancer patients suffer bad pain and some need Morphine everyday. My granny seems to be fresh and healthy when I see her. It seems that she lives forever and never dies. But sometimes she suddenly has breathing and speaking problems. She is a hospice patient but does not look like a person who is going to die. Could she suddenly die because of her lug problems, although she looks good? I want to look online about this lung illness. Does anybody know the name of this illness? Does anybody have friends or family members with this illness?

|| Mister J ||
you might not want to hear this...but when it gets as bad as to when it stops hurting...she doesnt have to much longer to live...im sorry to be the one to break this to you

she might get lucky and live for while longer but i would say...not to long

She may have congestive heart failure which is the demise of many older people. They die of phneumonia in a lot of cases which is the lungs filling with fluid and the heart doesn'at do a good job of removing waste and blood through the body. yes, if granny is at hospice there is reason and she may be the kind of person that won't allow you to see her feeling bad, strong till the end and I bet she is a great granny right? she sounds like it. I wouldn'r dewell on all the problems. just enjoy her and the time you have left. You are lucky, I had no grandmother in my life and never knew the love that that must bring to your life. So, enjoy her, make her happy while you can and be grateful and celebrate her life when it ends because I know she would want you too. God bless you and your granny....everyone called my mom granny lol I love it.

Pray that it isn't mesothelioma. Was she around asbestos? My husband's grandfather died from this last year. It is a cancer of the lining of the lung which causes it to fill with fluid more and more until finally they can't drain it fast enough. I moves fast, that would be the only positive.

Brown-eyed girl
I would voice your concerns with her doctor. My mom died of breast cancer in September 06. She fought the fight for 6 years. There were so many things that could've been better if I was more educated and involved in it all. I thought my mom and dad had it covered. Don't make the same mistake I did. Talk to the doctor as soon as you can. Maybe you can attend her next appointment.

I'll keep her in my prayers, that she will have peace and comfort through all this.you seem to have a strong granny, she reminds me of my mom strong women.

If Granny is a hospice patient, then she has a team of professionals involved in her care. But hospice isn't just there to take care of Granny, they are there to help you through this difficult time as well. Call the hospice team or try to be there when the nurse visits. They should be able to answer your questions. Granny sounds like a great lady -- a 23 year cancer survivor -- she must be tough as nails and I am sure you love her very much. Take advantage of the hospice team. Talk to the nurse and the chaplain. I am sure that they can help you and offer some comfort.

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