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 Something is stuck in my throat or wind pipe?
I feel like there is something stuck in my throat.
like it doesn't hurt or anything but i can feel it.
when i sleep i can't feel it. I tried spraying some
soar throat stuff ...

 I just started smoking, why does my chest hurt?
I've been smoking for about a month or so now. Today i smoked about 2 and a half parliaments today....

 Ventilator Pnuemonia?
does anyone know how this is treated??
Additional Details
He is on a ventilator and has developed ...

 Has anyone had success quiting smoking with Chantix?

 What can i do/say to stop my friends from smoking?
they are 14.
how can i tell them to stop!
they dont listen!
they dont smoke a lot but i want them to stop!...

 ..I stropped smoking pot about 5 months ago. about 1 week ago?
I took one small hit from my old bowl that mostly contained resin. I have to have a hair test in a few days. Will I ...

 Cigarss ?!?
Is smoking a cigar (ex colts) bad for you when you only smoke one every so often .. like every 2 weeks ?...

 What is the best otc medicine for a sinus infection?
i'm pretty sure i have a sinus infection... i'm stuffy and congested, then drippy, sore thoat, thick gross mucous (sorry for the details).. what med shoudl i take? maybe its just a cold? im ...

 People Who Choose To Smoke?
I have asthma, so naturally I try to stay away from smokers. But I don't think that everyone should stop smoking, I mean if someone knows all the health risks of smoking and they still decide to ...

 First-time smoking?
after your first cigarette will you get sick? like sore throat(burning), raspy voice, needing to clear your voice and shortness of breath(harder time breathing). even if you don't smoke the ...

 Does anyone here suffer from anxiety attacks?

 Help with a question about Smoking.?
I would like to know what a "Jay" is, my friend told me he got kicked out of school for smoking a Jay so..
What is it..??

 What are some reasons why a person might have fluid in lungs when they die?
Again i am doing a project for my biomedical studies class. This woman has died and in her autopsy report there was fluid found in her lungs....

 Ever since I started smoking.?
When I lived in NY i could smoke cigarettes no problem and with no pain.. I moved to Arizona and it hurts to inhale them and it makes my glands feel sore.. Is there a reason why this happened?...

 Smoking weed-how's it like your first time. alot of answers please!?
my boyfriend does it now and then..im a little hesitant about trying it but we're taking a break now for like 2 weeks..and i feel like i REALLY need it. he just did it the other night and ugh......

 What is mucus down below ?

 How can I tell if I have pleurisy?

 Smoking lung problems?
is it possible for your lungs to lose elasticity?
like become hard and not be able to stretch and take in enough air?
i have problems filling my lungs, it feels like they cant take in full ...

 Help My Voice,10 points?
hello people

my voice is coming to low and hard to be heared why is that?...

 Asma like condition from mold?
what kind of mold or bacteria causes Asama like condition and whats the best cure also is their any reference to see how Asama operates on the ...

A bit of red or blood phlegm in throat cough, itzit normal?
i been coughing very badly for the past few days.. itzit cancer??

Could be tuberculosis... but that's the only thing I know of that can do such a thing.
Go see a doc. now.

It doesn't mean that it's cancer, TB or pneumonia; you could just have an irritated throat or upper airway. Take a suppressant cough medicine (expectorant if it's quite productive) and call the doctor. Be sure that you take ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) for any fever if you have one and drink plenty of fluids to help thin the mucus and keep yourself hydrated. If the cough increases or the blood is bright red and copious, go to the ER.
Just take it easy-there's no need yet to be concerned, just make a doctor's appointment soon.

It's pneumonia. you need a prescription inhaler and prescription strength congestion syrup. I wouldn't wait any longer once traces of blood are in the phlegm

its not necessarialy pnemonia, have you had a nose bleed recently? probably not, but if so its normal. Otherwise it IS a serious problem, but could be caused by many things. Go to the doctor time.

Probably not, but you should get examined by a doctor.

No, it is not normal at all. It could be due to any number of lung problems, most of which are serious. You should see a doctor right away.

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