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 Lasik surgery?
I was considering getting lasik surgery, i was wondering does anybody know the price? or does a medical card cover the expenses?...

 Contact lens issues - do i really have to live with this?
Well, i've tried a good few lenses, and none have been brilliant - i've settled for a rare pair of bausch and lomb ones, given the advice that if they're not that bad, i should just ...

 New glasses tip?
Just got glasses yesterday and never realized how bad my vision was till I put them on. It's amazing!!! Anyway, will I have to worry about little spots getting irritated for a while or does ...

 Can you wear contacts in the shower?
Can you wear contacts in the shower? I always feel its hard to wash my face well with them on. Do they fall out often? Or is it usually safe. I just got contacts a few weeks ago, so will I get more ...

 How can you improve your eye vision? I don't have glasses yet, but I believe I do. My vision is not terrible
but bad enough that I can't see very well. Are there any exercises? And, please don't answer CARROTS...

 Getting contacts fitted.?
If I purchased my lenses online and they are too big, can an optometrist "shrink" the contact so that I can see better through them? They are "planos" (no prescription.)
Or ...

 Contact Lenses?
I have severe astigmatism, and have been wearing glasses for almost 10 years now. I have been considering contact lenses. However, cost is also an issue. How much would a year's supply of lenses ...

 Why is my right eyelid lower then my left?
could my lazy eye have something to do with it?
Additional Details
i dont smoke ...

 Is this too long to wear contacts?
I wear contacts about 17 hours a day. I have frequency 55 aspheric lenses. I am going to they eye doctor this week and I was wondering if he would be able to tell how much I wear them. I wear them ...

 What is the most rare eye color at the moment?

 What is the average price for prescription contact lenses?

 VERY DESPERATE & FRUSTRATED - trouble putting contact lens on!?
This is the 2nd time I spent over $100 out-of-packet money to buy and try a pair of contact lens. The 1st time and this time is the same. I CANNOT put my conntact lens on by myself no matter how hard ...

 It is true glasses r bad for ur eyes and....?
somethin called "eye yoga" can improve ur vision??
has any1 eva done this?
did it work for ya?...

 A few questions about color contacts?
1) do they come in unique colors like red, blind looking, purple etc.?

2) ive heard rumors about them making you go blind. is this true?

3) how old do you have to be to ...

 Detached Retina?
I had this problem starting about a month ago. Sometime during the day, these little dots pop up from my vision and start floating around then disappear. It happens for about 5 seconds. What could be ...

 How many of you do Pot?
How old where you when you started?
Why did you start?
Why are you still doing it?
How long have you been doing it?

Just a few question i wondering about..

Thx &...

 Contact stuck in my eye.?
My right contact been stuck in my eye for over an hour, I'm not new to them I've had them over a year and sometimes when you put them in there still blurry, so you have to take them out and ...

 I'm brand new to eyeglasses & is it normal to feel nauseous from wearing them?
I got my glasses on Monday and I feel nauseous all the time when I wear them. So, I have been taking them off when I feel really queasy and then putting them back on when I feel better. Is this ...

 Does correcting your vision with glasses or contacts make your vision worse?
I have a slight prescription for glasses at -1.0. If I wear my glasses for a while, and them take them off my vision seems more blurry than if I never put them on. It almost seems as though by ...

 New prescription: transition lenses or antiglare?
I'm nearsighted and need a new pair of glasses. The store recommended I get my glasses with transition lenses AND antiglare coating. However, I'm on a budget and with either option costing ...

White part in the eye otherwise know as the sclera.?
I have very bright white eyes. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about that. If it could mean I'm healthy or not so much because my blood vessels are not visible. It could mean nothing, I'm,just wondering though. Thanks.

Dont worry...........
It means you are a very healthy person & have a very good blood circulation in your body.

The sclera is "the whites of your eyes". The conjunctiva lies over it. The fact that your blood vessels are not visible is not related to the general state of your health. They become more visible when they are vasodilated, that is engorged. This is seen commonly in people with allergies or with local irritation to the eye from dust or chemicals. When you get poked in the eye blood will appear between the sclera and under the conjunctiva-a subconjunctival hemorrhage. Scary looking but harmless. I hope this helps. If they turn yellow as mentioned in other posting-that's a bad thing-see a doctor.

Lori S.
The white part of the eye is the sclera,

Well you probably have very good purification of your blood. Your liver and kidneys are working very well. If they weren't, doctors look for the eyeballs turning yellow as a bad sign.
Be grateful you have such white sclera in your eyes.

Yes you are very healthy. You know when people have alot of red in their eyes? That means they have poor blood circulation and blood gets stuck in there. Don't worry that is very good to have a very white sclera. Your kidneys and liver are also working well.

I also think its very attractive in a girl's eyes.

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