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 Do you answer the questioners that say they want to kill themselves or shy away?
personally i shy away, even though i want to help i am so afraid anything i say might trip them over the edge, wether positive or negative, it frghtens me that they might take what i say in the wrong ...

 Will smoking weed cause any problems?
i haven't started but what if i just use it mildly/in moderation, don't get into the lifestyle, and stay productive? wouldn't it not cause any problems and actually be a good ...

 I think im depressed but dont want to take meds?
I think im depressed but i dont want to take medications. Ive talked to different doctors and they all said its a stage im going thru but it must be a really long stage because ive been this way ...

 Have I failed at life? (honest answers only)?
Please be honest, have I failed at life? Here's some info about me:
1. I'm extremely shy and have bad social anxiety, it makes it hard to talk to any people at all, order food at ...

 Do You Think About Suicide ?
Do you think about suicide on a daily basis ? Are they Idle thoughts of escape or more ?...

 What's the quickest way to off yourself?
what i have been doing isn't working or is not fast enough. please help me someone quick and easy. i don't own a gun yet....

 What are you addicted to, not necessarily drugs, that you think you can't live without?
For me, it's books. When I run out of books to read I'll read anything. Also, my computer and internet. Just thinking about not having it is terrifying!
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 My best best best friend died. Please read.?
I'm 13. I've been best friends with this girl since I was 8 years old. On March 5th, my best friend died suddenly. She was just 15. How can I move on with my life. Because I know she doesn&#...

 How much longer do i have to live by my parents rules??

 Is cutting yourself really that bad???
ive been doing it for 5 years now...and i dont see the harm in ...

 I have a very strange, kind of sick secret. is this realy a bad thing?
I have been thin all my life. I am very attractive. But then I had kids and put on a lot of wieght. I am fat and unattractive now. But here is the wierd sick thing. I secretly like being fat. sure I ...

 I am ready to kill myself?
i constantly get made fun of. i get called fat i get called ugly and i don't even know what happy really is anymore. people call me fat to my face and i don't know what to say back. my &...

 If you punch an arm or leg hard enough, could it break?
Or would it just leave a bad bruise?...

 What do you miss about your childhood?
I miss all my legos......

 What's the secret of happiness?
Serious answers please - I have suffered on and off with depression all my life, and never seem to able to enjoy my life and be happy with what I've got. How does everyone else manage it?...

 I'm 19 and I still watch Telitubies.What is wrong with me?
I dont have children....

 Why can't i stop skipping classes?
i just dont care about school anymore. i know when i dont go to class i'm going to get caught but i still do it. some times i just end up comming for one period. my mum knows i do it, and she ...

 What or who made you laugh this week?

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I love Extras with Ricky Gervais, he makes me laugh out ...

 14 and depressed?
For probably a 2-3 years I have been feeling increasingly depressed. There has been no trigger for the depression to start, nothing bad has happened to me, and yet I feel so unhappy. My depression ...

 Have you ever had the kind of day where you want to stay inside the house and not face the world at all?

George Adamson
Why is it that when you have everything, you can still be depressed?
Its strange, the past year of my life has been great. Plenty of freinds, havent lost a fight for a long time and im drunk all the time.
But i always make wrong desicions and i think im worried aout when they will catch up.

I don't know... but I get what you're saying. I think it's worry and the knowedge that things will change, and may not necessarily be as good as they are right now.
The only way out of it is to live for the moment and forget about the future and other people... easier said than done, I know...

proud of it
I you are that worried when they will catch up...please do something abiout it now before it is too late

maybe you just can't fill the hole in your life with stuff anymore.

believe me, alcohol don't help. i drank for over 27yrs. and it just made things worse. first, stop drinking. this can only lead 2 very bad decisions. the Beatles had a song called can't buy me love. money and friends can never replace the things people need that money can't buy--love, happiness, self-satisfaction, etc. u might also try praying about this--it helps IF u no Jesus as Savior. if u don't, pray about that first. good luck. by the way, your life don't sound that great 2 me right now.

i agree with the fifth person to answer

being depressed does'nt have to do with having everything. it is how you look at your life, until you see your great life, and are greatful for what you have you will be depressed. spend more time counting your blessings and less time thinking about what might go wrong at a later time and place.

Don't desensitize yourself to everything that happened through alcohol. Take time to right the wrong decisions that you made once you've done that, you'll feel nice having solved them urself. Reconcile with your old friends relatives or parents that you haven't seen in a long time. You'll feel great after you go back to your roots.

I suggest you replace your alcohol with a hobby and invest in a book about positive thinking. The author Joseph Murphy has several good ones like "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind". Practice positive thinking by repeating to yourself several times each day and night "I always make the right decisions now because God is guiding me now and wonders happen in my life. I am happy, healthy, sober, wealthy and successful and I radiate goodwill and love to everyone around me. I know with guidance I walk with confidence and this results in right action."

When you say you always make wrong decisions, you are telling your subconscious mind that you are stupid and you will continue on this path until you change your thoughts. Thoughts are things. We create our future by what we think all day long. Good luck to you!

joe perkinstein
Yeah ok u wish...Take a hike

Every other George I've known and I've known many has been very sporty. The only "sport"you seem to practice is fighting. Unless you're a professional fighter, I'd say stop fighting and start running. Every other George I've known has been very kind and friendly, so if you are a proffesional fighter you might want to retire, fighting doesn't suit you. I've only ever known one George who ever got drunk and like you, he didn't seem to always be happy. Alcohol is a depressant so unless your happy you shouldn't be drinking.
My dad was a "George" as were two of my mom's siblings George and Georgette. My aunt's son has that name as does his neice. Dad's cousin married one.Coworker, best friend, friend's dad...
Your not living up to your name. Again, quit drinking and fighting, and start running.

The reason is alcohol. Stop drinking all the time. Limit to one or two drinks per week. Once you quit, you will know the change yourself.

honey lugs
If you're drunk all the time and it bothers you, then try AA, maybe they can help.

I use to feel that way but then i found God and my life became complete

ohhh eat chocolate, and get a girl

It is a proven fact that alcohol is a depressant. You might even have a chemical imbalance that you aren't aware of. You didn't say whether you are a christian or not but you really need to seek professional help. Decisions are a choice and you CAN begin to make better choices after all the choices are yours and no one elses.

You need to get a life.

you dont have everything,get it.

Rachel Bitchface
I think when you have everything you have nothing to look forward too. Make some goals and reach them even if there small they still count like maybe not drink and do something else for once. Take a art class maybe, use your mind instead of waste it, you might also know that your wasting yourself being a drunk your doing nothing good for anyone including yourself I would be depressed if I had everything and I did nothing productive ever.

Your procrastinating the inevitable. I had a drinking problem for a while, one day i just stopped and got my life back on track. Its hard to do, but drinking is not going to solve the problem. You may have everything, but one thing you reallly dont have is happiness and thats what you are stopping to enter into your life. With drinking too you tend to not eat right. Try reversing that and i promiise you you will start feeling better, it wont cure your feelings but it is a great start to get you on the right track.

Well money cant buy happenies.

Contentment is internal, not external, so nothing you have can make you less depressed.

If you like being drunk all the time and being worried due to your choices, then you would be less depressed, right? But you are not, So I would start by changing friends or habits.

Sometimes people drink because they are depressed, sort of self-medication. Have you tried anti-depressants?

get a life.

I don't know. See a shrink.

you are lucky to have not had the decisions catch up to you yet, but I would advise you to cut down on the drinking (if possible, if you are an alcholic it isn't) that may help. When i'm drunk, I dont think straight. That may be part of the decision making thing.

love ya
start appreciating what you have, life is too short! Live like there's no tomorrow.

Ya Don't Have Everything,Quit Feelin Sorry For Yourself,Man PLS Work On That 360 and Your Picture Looks Faded Man,Work On That 360 And Man Upload A Clear Picture

drink on weekends get a chic a life and think before you act cuz bad things make there way around to you eventually....good luck

for some people depression comes out from nowhere. Some get it from something that triggers the mind. these type of people have chemical imbalance in their brain. cant do anything bout it really, except taking the meds regularly.
But for some people they get depressed from major issues and bad experiences.
i think ur the latter.

Having everything and having what you need in your heart are two different things. You can't know certain levels of happiness without knowing the same levels of sadness, because you don't have anything to compare this experience to. And so, it seems dull, meaningless, and you subconsciously try to find something painful to fill that with, so that you can compare and feel happy again. The only problem is, most of those painful things can't just go away when we're satisfied with them. We can't find our happiness anymore, and we don't know what to do. We feel trapped, and we know there's nothing we can do or we'd be doing it, but we still feel guilty about doing nothing at all. THIS is where the depression comes from. I'm afraid there's no easy way out of it, but I can tell you this from my life experience. The sooner you start planning ahead how to get out of the wrong decision you make, the less difficult it will be to really do it. It might take 2 tries, or 10, or hundreds, but each time you try, you get a little closer to making it, and you at least loose the sense of guilt over doing nothing, because you are doing Something. Don't get discouraged. No one can carry you down the dangerous path home (wherever or whatever you feel home is), but some Can light the way and make it easier to see the obstacles in your way. They are the people who care about you. Keep them close. (why, yes, i am really 18, why do you ask? Was I a little to deep?)

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