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 What is the best way to cope with bipolar disorder?

 Do you fear death?
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 Smoking Marijuana...HABIT or ADDICTION??

 What do you do when your spooked and alone?
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 How to avoid sleeping in class?
i've tried sleeping early, but that doesn't work.other ways?...

 How do i get over my fear of death?

 Is depression deadly?

 How is life 4 people out there?

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 Why do i wake up in the morning...?
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 Im a rape victim, what can i do?
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 Please help i am becoming an alcoholic how do i stop!?
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 I'm so scared?!?
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 When you are depressed, what do you do to feel better?
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Mad Professor
What do you do to shake off unpleasant thoughts?
I've been thinking about a situation that I cannot change and the thoughts are just going round and round my head making me feel sad.

As it's not anything that I can change, or any kind of major problem, how can I stop thinking about it?

It's easy just to say 'stop' but the thoughts just keep popping back.

Any ideas? (Yes, I've tried drinking!)

Montgomery B
Yoga, stills the mind

Its a pain I know, maybe read a book? it helps concentration a lot and when your thinking about the book your not thinking about the bad stuff.

Escapism is what you need I think, try a book or a movie. So that you can think about new and other things instead of dwelling on the past.

analyze them.. so much that they dont even make sense anymore.. then ya wont think bout em any more! no really just resolve the problems in the best way ya can.. otherwise write down the idea of it on a peice of paper.. then burn or throw away the paper.. it sounds real silly but it works

well, I say "be gone satan, in the name of Jesus Christ crucified"

and then I say a Hail Mary, and continue to pray until its gone, Also I keep myself busy!!

When i start thinking back on bad things that has happened in the past i get outside into my garden as fast as i can. There i start weeding [yes, i know old people do it] i used to laugh at my father when he used to tell us it helps him to relax, but it is the truth. I take my camera and start photographing plants, insects anything that i find interesting and within seconds my thoughts of the past disappears. I also find reading a happy book specially books by Sophie Kinsella - Shopoholic, real light reading but hilariously funny takes my mind of things. Play with your dogs, they are always happy and keen to be patted and loved and they love you back like no other person can. Don't drink it just makes matters worse and you feel lousy when you wake up with a barby in the morning. Good luck to you and i hope you find lots of happiness :)

Just think.......what would jesus do?

london lady
Go and see someone professoinal. Trust me, it sounds like you are at your wits end with all this, i feel so sorry for you. Try and go swimiming. When i get stressed out i go for a swim, you seem to forget about everything whilst in the freedom of water. Or, take your latest hobby to a futher extent, but i would still go and see the doctor, he/she will refer you to speak to someone.

Goodluck and takecare. xx

ps. You could try and duldge into a really good book, Martina Cole is a wicked writer, you never want her books to end, so chances are your mind will be in another world till you finish it. Why not try it, it might do you good to av a little read and go into another world. goodluck mate x

Exercise is great because you begin to focus on what you are doing. I especially like bike riding and mountain climbing. When you get on the mountain tops you are awe struck with God's beauty. I also sing praise music and dance to clear my mind. Gentle smooth motions in dance are wonderful. You don't even have to have music to your dance. Dancing on a mountain top is wonderful therapy!

I sing...sometimes, really loud. You know what they say about music. It always brings me back to a more comfortable spot and takes the bad thoughts away.

dan s
hmmm i used to get this when i was a pot smoker, if you take drugs stop. otherwise try and think of all that is good in your life and that no matter how much you think of it its not going to change.

Luv Thy Neighbour!
I have the exact same problem and it actually keeps me up at night and keeps me from doing alot of stuff in life.

I will be watching out for the answers u get,
cos I'd like to find out myself.

Anyway, u're not alone!

it could mean that u dont have enough out lets or hobbies. try a craft or playing a muscial instrument - i know its not that easy but we all need to have a hobby or an interest we can go to.

mine is calligraphy - it relaxes my mind.

if you want to shake the bad thoughts of well when it happens to me i just do something creative like build a mini car model or maybe you could do some reading

As soon as the thought starts up tell yourself stop and distract yourself with something else. The more you do it the less you will be bothered by unwanted thoughts

I just clear my mind out, really quickly as if water rolling off a ducks back.

drinking? good heavens no. drinking just makes the situation worse.

read, go to a movie, volunteer work, clean your home, wash your dog, sing church songs. pray.

if this 'situation' is really bothering you, you may have to go back to the source and fix it, any way you can. it appears that it may be unresolved.

if anything, rely on your Lord. pray and keep yourself busy with uplifting things. and that is not drinking alcohol. educate yourself and start reading books if anything.

good luck

A good book or film the company of others helps the only problem with tricking your mind is that some times is does jump out on you some times. The best way is to work the prob out in your head a point that you are happy with.


i eat sweets.

Go to bed with a beautiful woman - and make love for hours and hours. If you can think of anything else you're with the wrong woman! The rest of the day you'll be engrossed with anticipation of the night to come - or you'll be sleeping!

if you live in a city a break in the countryside, lake or mountains often helps; just a change of scenery
....and despite what most medical experts say i believe drinking can help as long as it's just beer not spirits

I chant. Not outloud, just in my head.

I say over and over again something relevent like 'I am not scared' or 'I am free of the past'.

I just block out the thought by repeating the mantra whenever it pops in to my head.

The first few times I repeat it over loads and loads of time, after a while I can block out the thought by just repeating it once.

Dwayne Dibley
The options I use are
1. Have a w@nk
2. Go for a ride on my bike
3. Play computer games

But not all at once!

spidoing n

Angel Eve
When a situtation that I cannot control bothers me, I take some time out and lay down in bed, propped up and think about it. If i need to cry, I cry. If I need to think of ways to solve it, I do that. If there is absolutely NOTHING i can do, I pray. I pray that God gives me strength to move past this. Im not a bible thumper, I dont even go to church, But Im very spiritual and Every time I've ever asked God to ease my mind, He does. Good luck to you!

Try and occupy you mind with something you love doing. Distraction often helps to take the focus away from unpleasant thoughts.

Drinking doesn't work. In fact, it makes it worse.

You need to find something to do to take your mind off of it. Go out with friends, volunteer your time. Doing things for other people will make you feel so much better and you won't have time to obsess about anything.

precious z
I usually give advice but dont share much about my personal feelings on here...but I will make an exception for you because I have exactly the same problem longterm and short term. When my dad died a couple of years ago we had been estranged for 11 years, I never saw him or knew where he went etc. for 11 years I wondered and then a friend of his called to tell me he was on his deathbed...I immediately drove there and when I saw him he was conscious but unable to talk (I never had the answers from him)and That night I went back to the hotel and I told him I would be back in a few hours in the early morning...he died shortly after.....I could never forget his eyes how he looked at me the last time I saw his face ...he had striking eyes so that picture keeps haunting me even nowhe was 58. I can never get rid of that . I have many heartbreaking memories of death, abuse,illness,children,and so many other variables. They haunt me , haunt is a perfect word for these thoughts. They never leave me alone I can never forget because they are so shocking and sad or violent. The only thing you can do is do your best to ignore them . You could write about the memories as well, whenever you find you cant get it out of your head write it down.I am writing an autobiography about mine. It is ok to dwell and grieve about these things openly too, despite what anyone tells you, you can get angry or cry or hurt. If it really bothers you too much and distracts your everyday life then you will have to go to a psychiatrist and a behavioral therapist to take the edge off. all you can do is talk about it with a person that can respect you and care. Over time they will subside the more you talk about it. If you keep hiding or avoiding them they will only keep popping up. I can tell you painful memories dont disappear but they do fade in intensity with time. I hurt all the time from these deeply so. but I have to try to go on with my life because I have to carry on thats the only way I can cope. I dont know the types of things you are interested in but you might want to volunteer in hospitals with elderly and children...you might want to volunteer to be a hotline counselor on the weekends for abused women. When you are working with people who also suffer and you can make a difference some of your own pain will be replaced with these memories. You can take my advice or not but i am very sincere in what i wrote.

Read some cognitive therapy books

Identify the bad thought, what triggers it.

Then work on changing the triggers.

It worked for me. If you can't do that i suggest chocolate

i know what you mean! its so such an uncomfortable feeling when something plays on your mind! i suppose you just have to give yourself time to accept the fact that you can't change the situation. also reading a good book or doing something you really enjoy may take your mind off it! sorry for the lame advice. hope you sort yourself out!

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