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 How can I stop my suicidal thoughts?
I'm trying to be happy, but lately i've been really sad

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Val K
What's suicide?
Hi,guys!Does anybody knows what's suicide?If you have any information or links for that topic please sand me.Thanks!!!

Penny Mae
suicide is murdering ones self. to take your own life. According to God and his word the Bible it is a sin, only God can give and take life(type in suicide in the search box it will give you links on the subject)* Life is too precious to waste:)

its killing yourself

veggie cake
self-termination of life

The willful killing of oneself.

Colts Pacers Fever Hoosiers
suicide is when u kill urself

It means to take your life.

coming home 4 hours late and drunk covered in lipstick and slapping your wife on the *** and saying your next fatty.......now thats suicide

it means to kill yourself

Ѕα®α β ♥ Il-Maltija ;-)
killing yourself....thats suicide
everyone should avoid commiting a suicide!

google will give you tons of info...suicide is basically when one kills themself for whatever reason

the act of one taking the life of themselves

Yes it means to kill yourself. But you do it mostly out of depression and despair....This is why depression is very dangerous,and need to be taken care of and not for granted...
So yeah, depression leads to suicidal thoughts ( thinking of suicide or self harm such as such as cuttin yourself) or suicide itself....

Jack Perry
suicide is when u kill urself because ur upset or mad or just want urself dead... there u go johnny :)

willy wom bat
it when you take your own life.

mrs corinthos
When you deliberately end something, like your life, or your career.

wow............ ur a little....... uninformed...... & no i wont tell u ANYTHING

Suicide is when you have given up all hope. Normally people who play around with this idea need help ... Trust me, nothing is that desperate. There is always hope.

Robert S
it's killing yourself

An emotional disruption of ones family!!!!

suicide is when you kiil yourself intentionally.


♥ Bethany ♥
Suicide is when you kill yourself.

Here are some links that may help you to understand:



suicide (plural suicides) noun

1. killing yourself: the act of deliberately killing yourself
2. somebody who commits suicide: somebody who deliberately kills himself or herself
3. doing something against own best interests: the act of doing something that seems contrary to your own best interests and likely to lead to a disaster such as financial ruin or loss of position or reputation

Sucicide is to kill oneself.

Dont think about doin that. The last thing that this world needs is more killing.

Sue R
I think u know what Suicide is! Why do u want ot know about it, is there someone close to u speaking of it, if so, u need to get help right away for that person! Usually in your local phone book is a Suicide Hotline..I suggest u get help for them yesterday!!!

Suicide is killing yourself, most of the time people do it when they are really depressed and feel they will never be happy again.

killing yourself

Suicide and suicidal behavior - Information from NIH
... Suicide is the act of deliberately taking one's own life. Suicidal behavior is any deliberate action with potentially life-threatening consequences, such as taking a drug overdose or deliberately crashing a car.

Look these up on search

Suicide Hotlines: 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273-TALK
American Association of Suicidology
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Center for Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention Action Network
Teen Suicide Hotline: 1-800-367-7287

Killing yourself. Or, mixing drinks without looking and drinking the result. Neither is particularly wise.

addendum to an earlier respondent: where exactly in the bible does it say suicide is a sin? actually, suicide wasn't declared a mortal sin until christians started using it as a shortcut to heaven to avoid martyrdom in the roman collosseum during the height of the clash between the roman empire and the rising "cult". so the idea of suicide as a sin is a fairly new one. it's a bad idea, but let's lose the idea that it's something to be ashamed of. it just makes it even harder to talk about, which just doesn't freaking help...

back again...so. it's not a sin. but what is it? we know it's self-murder. hmm. but it's consensual. however, the other people in the person's life are still victimized by the loss, and losing someone to suicide is actually more painful than losing them to other types of violence...personal experience speaking, i've had an interesting life.

suicide is the black hole at the end of the tunnel. it exerts a fascinating pull by the very emptiness of its promise.

Suicide (Latin sui caedere, to kill oneself) is the act of intentionally terminating one's own life....


there you go, budro

It means to take your own life!? - Really, Is this a real question or a joke? I mean do you live under a rock or something?!!! -For many people this question brings up hurtful memories.


brings on many changes










...many changes

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