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 I feel life isnt worth living?

 What cheers you up when your feeling low?

I have alot of issues- a parent had cancer, i get teased sometimes, i drink, i get in alot of trouble at school, im fat, my brother beats me up and verbally abuses me calling me a shitfaced, ugly ****...

 Is it "normal" behavior" for one's husband to kiss the wife of his really good friend on the lips?
We recently spent a week out of state visiting a couple out of state with whom my husband has been friends for over 20 years. They're like "family" to each other. I had never met the ...

 What do you do when you are bored?
I get really bored at night time, and I can not sleep. I can be extremely tired, but I just can't fall asleep. I can not think of things to do when I am able to go do things. It is like my whole ...

 Why am i feeling like this??
Am 21, been single now for the past 5 mnthz,work full time as a waitress (isnt the best job in the world but its ok), I have loadza friends and family that love me and my life isnt all that bad. So ...

 Do you get emotional?
Do you get more emotional as you get older?

Either you do, or I'm heading for a breakdown!!
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It seems the younger ones say it's less emotional, the ...

 Can anybody read this Med. Prescription?
My doctor gave me this today, and I wont be able to go to the pharmacy till Friday. But before getting the meds, I wanted to read up on it (its medicine for depression ) but I cant make out the words....

 Why shouldn't I just go ahead and put a bullet in my brain?
I've suffered from depression for 7 years now. I've had plenty of therapy, I've been on every combination of drugs possible (on what works best now), and I understand depression more ...

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 How you deal with depression????
just dont put to go to a Special place to be treated because i dont want ...

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 Did i get my friend raped?
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 Do you think if someone cannot be around/help/befriend mentally retarded kids, he or she is a bad person?

 Why do you think depression is so common today?

 Does alcohol cause depression or does depression cause alcohol (abuse)?!?

 What do you think of people who play mind games in a relationship?
And why do you think they do it?...

Iron Monkey
OK, I admit it: I'm bored. Bored with life. Bored of being alone and bored of being broke.?
I'm a loner, but I've always been able to keep myself occupied/distracted, with music, books, films, and recently, keeping fit. These days I'm feeling restless in the evening, less interested in doing anything. Sleep is some relief, but I do tend to have vivid dreams every night, which aren't always welcome.
I've got a shitty part-time job, no money, no love life... I've been on Prozac for a year. I've tried several positive-thinking self-help books, but nothing sems to stick.
My question is: have you been here, and turned your life around? What worked for you?
No religious or insulting answers please.
Additional Details
Yes, I'm always trying to get another job! It's not easy!
Finished my degree two years ago, and did another course last year. I can't afford more studies.
Going to the gym is my positive thing. I'm just bored when I get home.

fairly smart
Get off yer butt & do something...anything...volunteer someplace for a while, get out there & find something better!
You have to try even though you don't feel like trying...DO IT!

Oh do stop moaning you won't get anywhere sounding like this

steve w
Why do you have no money? Save up a bit. Work out, an ask a girl/guy out that you like. Try to be outgoing.

Been there! I think you need to find something new, try an evening course or look for a club you can join, you probably know alot about music and books, look for a local book club or music club. Also you could try voluntary work, its a good way to meet people and see others less fortunate. Honestly it can be done, you just need to find your way. And sorry but self help books are a load of crap, why do you think people write them? to make themselves money from people who are looking for help. I'm still were you are but I feel more positive now. Honestly everyone else may seem so focused and together, but we're all just muddling along the best we can. Some days are better than others. But the more time you have to sit and think the worse it appears. Occupy your time as much as possible.

you are not the only one who is broke in this world. so what. you need to try harder for better job, don't be passive. hey try beer with friends with chips and peanuts then go with them and find some broads man.

neil d
try and get friends, go to places you enjoy and the people that are there will have the same interests as you so it shouldnt be that hard. join clubs that you like, such as art or walking. just give it a go and see what happens. good luck

Well, can say that i have been there. doc said once you become a depressive at an early age, like me it remains throughout life, and comes and goes. that has been true for me.

important thing is just to keep going.

If you're a woman have your thyroid checked ASAP! Many women are treated for depression when it is really their thyroid!
Men can have thyroid problems too so I guess get it checked either way. It is a simple blood test.

And get out there and find another job. Get a full time job not only will you have more money, more of your time will be occupied.

And there is nothing wrong with being a loner. I'm one too! Though I ended up happily married and with kids and I wouldn't change anything, I could easily see myself in a cottage on the coast of Maine with no one but my cat and books and the sea to keep me company and I would be in Heaven!

Yes - I've been there..still am in a way. I don't know what causes such a horrible feeling...Some days and nights, I do feel better, but it doesn't take much for me to just feel alone again, overwhelmed, etc. Like you, I used to enjoy reading, walking, music, but these days - I just don't care. I hope you find a solution - I'd like to, also.

stuff the self help books, i was put on an anti-depressant that made me worse! I tried telling the doc it was making me feel worse and she wouldnt listen. a year later it was put on tv that seroxat CAN make depression worse and that was what i was on! dont stop the meds straight away though, i did and i got sickness. half them then half them again over a few weeks. but seriously get off the meds! No-body ever has enough money, but ever kicked a football? it was probably made by a 7 year old in some far away country who wasnt even getting paid! There's always someone worse off than you are. No love life? Who needs one, stand alone, do your thing and do it your way! Life is going on all around you, now go for a walk, clear your head, come home and make a list of the 5 things that make you most miserable, then list two ways to turn each one to a positive thing eg NO LOVE LIFE = Freedom and a bed all to yourself! NO MONEY = you wont waste money on material junk that will clutter up your room and if your at the bottom then the only way is up....go on, give us a smile, you know you wanna... : )

Do something positive for yourself, like do an evening course at college. It'll broaden your horizons and all that, and you'll meet new folk. I always go back to college when the shite hits the fan.

Anyway, try something new and crazy. I started an art foundation course for something to do when my daughter was young; I'm doing a degree in it now...

Yes I've been there. I was scared to even talk to people! I would sleep during the day work in the night time and never talked to anyone.
I started a course (part time), I talked to one person while I was there and everything went well from there. Now I have a husband, children and a good carer. Please keep your hopes up, there is always a light at the end of every tunnel even when we can't see them.
One book that really helped me (which is not religious) was Illusions by Richard Bach, It's about accepting life as it is, making the most of it and knowing that all you do in life is for the good of you.
Good luck

Lily & Stu Too
Wish I had an answer for you, even if it were religious or insulting! Kinda feeling the same way after a crappy year - I just hang on to the knowledge that things won't stay so yakky for ever, and that at the end of the day, it's only ME who can really make a difference, although finding the incentive and that something to spark my interest again is proving elusive.

Talk and keep talking - to friends, family, pets, the walls, puddles, anything!....whilst you're still talking, you're still hanging on in there!

All the best.....

Mike M.
The first thing I suggest you do is get off the Prozac, and switch over to paxilCR. Your mental health counselor should be able to help you with that. Secondly, have you ever considered vocational rehabilatation? That might be of some help to you.

Try and get a voluntary job where people NEED YOU. You will feel needed and do someone a good turn at the same time. Once you have that on your CV people are more will ing to give you a real job for good money. As for Prozac........ some people thrive on it, some people are NOT suited. Ask your GP if it has made you sluggish and lethargic. Byu a second hand Basic YOGA book/CD/DVD and do a few exercises from that. this stimulates your system and make you feel a lot better.Good Luck!!!!

Da FienD
Ok first off the prozac aint gonna help, its gonna compound the problem so that it suprises you with one big hit later in life.

sit back and do some personal evaluation, see how you do things and why you do them. get out of the job you're doing, try something new see if you can meet any decent people there, if not try again, change how you talk to people and see what happens, their are enough people in this world that you can test drive a few and see what works

How can your question get answered if theres an ultimatum?? I didnt have a part time job, I had a full time job, plus did everything else that you listed that you did. I wasnt on any med, though, and it even seemed like my friends were boring too!

OK, well, here it goes... I started going to church, and got involved in some of the activities they have there for people my age. We took children on outings who were crippled, or something else physically wrong with them, and then theres shut ins, who would love to have someone come and like, play cards with them or something, like run errands.... I read books to a blind lady.... You can also make good friends @ church too......

My point is, if you start to focus more on others, you will start to see that the way your life is, isnt so bad.. Energy spent on "woe is me" is such a waste.... Do something thats gonna count! You can do it!!

Good Luck!

get up off your backside and force yourself to do things you wouldn't normally. Build yourself a routine and stick to it, and even on the days when you can't be bothered, stick to that routine. Decide what job you want to do and go for it, even if it means retrainning, college, etc. Keeping yourself occupied is avoidence. You're not the only person in the world who's shy or lacks confidence. You might be amamzed how social you are, but you'll never know unless you try.

sylvia c
I've been having a rought time for the last year and been on antidepressants after trying to commit suicide - I have been having 'counselling' of a sort after my failed attempt - I have found the tablets of some use but have found talking very useful - If you look back can you find a trigger point which has made you feel like this? If you have its worth working out why it has affected you. I would strongly recommend counselling as these people are trained. You should be able to arrange it thru your doctors surgery

I'm YOU!

ive been ther i found talking to people helps but if your a loner that would be difficult. have you tried doing voluntary work it ll give you new skills to find yourself a better paid job. councelling may help. good luck and keep your chin up x

Of all the things that are bothering you, pick one of them to work on that you know you can change. Work on that one thing until it's no longer a bore or bother to you. Having to change too many things at one time is absolutely overwhelming. It's hard to get started when there are so many things facing you. Once you've accomplished one thing and made it better, everything else gets much easier. I'm not sure why, but it seems to set other things in motion.

hong kong phooey
im still there now! r u getting enough sleep? ditch the pills mate, they wont do u any good at all. i,ve tried running which helps a little cos ur too tired after a long run to think about anything else. think i read something about exercise making some difference so i thought i,d give it a go. im sure everyone will agree with me when i say that were all here 4 a purpose. e mail me anytime even 4 random stuff. take care pal.

I understand what you are going through. I have been there - but I have npot taken the Proizac route although I did see a psychiatrist who tried to convert me to Christianity.

He kept promising to teach me "coping skills" but seemed happier to collect my money each session.

That's life, I guess...

I find that I get some help and releif from writing. I write short stories, free verse, poetry, songs, ANYTHING that comes into my head. Just vent your feelings and emotions!

Also, try to keep your head busy by doing a short course: maybe in a foreign language or some computer thing. Keep your head/mind busy!

Forget about the self-help books. Most of those writers are simply trying to make money off a GROWING problem that most people are embarassed to alk about.

Whatever you do REMEMBER THIS: this world is a very cold place and you are not the only one who feels like this. I have these same problems and I have even been suicidal. But I always remember that I am all that I have. And even if everyone gives up on me, I will not give up on me. No matter how hard it is.

Hang in there!!! One day you will get to a place where people are nice and friendly so that you can be nice and friendly too.

Have you ever thought of being a volunteer you have an education so why not try and get into helping kids with drug,drink probs as for your Prozac mmm that can make you depressed you might need a change of medication,and its known for the dream thing, and why are you a loner?? stop it!! get out and meet people,

♥ Butterfly ♥
I think the thing that is getting you down is just your lack of direction. I looked at your past questions and saw you are having a hard time finding a job that uses your knowledge. Sometimes in order to find what you are looking for, you have to look everywhere. Consider the possiblity of moving, even far away, to find your job. If you aren't dating and have no or few meaningful deep friendships, maybe relocating will offer multiple solutions. In the mean time, try increasing your hours at work or taking on another part-timer to make some extra money and save it for a move when you find your job. Also, have you talked to your doctor about this? Adjusting the dosage of your Prozac may offer some temporary relief. I hope things start working out for you. Good luck.

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