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 Have you ever thought about suicide?
Like that was the only way to get rid of your problems, like when you are extremely stressed out. And you ask yourself, why am I here, why am I alive, and can I handle real life, and what to do....

 Would u consider this normal?
I got this new job and it's very boring. 2day was my 8th day. As soon as I get into the small store (where I work) I start looking at the clock to see how many hrs more I have 2 work.


 What is the best way of getting rid of tension?

 I quit smoking cannabis 2 years ago?
but over the last month i've been smoking it daily again.
now i'm trying to stop again and have not had any since last tuesday, but since then i've been feeling a bit grotty & ...

 How many hours of sleep do you need for a good night rest.?

 If I jump in front of a moving truck and died, would that be considered suicide, or just an accident?

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Okay guys, this was just a pathetic cry for help. I do want to kill myself; I just figured I'd ask since ...

 How much does it annoy you when you get told to cheer up?
This Is More Annoying When The Person Telling You To Cheer Up Knows Your Severly Depressed. It's Bad Enough When It Comes From A Stranger
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 I suffer severe depression,so does my brother and sister,do u think depression is genetic?

 Do you ever wonder what's the point of going to sleep?
I'm sort of tired, but not really. My husband is bugging me to come to bed and get some sleep, but I just sigh and wonder why bother when I can stay up and do stuff?...

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I would prefer to find out a method that doesn't implies pills!...

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Hi I am a teenage girl who has a huge self-esteem issue and isnt very good at contronling her emotions. Ever since my dad died three years ago my life has fallen apart, I mean I am currently in ...

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is it normal to start crying/getting upset for no reason as i have this problem plz ...

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if u cut urself then does that mean ur emo??
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im not askingthis question becuase i wanna be emo for gosh sake!!!!!...

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If you are emotionally upset and very unhappy can it shorten your life or eventually kill you ? Like a heart attack ?

Can you die of a broken heart ?

I think you can .....

 How do I explain to my grandma why I tried to kill myself?

I'm 17, live with my grandma

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punky will
My friend is losing his mind help!!!?
ever since my friend's girlfriend dumped him he hasnt been the same since i think he's going insane he laughs at random moments now he speaks gibberish ,sometimes he shakes his head back and forth really fast for no reason, and he calls himself a neety beety the **** is a neety beety??? what should i do to help my friend oh and he repeats things over and over again that i allready know

Your friend needs psychiatric help now. He sounds like he has had a mental breakdown and he needs medication. I think you should also tell his parents that you are very worried about his mental health. Take him to the nearest emergency department for a mental health assessment. Good Luck.

Introduce him to another girl, quick, so he realizes their are other options out there. If the weird behaviors continue the he is going to have to speak to a professional. People deal with loss in strange ways sometimes.

um. look, have you asked him what's wrong and how to help? i find that's always a good place to start, and then, just love (and i mean brotherly love yo- don't get offended on me) 'im.

Get him professional help asap!!! God be with you both. Peace.

he must be some kind of wuss.

get him laid man

go to a shrink. i went through a horrible breakup or something like it, i thought i was nuts and i was nothing like that.

let em sort it out...if he is nuts..only a doc can help and if hes not then let him do his thing i still talk to myslf and im only partialy nutso....well at least we think we are....

Be there for him dude.He's trying to keep his mind.It's like a person who's been beaten up real bad but are still on their feet.He's working through the pain trying to keep himself sane.
Listen to him.Don't offer advice unless he asks.And let him know you're there for him.If he gets too self destructive do some serious intervention.And let him know every tear he cries now is one less he'll have to cry later.

seems u will have to turn to medical help here. the damage has been done, now there's no point in waiting and hoping he'll recover himself.

Hey he's got to move on and find someone else.that makes him happy.

Get him to talk about it! Let him cry if he wants to...maybe ask him to go to the doctor! He needs an intervention!

my brother went thru the same thing, expect it has been five years and he still acts crazy like that, not all the time just most of the time, i seriously think he needs meds........and possible to talk to a counselor, as for neety beety, never heard that one, just tell him not to say it around you cuz it creeps you out.

give him time to get over it.


Sounds like he might be delving into drugs to numb himself? Some of the things you mention sound like a speed high??? Talk to his parents, or room-mate, someone who has some influence with him---if he won't listen to you. He seems to need help either emotional support or health care.

Taylurr Babee.
Hopefully your friend is not suffering from UOS Upending over syndrom. Its where the mind reffers to stay in the same situation (being with his girl) and the symptoms are this
*Sudden anxiety attacks
*Talking to themselves
*Repeating Speech Patterns
*Loss of apetite*
*Decrease or lack in social situations*
Nobody ever really hears about it, but my brother went through it. It was weird.

He sounds like he needs to be seen by a dr. he can then get some kind of referral to see a psychiatrist to evaluate him. It definitely sounds like the beginning stages of a mental breakdown..The mind just cant handle what has happened to him emotionally.
Get him to one before his behavior gets worse and he causes more harm to himself or even others. He needs an emotional time out for his own good. If you are his friend you need to get him there and support him through this.

I would get him to a doctor ASAP. I would hate to see him commit suicide while everyone makes jokes at his expense. Depression and/or mental illness is/are very real.

How old is this friend? Does he live with his parents? Maybe you could talk to them, see if they notice this strange behavior. If they don't see it, it would be wise to clue them in.

he needs to seek professional help. there is nothing wrong with talking to someone for help. also he needs to heal and not be pressures or stressed. also he needs to meet a new girl that is the quickest way to get over someone.

Amy <33

Um, I would ask his family or other people he sees a lot (If they see him a lot) if he asks that way around them.. and if he doesn't, then maybe he's just acting like it around you. Like maybe he's trying to get attention..

l l
can't help, I've already lost mine

Lil Me
Have him committed you can not help him. he needs professional help! If he really is a friend you need to lead him to this path before he does something to hurt himself.


Talk to his parents, since there is nothing you can do for him. If you tell his parents what's going on though, they might be able to do something for him.

if you can ,talk to his family other wise I'd get him to a hospital fast

sounds like he needs to go to the doctor, preferably a psychologist or psychiatrist. He might be having a mental breakdown, and unfortunately there isn't much you can do to help.

Maybe only u can help him ,i don't know i also want to find a bf who can love me

Your friend may have slipped into a temporary psychosis, he's lucky to have you as a friend, but don't take this lightly. He does need professional help asap. Can you arrange for this or can you have him stay with a friend or family, or maybe you need to call 911 or a psych hotline, sorry I dont know any numbers for this. But I think this is VERY serious and he needs help ASAP. You're a great friend to not judge him, but you see the major difference in his personality right now. Heres' what I found searching psychosis.

Psychosis is a mental and behavioral disorder in which a person has trouble telling the difference between what is real and what is not real. It may cause bizarre thoughts and behavior.

A person with psychosis may have:

Delusions, which are firmly held but false beliefs. Irrational suspicion of others (paranoia) is a common delusion. The person may think others are watching or trying to hurt or even kill him or her.
Hallucinations, which are false perceptions. Hallucinations can include seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, or tasting things that are not really there.
Personality changes. Here's a definition
Treatment for psychosis depends on the cause and may include care in a hospital. Medications that diminish hallucinations and delusions and stabilize thinking and behavior are helpful. Group or individual therapy also may be helpful.
I would need more info to figure out exately what's happening, but please get hime some help ASAP. God Bless and good luck.

get him a new girlfriend!!!!!

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