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 Plzz answer.Is it important to apologize when we do something wrong?
I never like to apologize to anyone eventhough i did something wrong.Is it a bad attitude?...

 My boyfriend keeps stabbing me with a pencil...is this normal??
He's done it like 5 times in a row now. It's Ow! He just did it again! Why is he doing this?? OW! he won't stop! Help!!! Is he normal??...

 Forms of self harm?
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I know many people think it�...

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 Does the pain ever go away?
My aunt and best friend past away on 4-27-2007, and it's been very hard for me. Sometimes, I am in a good mood, thinking and laughing about the fun times we had, but then I realize she's ...

 Does it make me gay if...?
I think Johnny Depp is attractive by the way i'm a guy and friggin love woman but does this make me gay or metro or what?
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 Why cant you people answer a serious question?
some people have no shame whatsoever..people are opening their hearts to you on this site, and some of you are pig ignorant, why dont you bloody grow up, and just think with your tiny little brains ...

 I saw a really scary movie and now i'm a wreck. What do I do?
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But i always make wrong desicions and i think im worried ...

Does anyone else find listening to rain really relaxing?

yes me i love rain

ya. it is also fun to run around in.

Very much so.

yes i do

Pete Sweet

I also find thunderstorms relaxing to. Maybe not when a clap of thunder happens right above your head but just the sound of one in the near/far distance along with the sound of the rain is one of natures gifts to man!

you are not the only one :)

yeah, it breathes life back into your bones.

its soothing, life goes on, it takes you back to days gone by when you traced the droplets down the window with your finger, or blew your breath on the pane to draw a smiley face
( i still do that)

listen to Enigma when its raining..in front of a coal fire, wrapped in a big blanket, cant beat it

rain feesl like...security, because it makes me cocoon..almost foetal

wow i got deep at 7;00am...must have hit a nerve

yup it makes you sleepy like when you're having a boring day at school try looking at the trees or outside your windows! it's really relaxing!

Me too, but only staying at home listening to it on CD./Relaxation/.

Yes, especially on Saturday morning when I don't have to get up.

Oh yes it's ME....................

Playing in rain , dancing in rain, taking hot coffee sitting on a swing chair, walking on grass, watching falling the rain drops, it's sweet sound, WITH soft & romantic music...............

Wow............................ its toooooooooooooo gooooood.
Even While explaining this I feel so good & refreshing. Thanx to give me a chance to answer this question.

I Love Rain

...not as relaxing as making love in it, especially if it's torrential & you happen to be caught out in a forest...

*thinks back to last week*



Storm Rider
Yes as long as I am warm and dry - or in the bath. Or in an outdoor swimming pool.....

Not so relaxing when you know you have a hole in the roof though.......

jane b
Not if I'm at the bus stop monday morning and it P*****G down on my head!

I find it kind of aggravating after a while.

Yes, rain is the most relaxing sound, i love it!

i love the rain i love to walk in the rain when im upset. it seems to wash away my blues i love the rain on my windows when im tucked up in bed

yes very relaxing, you can buy cds with rain and thunderstorms on

I love listening to very heavy rain, especially if you are in a caravan, it makes you feel so cosy.


even more so with a drink

Yes..i do..everytime its rains i always stop what im doing and just listen i turn everything off so i can focus on it and just listen to it...werid yes but oh well..and if my family is home i go outside and just sit under the porch watching it and listening to it..

I love it and it makes me sleep well during the night if rains.

radiating monica
Yes i do. when it rains i sleep better it is very relaxing to listen to and watch.

Me me me . I love rain.

Somehow, I think that Boris who answered here is lying or didn't understand the question. Most dogs, including my own, go absolutely berserk when it rains, especially in thunderstorms.

Personally, I think that soft gentle rain can be very relaxing, as long as it doesn't come with all the special effects (wind, loud thunder, lightening, falling, trees, etc.) Rain falling softly, gentle thunder in the distance, a steady drip, drip, drip off the roof, cars going through puddles in the road all add to the effect. White noise of any kind is almost always relaxing, like the music of nature, and a quiet, gloomy afternoon with your 'special someone' and perhaps just the right moody music can be a very romantic time, like a scene from a romantic movie.

yes but not only the sound i think..
i love the smell that came from the rains washing away hot tarmacs.

those really can erase me for a second.

i do!! it sounds nic and relaxing!!!

Anna V
Very much so. I think it is because it helps to concentrate on something (listening to the falling rain) instead of thinking about problems, etc. Yes, it is very relaxing.

The Chronicler
Oh, wow, yes.
I grew up in the deep redwoods, spent a lot of time camping in tents or living in trailers.
I would just live to listen to rain on the tent canvas, or on the huge skunk leaves, the way it would trickle down through the tree branches, the beat of it on the ground, or the pitter of rain drops on the creak.

And the way the forest smells when it rained!

You could just feel everything bad and unclean just wash away from your life...
even if only for a moment.

The Chronicler

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