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 I want to kill myself?

 Is self-harm a selfish act?
What if no one knows or very few know?
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"but one does one personally gain by harming themselves?"

 What is bio-polar?
I been having problems and they been telling me that i am depressed and any med. i am on just don't seem to work! And one day i was really ***** and someone said something i just lost it and my ...

 Is piercing a form of self injury?
I was just wondering your thoughts and feelings on this subject. If a person pierces themselves with a safety pin or thumbtack, do you think this is a form of self harm?...

 Are you scared of death??

 What can i do to stop cutting?
I feel depressed alot and just seeing blood gives me back some sense of reality i yearn for but all my friends dont want me to. what should i do?
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 I am feeling very depressed and want to die. help?
i was standing on the top floor of a multi story car park on saturday and felt like jumping off but my gf was there and she stopped me and took me home. i fear she might leave me because... well i ...

 How do you know if your depressed ?

 Am i a little paranoid?
i am pretty cautious about the internet i mean i think this website would be a good way to meet people it's just you hear so much about stalkers and everything i'm afraid ...

 What do you do when you are really depressed to fell better?
besides the obvious of taking meds and seeking therapy

did you ever try swimming in very cold water then taking a hot shower, then back in the cold water

this isn't ...

 If you had to commit suicide, how would you do it?
Not that I am suicidal, but I know how I would-lots of sleeping pills and pain killers....

 I feel humiliated?
my mum had the front of our house painted bright, sunshine yellow. itr is soooooo ridiculous and humiliating. it is more noticeable because it is a double fronted house of a terraced street.'ve ...

 How do I keep myself from napping?
I've gotten into the bad habit of taking naps at around 4 in the afternoon and want it to stop. I just get really grouchy when I don't and extremely bored. What can I do to occupy that ...

 Is anyone else still up?
Its almost 2am! I should so be sleeping right now because I work in the morning. ahhhhh....

 Serious question about coping with depression?
What do you do when you feel depressed?? I only want people to answer if they seriously have ever been depressed, not just pious people who think they have the right cheeky answers. I get depressed ...

 How do I finally free myself from depression?
I have suffered for 13 years, had counselling, various medication, CBT etc.... when will it all end?...

 Should I commit suicide?
I am REALLY thinking about suicide. Nothing is going right. I was in the middle of suffocating myself, and then my boifriend at the time had called, and i had told him I was going to kill myself, and ...

 What is wrong with me?
I have this personal issue with myself that I think is immature, unfair and greedy. I found out one of my friends is pregnant, it made me really mad and jealous. Also any one of my friends that get ...

 Scary . help please.?
um .
so much happened in 13 years of my life.
my dad had a stroke , he's currently in the hospital . ive been accused of stealing , my mom got sued like 600 with financial difficulties ...

 When does a person become becomes happy in life?

Do you ever want to just run away?
Just get away from the responsiblities of being mother, wife, taxi driver,house keeper ect.. Whats a good way to just relax when you have all this built up stress?
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Thanks For all the tips on how to relax! I agree with almost all of you when you say we "all" need a breather every now and then. I do love my life and am thankful for it everyday-I just need a little vacation, bubble bath, drive, drink, meditation...any of advice given will do! So thanks for your thoughts.

yeah... I am running away to study in the US in two weeks!!! YAHOOOOO!!! A whole ocean between me and being a nice daughter :)))

Hello there, well one good way to relax about al your built up stress is to sit down close your eyes and think of a nice place or location where you have been or seen on tv or magazine. Next step is to just picture this in your mind and just think about this place only even if it is just for a couple of seconds only. Believe me it really works for me and it should also for you, Cheers Ciao

Youe bet. I think everyone does at one point or another. I go ride my horse and nothing else matters it is just him and me and the entire world is somewhere else.

in ur face
r u a mind reader?????// oh yes i wish just once i can be like how i was at 16 yrs old. carefree and no stress. do as i like say as i like and not think twice abt how it will affect mt family

tonya j
YES. sorry for yelling. but there are times I wish I could hit the road.

yes...yes i do....and i am...this weekend.....for a little while anyway...

Yes. The best way to rid one of stress is to get more time alone and to get more exercise.

Sometimes I feel like I'm trapped in my current life. That will probably change as soon as I find a place of my own to live and can make my life the way I want it.

run away be like forest gump
run rooter run

meditate, drink, listen to soothing music, or plot your escape..lol

when my daughter turned 18 i left home. i moved 1800 miles away and we get along great now! i even get along with my hubby from this distance. i know that doesnt work for everyone, it was meant to make you smile. it has worked wonders for me. life is meant to be happy. if you are that stressed, do something about it. make positive changes. dont be unhappy for any one or any reason.

sit on the beach, have a drink if you want, or whatever and watch the waves.........clears my mind all the time

nope, never. when i pray all through the day (5 times) it keeps my sanity in check. if it wasn't for that, i know i'll feel like just running away far from here, all the time.

i ran away before when i was young and all that tought me was not taking care of my stuff .now i just talk to my hubby and he listens and that help a lot maybe go see a movie or take a walk

Best thing to do: take a vacation just for yourself with friends.

beach boy
tell me about it. sometimees life just sux, but what keeps me from goin off is the fact that there r good moments that i like bein @ work, w/ my family and stuff. So since i no that there r more of those moments always waitin i stay 2 find them in them in the future.

YES, YES, YES! Just yesterday I wanted to just go somewhere, but I couldn't. I couldn't get away from myself. I have two children to watch, so it's hard if I want to "run away" when I can't go anywhere. I just try to count to 10 and breathe! Of course, when my husband comes home and the kids go to bed, I can regroup if needed.

Run away from what? When you run away, you just meet up with yourself again.

I ♥ My Snoop Dog
try to have your hubby take the kids out on one of your days off of work, and play soothing music, take a quiet nap, a soothing bubble bath, and things of that sort.

'Cause I'm Blonde
I'd like to run away from my future In-laws...

i know how you feel. as a mother of 3 under 4yrs. i have found the best way to relax is to take a hot bath with candles and music wehen the kids go to bed. or you can try a nice hot cup of chamomile tea after a hard day(when the kids are in bed of course). being a mom is the hardest job there ever is and dont let anyone tell you otherwise.

Whenever I really build up stress I head off to the beach. I lay there watching the surfers and just enjoying the waves hitting the beach. You can't beat that for Stress relief!!

Yes, all the time, on top of all of that I am a student, employee......soccer mom, baseball mom, teacher, etc.......when I get to that point of wanting to run away, I take a break. It may be something as simple as taking a bubble bath with the door locked or telling my husband to watch the boys, I will return later. I also turn to God's word because to me that seams to be the best vacation. I try to do this daily because taking in God's word and talking to Him is the most uplifting thing I can do. I also praise him for allowing me to be all the things I am, especially the Godly wife and mother. Good luck and know you are not alone.

Yeah, I ever...
Just get watching TV or what that can you do alone

I want to just get on a plane and fly wherever the heck it's going right now. Too weak to do that though. Normally I play piano or read. Or maybe even clean. Anything that will expend my energy and get me thinking about other things. I find reading helps a lot because you get absorbed in someone elses life.

Boy, you and me, both.

The best way is, of course, to fly to New York for the weekend and spend thousands of dollars.

But, here on Planet Earth, that's not a real option, is it? Second best is managing 30 minutes when you won't be interrupted and do as little as possible. Chocolate helps, too.

The Man
Yes, away from this question!

WE always feel like running away,from everything.No one can help it.Just relax yourself by doing whatever you find time for.It is a little dificult to find time,but whenever you are free. Just try to find sometime for yourself and whatever you do,just make it look like its a lot of fun.

the mediator
YAA.....alwayz.......or mayb kill myself..but for no reason whatsoever.....

Life totally sux.......hope i had a way to get outta it xcept dyin......lol.......

Yes I do! As a mother, a wife, a career person I do want to just disappear! But because we are responsible persons and because we have such big hearts for love, we just don't run away. We find time to enjoy as much as possible certain moments. Like, when we do spring cleaning, we can hold on to old clothes and remember the times the kids had worn them and how special it had been that they just can't part with them. Or the laughter that accompanies every change of clothes. Sometimes, when you just don't feel like waking up and you'll hear your 3 year old son singing joyfully on every early morning. In all the chaos of life, you can still count your blessings and find them so many that it feels like beams of sunlight? Oh yes, I have bad days and good days but that big heart in every moms more than make up for the many bad days that you'll find no better place than home. Don't lose heart you are not alone! But thinking of the little happiness that love brings every day will more than take away stress!

yes, i know the feeling. i think you should go on a little vacation all by yourself. just do something only for yourself for a change.

Hell yes I want to run away!!! I know exactly how you feel! For me..when i want to relax i will take a hot bubble bath,or read a good book.Sometimes i really need to just get out of the house away from everyone and take a drive,in fact i have been driving for 3 days,should i go home now?? Hey i can dream!! :)

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