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 On average.. how many times a day should a person go number 2?? I usually go every other day..?
Im not constipated or anything.. ive pretty much always been like this...is this normal ?.....

 How can a 15 year old male gain weight??
i am 15 years old 5'6 and about 105 pounds. i am small for my age and am looking for ways to gain weight like what i should eat. please if anyone can answer my question that would be ...

 AM I fat?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!?
okay so im 4 10. 85 lbs. and 6th grade. am i fat?!...

 If i BARELY eat from now until.........?
monday how much weight will i lose?

( i dont waant to hear: you should really eat healthy)

and barely meaning like today i ate like 15 pieces of pasta with some tomato sauce<...

 I need too lose 100 pounds by september of next year. I need advice on how to do it in a healthy way. How?

 How can I lose 18lbs Before saturday?
I weigh 118 and I want to lose the 18lbs before saturday because I have a concert and me and my friend are gonna have Our older bros help us crowd surf and the lighter you are the hugher you can be ...

 What is your name?
what is it??? mine is ...

 Should children not be allowed to eat too much candy?
Is it really bad or just another misconception? I have a friend that does not allow her toddler any candy, she talks about how it would damage the kid's ability to taste other flavors (salty, ...

 What is your favorite part of the human body?
Mine gotta be the thigh and the butt girls have great thighs and butts lol ^_^


 I am 19...105 punds..and i wanna be 120...what can i do?

Additional Details
I dont want o gain muscle! lol i want my butt back...i want fat mass...... My name is Kawana and II am a white ...

 How do I get skinny?
I need to get skin but I dont know how to start since i live in apartments where they dont allow ridin things SO HOW CAN I LOSE 10 POUNDS IN A MONTH...

 Help a fat girl?
im in desperate need of help im 27 15 stone and scared i wnt see my son grow up i need to do something but dnt know how. Pls no fat jokes or mickey taking im desperate pls help diet and ...

 Does anybody else srtuggle to drink the 2 litres of water you need a day?
not including water in tea,coffee............

Would you rather be bulimic or anorexic?...

 How tall are you?
How tall are you? Are you happy with that height or do you wish to be taller/shorter? And why?
Additional Details
By the way: I'm ...

 In order to loose weight quickly which one is better?
joining gym
or comibantion of any 2 or 3....

 Is this ok??
i normally dont eat ANY junk food,
but today is my birthday and i had a cupcake with dinner.
is that ok?
will i gain weight from this?
And how many calories do you think was in a ...

 Fat or skinny?

 Do vegetables and fruits have calories?
if so where can i go to find out how many calories they ...

 Do you think that being 5''5 in height and being 112 pounds is normal???

i wannah be known as hisz grl.
What is a good way to lose weight at home maybe besides excersing???
Please tell me something i can do to lose weight at home besides excersing please help me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suggest you try the Reset! Its proven, safe and effective! Its also proven to keep your weight off, once you loose it.

Check out http://UNIGetHealthy.com

i never had the time to work out so what i did was for breakfats i would have a TRIM protein bar and then for lunch i would eather have a meal replacement bar or meal replacement shake i so i have been on it for 6mon. and have lost 43pounds here is a web sit to help

sun d
The Best Weight Loss Program

The best way to lose weight would be to eat moderate balanced meals and exercise. You don't have to join a gym to exercise. You can walk around the block or ride a bike, swim. Good exercise involves getting your heart rate and respiration above where it is normally.

dont eat

you can still eat, but you have to eat low carbs .. under 150 a day... since you dont wanna workout...

kkz.. u can eat less food... eat white meat without the skin... chicken fillet or chicken breast... drink more vegetable soup..


The best thing you can do is not be lazy. Stop being lazy and the weight will fall off, why anything EXCEPT exercise?! Thats the most important aspect?!!?


either quit eating; or exercise. thats the only way!

sorry best way is to do excersie.... there is a game out there for video games its called Yourself Fitness. u can customize excersie to what you are able to do... can buy it used at gamestop for 14.99

I do not eat anything after 6:30 P.M. Dance, Dance while you are home.Any move you want , make up a dance. Any music as long as it is upbeat. This works, I do it. I hate "exercise".

Lots of ice water and fat burning hot foods like jalapenos. (But it wouldn't hurt to do a little exercise too.) Eat spicy foods and lots of salad type foods, with very little or no dressing. Also go around naked a lot (at home, shades drawn would be good) and have lots of mirrors so you can look at yourself a lot and be tempted to not eat as much or as often if that's necessary.

uhmm...drink lots of water....and i mean lots...and do the special k diet....replace 2 meals with the special k cereal...

Drink a large glass of water before every meal and two-three teaspoons of mineral water before tucking in at night....

Check out this website. It worked for me so I know it will work for you. I lost 15lbs and 7 inches in no time, just being at home. I can attest to the fact that it works. Good Luck

tony s
small meals. 6 times a day. beans all day , 1 time per week. beans are really big time metabolic kicker. keep your metabolism up is the whole key.

y do u dread exercising?it's the best option in terms of the result it can give.anyways,talk abt home.that means that what u eat can be controlled by u in terms of oil and ingredients.so opt for healthier options.

Julie B
put yourself on a fat burning diet like atkins, you can control it from home and you don't need to excercise heavily to get results

Gail K
cut your portions in 1/2 and take a 1 or 2 mile walk every day


The only way to loose weight is to:
eat fewer calories than you work off
Work off more calories than you eat.
There is no free lunch.

Buy only healthy food at the store. If you have only healthy food in your house, you will lose weight. If you have un-healthy food around you are bound to eat it. Keep away from the cookie isle and try the produce! Good luck, the best way to be healthy and lose weight is to exercise. Sorry, it is the truth.

I feel that exercising is a great way to go. I mean, as an overweight person, I feel that when I exercise, I am healthier. However, in reference to your question, portion control is what I have heard from every single program. If that doesn't work for you, try NutriSystems Glycemic Index Program.

Fat G
Top weight loss tips

Today there is too much information available on losing weight that has become more confusing and sometimes difficult to follow. It’s actually very easy to lose weight if you follow my weight loss tips.

* Be in right frame of mind
Before you can start any diet program you need to be in the right frame of mind. If you do not feel good about yourself you probably will not want to choose healthy foods. You cannot expect the act of going on a diet to make you feel better about yourself. The only way you can choose to eat a healthy diet to lose weight is if you have a positive self-image.

* Eat whole food
Top weight loss tips
Eat whole foods that are as natural as possible. When you eat whole foods that are full of nutrients your body will know how much to eat and how much not to eat. You do not have to count calories because your body is a wonderful machine.

* Eat fresh fruit
Eat at least two servings of fresh fruit every day. Choose whatever type of fruit is in season.

* Drink enough water
Drink the best weight loss supplement known to man, water. Most people do not know the difference from being hungry for food or thirsty for water. A great deal of times people eat when they should drink. Most likely you will not feel as hungry if you are getting enough water. You will be satisfying the thirst, which is confused for hunger. Water also helps you digest food better. Drinking water before you eat will help fill you up.

* Always chew your food
Always chew your food well. Chewing your food well will ensure that you get the most nutrients out of your food. Getting the most nutrients will satisfy your body therefore you will eat less. Another benefit of chewing well is that it helps aid in digestion.

* Take small meals
Eat small, frequent meals in a day. Large meals tax your digestion system, making it work harder. Taking too much time in between meals makes you hungrier for the next meal.

* Include protein at meal
Include good sources of protein at meal, chicken, fish, legumes, peanut, cottage cheese, eggs or yogurt.

* Shut off TV while eating
Shut off the TV whenever you eat – that includes meals and snacks. Studies show that we automatically eat larger portions when we snack in front of the tube, and typically those foods are high in fat and sugar, which means excess calories!

* Increase your physical activity
Increase your physical activity. Most people are over weight because of a lack of physical activity. Start walking more, bicycling, walks your dog for longer periods of time, swim, dance and leave the car at home when you can. It’s important that you choose a physical activity that you enjoy because you’ll stick with it.

hello bebygurl...i lost over 80lbs. ...i ate salads, broiled meats, lots of chicken & beef. i also started walking. 1st a few blocks then up 2 2miles a day,. got toned by walking. that is how i did it. also lots of water 2 flush out all the bad things your body is burning off...called ketones. do it sweetie. i have maintained my 130lb. weight 4 8yrs. now. u can do it.

cute g
the best way is to drink as much of water as u can n if u think u are not able to control ur diet try n have atleast 2 glass of water before every meal, it will take time for u to adjust to this but believe me once u start it u will be able to control ur diet, n if u donot want ot do excercise why not do some breathing exercise while walking n working they dont take much effort.

Watch your diet, no carbs, lots of water...and do your housework.

drink water with lemon or tea with lemon it will flush your system you will urinate more than usual but you will drop pounds like crazy and if you want to try it dance dance revolution fro ps2 or x-box or mario dance for game cube will help you drop the pounds fast and you could have lots of fun i lost 40 lbs this way in about a month

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