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 When you open a bag of chips, how much do you eat?
I felt really bummed today so I ate half a bag of chips (the bag was 235 g). Now I feel terrible and I am disgusted with myself.
SO, my question is... When you eat a bag of chips, how much do ...

 Do you think I'm fat?
I'm 13 years old, 132 pounds, and 5'3.5.
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I excercise A LOT but I look really fat still. I used to be 115 ...

 Am I fat??????
People always say that I am skinny but I don't think I am. I have always had bodily insecurities for as long as I can remeber. I weigh roughly 80lbs and am around 4ft 10 and a half. AM I FAT?<...

 Fat people are disgusting and selfish...?
Fat people...It not only about their appearence. It's the fact that they don't care about the people around them that have to put up with them. Sitting next to a fat person is nothing ...

 Should fat people be allowed to wear thongs?
I saw a woman who weighed three hundred pounds if she weighed an ounce. Did I mention she was wearing a thong that was so skimpy it may as well been made out of fishing line. Are people totally ...

 Does this sound like a fat girl?
5'5 150 pounds
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she might be 5'6...

so basicly i ate a watermelon
now watermelons are going to be growing out the yin yang, what should i do ? do they hurt when they come out you butt?
will ...

 Tips on giving up smoking cold turkey style?

 What can i do to take my mind off food?
please give me some good ideas!!
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i am not hungry, just bored and feel like snacking!...

 Is it possible to lose weight without exercising?
Not trying to lose weight...just wondering if it's ...

 How do i gain weight ?
I know this might be a stupid question but i have about 2 days to gain 8 pounds.

my current weight is 90 pounds
i'm 5'2 and 18 years old.
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 I'm 5'1 and 96 lbs how do i lose weight?
i used to be 110 lbs, and i still feel and look fat. what do i do about it?
and i'm a 15 year old girl.
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 Should i use steriods...?
I want to become bigger and bulky'er and stronger, ,should i go on the steriod path???? If "Yes" any idea where could i purchase one in Toronto???...

 Am i fat? how much do you think i weigh?

 I weigh 107 & im 17?
Im 17, 5'4 & i weigh 107...too fat...too thin...
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I work out 6 days a week and i play club vooleyball & ...

 Hey am I overweight?
5'5 and 128 lbs
actually good leg muscles though

but a bit of hips- please how do I get rid of them?...

 Am I too white?(seriously)?
I've had a paler complexion all my life, but I'm always being told to go out in the sun more and whatnot. Thing is, I do, I'm outside practically everyday yet I never get tan. So am I ...

 How much weight can you lose if u eat 100 calories per day?

 I am a 53 year old woman who throws up my food after every supper. I've been doing this for a month to lose
trying to lose wieght. since i am 100 lbs over weight, won't this just make the fat burn up before it can hurt any of my organs?...

 I'm 5'7 122 pounds... is this a good weight???
I'm 5'7 122 pounds... is this a good weight??? I run 3-4 times a week to stay toned....

What is a good healthy snack to eat in the middle of the day?
i'm trying to start eating more healtier before school starts and get in shape. And i get hungry between the normal 1 o'clock time i eat lunch and dinner. Latley i've been eating goldfish and crystal light iced tea; but i'd prefer something more interesting and healthier. What do you suggest?

granola bar

OMGAHHHhhhh i eat goldfish all the time. thats my alltime favorite food. but yeah its really easy to eat alot of goldfish. try eating baby carrots, cherries, strawberries, granola bars, 2 or 3 chocolate chip or oatmeal cookies are good too. or snack on nuts. pistatious are delish and so are sunflower seeds. and also you can have an apple or peanuts or grapes or tomatoes. anything thats natural will be healthy. try fruits and veges.. watermelon strawberries. you can also make a shake with milk and fruits and blend it up that would be filling and delish. with some vanilla extract its good and its healthy.

Beer...natures meal replacment, maybe follow up with a smoke


DeAd DiScO

Nuts, popcorn

Fruit! Apple, Orange, Kiwi, Strawberries, etc.
You could also try a small container of yogurt, a piece of string cheese, a glass of milk, or anything the size of your palm or smaller.

I usually go to a place like Trader Joe's and by a bunch of different unsalted nuts and dried fruits, mix them together into a trail mix, and then use a banana to eat the trail mix (i usually dip the banana into the bag of trail mix and smash some of the nuts and fruit into the banana).

it's fun and healthy!

Dr. Truth
1 o clock? lunch and dinner? .. i dunt think that is going to work you need to eat dinner at dinner time.. try eating portions.. for example .. for lunch you ll have sandwich and then for snack you 'll have the other half.. you can eat peanuts and almonds.. they are good for you . peanut butter with apples... they keep you full and satisfied:)

Try a piece of fruit or a vegetable. Have an apple or a piece of celery...

fruits veggies...granola bars, water,

Classy Granny
any fresh fruit, whole grain crackers, rice cakes

almonds, fruit, baby carrots, yogurt, cheese, All bran bar. Any of these, or a combination of these are a good idea. Will also give you energy to get through the rest of the day.

Banana....They are a good source of protein.


I have many ideas for you:
mix Sunmaid raisins and plain unsalted walnuts to make your own trail mix
carrots and ranch dip
any type of raw fruit or veggie
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches- on whole wheat bread
cheerios dipped in cream cheese is one of my all-time favorites

in general, just shop around. Look on the backs of packages to see calorie, fat, and vitamin contents. Keep trying new things and see what you like!

Any kind of fruit or vegetable is good for a middle of the day snack. Or something like wheat crackers and cheese.

Anything that does not contain sugar, high fructose corn syrup or processed white flour. Any veggies will do such as carrot or celery sticks or try some cheese cubes or perhaps some fried pork rinds. Just read the labels and avoid anything with more than 1 or 2 grams of carbs per serving

love t
corn: roasted or boiled

I sometimes bring a bag of carrots to work with me and eat them in the afternoon. Other time a Balance bar. A lot of them taste like a candy bar, but only 200 calories and 15g of protein. They also claim to be low GI.

carrot sticks , celery sticks,banana rolled in coconut, dried fruits, nuts,

carrots and celery r always good - without dip

Bing cheeries, an apple, some cheese and crackers or maybe some celery with peanut butter.

Apples, Oranges, any kinda of fruit, stay away from soda's candy bar's ..

gold fish are healthier thana c hocolate bar but horrible for your teeth if you dont brush right away like any starchy foos they get stuck in your teeth then the starch breaks down into sugar risking cavities....try carrots, apple piece celery, oranges etc

*Nina* (shortyy4life)
2 words PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY w/ no crust on whole wheat bread :)

Try a banana or if u want something interestin try Clif bars...available at walgreens, health foods store and grocers .......yummy and all organic

anyfruit or whole grain product with hi fiber. try to stay away from the packaged stuff with a long shelf life like doritos, donuts, candy bars etc..

Mercy P
baby carrots

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