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 Should I lose weight?
Please be honest... I'm the girl haha


 Would a 600 calorie a day diet help me to lose weight?
I exercise a lot too, and if I eat 600 cals a day, would I lose weight? If so, how much and how quickly?
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By the way,...

okay so i need to lose weight majorly. i developed a workout plan. any suggestions?

Monday: 60 minutes on treadmill.

Tuesday: 25 minutes on treadmill and 20 minutes DDR.<...

 Debate between me and my husband?
My husband and I are debating about many calories a person burns when exercising.

My stance:
A bigger person burns more calories doing the same exercises a thinner person does for the ...

 Am i fat??? (pic inside) weight problems help!?!?!?
<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/5y border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"...

 Can I lose weight with just exercise, no real diet?
Just wondering if it a realistic hope to lose weight with only exercise? I love to exercise, but can't stand dieting....

 How do I lose weight without starving myself or going on a diet?
I am 15 years old and I am five foot eight and weigh 147 lbs. I am in the entertainment industry and I think I need to lose weight. I would like to weigh 130 lbs. I have tried everything but nothing ...

 Could i have an eating disorder?
im 15, 5'7 and im 111 lbs. just 4 months ago i was 127 lbs. iv been starving myself and making myself puke up my dinners. Its like there is a voice in the back of my head telling me im fat all ...

 Im 14 and im 5ft.9in. is that normal?
Ok so everyone says im really tall nd stuff well because i am! but do u guys think ill still keep growing?? because i really hate being tall i wish i was a lilttle bit shorter like 5ft.7in. or ...

 If a woman is 5'4'' and 170 lbs, exactly how obese is she?Would she be chubby or closer to disturbingly chunky
P.S. I appreciate all sorts of body types and do not discriminate against larger ladies...I'm just wondering....

 Ok... I am 5"5 or 5"6 about and i weigh 120 lbs... is that ok?? i feel so fat.. no joke!?
All i know is that i have friends that are so skinny.. and then there is me.. i think i am fat but my friends dont.. and idk if i should trust them or not because idk if they are just saying that ...

 I'm 13 years oldand I want to lose weight??what do U think??
Should I

a)just take walks(in the the morning b/4 skool and after my HW is done in the afternoon,eat the three full(but mot oversized,I know) meals a day(healthy meals)play sports w/ my ...

 Am I fat????
im 13 years old and i weight 117 pounts
is that normal? am i overweight? pleeeezz tell me!!!
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oh and im a girl, ...

 Am I couch potato???
I spend about 4-5 hours a day watching TV, playing video games, or on the computer during the week.
On weekends I spend about 8-9 hours a day doing this.
I consume 4000-5000 calories a day.T...

 My BMI, am i over wieght?
I am about 5'1 , 32 D bra size, size 3 pants and 123 pounds..am i over weight?...

 Why is it some people are skinny even without exercising? I even see them eat more than what I eat?
I am doing exercises and eat less but still overweight?...

 Help Me loss 20 pounds?

 Ok, I NEED HELP! Please! I want someone who know facts and who can help me.?
And I don't want any crap like "Your body goes into starvation mode and you get fat."

I'm 14 years old, 5'5", and weigh 130 lbs.

How can I lose ...

 Hi, Im 14 years old and 5 foot 3 inches do you thing that is short for a 14 year old?

 I weigh 100 pounds and need to lose 50 pounds by tomorrow! what can I do?

user u
What do you feed a child who cannot have bread, rice, oats, or any other kind of refinded starch?
My sister and mother have a metabolic problem that makes their heart race, my sister sweats all night, and acts absolutely wild, this only happens when they eat such foods as white bread, crusted things like fried chicken, pizza, rice, etc. I have heard of an all protein bread, but I can't find it anywhere in the area that I live in. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to feed a child with this condition or does anyone know of this bread? Thanks.

Look up the hypoglycemic diet. Use quinoa flour.

eat whole foods only.

First, a doctor needs to make that determination. If you doctor did, you should have been paying closer attention, because he or she certainly would have given examples of what to do and what not to do. Call your doctor first.

This sounds like celiac or a variation of celiac to me...

Try http://www.celiac.org

My step father has celiac. First of all if they have never been diagnosed have them go to the doctor.
There are a lot of foods out there now that are gluton free. Look in the health food isles. They are finally coming out with them.

Good luck!

sound like your really talking about a low carb lifestyle.

Trader Joe's has a wide variety of breads. You might be able to find one for them there. If not, try your local health food store. They might have to stop all together for their health's sake.

Soy flour for bread ?
health food stores .
Doctor will be best to determine what the cause is , I would get a second opinion.
Good luck

wonder bread

Try Whole foods or Trader joes. Also I would ask your doctor I am sure he knows where to find it. Also your family may be allergic to bread, wheat. Because that sounds familiar as to what I have. In which I cannot consume any bread because it makes me nautious and absolteley loopy.

My ex was allergic to practically everything--anything with wheat, eggs, milk, seafood, apple pectin, you name it, so I got good at substituting. There are all kinds of ways to bypass food allergies.

Check with your local health food store and/or get a bread machine. There are several recipes for different types of bread using non-wheat-based breads, such as ones using soy flour. Bread machines are easy to deal with--just dump in the ingredients in the order the cookbook lists them, and pull out a loaf of bread in a few hours! Soy flour and some of the other types won't raise as high as wheat-based breads, though, so the recipes may call for extra yeast. Good Luck!

All protein bread does NOT exist. If they can't have complex carbohydrates then they are stuck with fruit, non starchy vegetables, and protein. NO BREAD. This often indicates a thyroid disorder.

Go to a really good health food store like Whole Foods. They have an enormous selection of things you need, plus other floursa wghich can be used which are gluten free.

Quinoa flour has protien in it. You can find that at a local Health food store. Once you detox your body of White flour, refined sugar- your body will no longer crave it. I'm sorry to hear that your sister and mother have this problem. Best of luck to you and them. Do talk to a nutritionalist. They can help more than anyone.

get a list from a health care provider . my opion?

Trader Joe's carries several sprouted grain breads, ie. no refined flour. Healthfood stores also carry them.

Some other suggestions are:
Celery sticks with real peanut butter, ie., no sugar nor added fats, you can stick two celery sticks together with p-nut butter in between, and then slice across to make pinwheels. They're a fun snack for anyone.

other suggestions are:
Hard boiled eggs
fresh fruit and vegetables

idk r u my friend will u pleaz answer my ? then pass it 2 some1 else pleaz
thanks 4 u'r time

Those specialty breads taste terrible. You don't have to cook with flour. For something like PB&J, use an apple or carrots or celery. Even a banana. For pizza, get large tomatoes, slice them, and pile the toppings onto the tomato. Chicken doesn't need to be fried. For lunchmeats, do roll-ups. Roll a slice of lunchmeat and a slice of cheese together, wrap a leaf of lettuce around them, and dunk them into mayo or mustard.

Convince yourself that flour does not exist.

Tangerine K
Call 1-800-789-7366. You will be able to speak to counselor's that are able to provide factual information.

I haven't heard of an all-protein bread. Your best bet would be the natural foods department at Kroger or a health food store (Whole Foods Market is really good one). Another bread you might take a look at is Ezekial bread. It has no yeast and is made from sprouted whole grains. It is not an all protein bread as far as I know. Good luck to you.

ahh is this celiacs diseas?
my friend has this, rice is a good alternative. also she gos to chipoltly and gets their beritos w/o the tortila. there are companies that specilize in making food for people w/ celiacs diseas.

try this web site for some of these foods

talk to a dietition and even a nutritionist to see if they can help give you ideas for food that won't have refinded starch.

Celtic Tejas
,Are you sure it's "Starch"?
I have Celiac Disease, allergy to Gluten which is in most grains, wheat, rye, oats, hops, spelt etc.
Here are some sites that offer help & from them you'll find others. Lots of luck finding this bread.

You might want to try browsing the website htt//:www RawFoodExplained.com It has a lot of information on it about foods and it specifically lists a lot of food without refined sugars and starches. Good Luck

nas88caror 300
foolnomore hit it right on the head..check with a nutrition specialist they will help you in your situation..i wish you the best of luck. there is more people out that has that problem...and there is some gluton free food stores out there and i am sure you could find some that are near you..again good luck

All I Hear Is Blah Blah Blah...

Feed stuff like fresh fruits and vegtables

Sally Can Wait
Feed them anything except refined starch.

Patti B
try your local health food store, the health food aisle in your regular grocery store... or look online for health food stores in your area. i don't where you are but Trader Joes and Whole Foods Inc might be good places to start.

good luck

Vincent P
First I would like to express my shared sadness for your family members' conditions. Though I doubt that rice falls under the same process starch as white bread, I would just recommend that they eat whole wheat products, which is not the same is multi-grain because it's still processed. Things like Quaker Oats oatmeal, whole-wheat tortilla, and brown rice, in moderation can provide the required dietary fiber and iron that they need. Another thing that you might want to ask your physician is if they can take supplements to replace the nutrients that they're lacking. Soy, too, is a good source of protein and calcium as well as some fiber. Furthermore, processed starch and battered-fried foods are not good for anyone and whole-wheat or whole-grain is better than just plain white bread, so they're not missing out much. I hope that this has helped some, but please consult a doctor before taking any medical actions.

Dick Nixon
Have you tried soy products? I don't know of the starch content, but the nice thing about soy is it can be made into anything. Have a look around your grocery store.

Are you sure that this is a metabolic problem and NOT a thyroid problem?? If the thyroid(your thyroid controls everything in your body from moods, heart, reproductive, etc...) is not functioning correctly you can start having the problems that you are describing. I am a thyroid patient and have been for over 20 years, and if mine is not right, or my meds are not working, I experience the same things as your sister and mom. The doctor needs to run a T3, T4, & TSH, to check for possible, undiagnosed thyroid problems. Just because no one has had them before does not mean they cannot occur, and most doctors do not test for thyroid problems unless you throw a fit. If the thyroid is not the problem, then...You may need to look into beginning a Gluten & Casien free diet for your child. This would cut out whey, dairy, etc... there is a pharmacutical website I can get for you. They are out of Birmingham, and the are specialists in these areas, especially even for parents of autistic children who are generally at the Gluten Free & Casien Free diets. www.wellnesshealth.com is the link. They have a lot of things that may help you with this need. Also, look under their Autism tab at what they have to offer. They also have an 800 number listed at the bottom of their page that allows you to call them with any questions as well. You may have to go to a soy, tofu, protien diet, but the Wellness Health & Pharmacy people may be able to help you find what you need, and I have heard that sometimes they ship for free.

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