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 How do i help my Mum lose weight?
I'm really worried about my mum, she has been overweight all my life and i really want to help her. i've asked her to find out tell me how much she weighs but she won't do that because ...

 Im 12 years old, 123 pounds, 5' 1", And FAT!!! what should i do?
IDK Im ...

 I am 5'7" and 98 lbs..... I feel fat in the mirror but then I see pics & I think I am skinny..do I have an ED?
I will feel normal sized or slightly big in the mirror.....but then I will see pictures of myself and think I am skinny.....does this mean I have an ED?...

 How often do you do it?
Eat meals...are you more of a 3 square meals a day, or 5 smaller meals?...

 How many pounds can you loose in 4 weeks by starving?
please no mess i really wanna know....

 Is it true that...?
If you suffer from bulimia, even if you're still at a healthy weight, your periods stop?

Don't worry, just curious!


 Did i eat to much today?? ?
i am battling anorexia and recently ovrcoming it.
I had
special k granola bar and banana for breakfast

1/2 a bagel & strawberry yogurt for lunch

i went to the ...

 What is my weight supposed to be? I am 5'9 and 13?

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I am girl i am okayy in looking weight i don't really have a belly. i weigh right now 126...

 What [type of] foods keep you full longer than others (but ones that taste good ;] lol)?
im not obese or anything i just eat when im bored for some reason or when I just have nothing else to do..

its so annoying i dont wanna gain weight!

im thinking that maybe if i ...

 How many calories dose 100 calories burn?

 How do i resist food at a party?
im going to a party for track, and im guessing its pizza. I dont wanna eat it cuz im trying to loose 5 pounds. pizza will not help that!!

how do i resist it?...

 Where are triceps ?
are your triceps muscle just above your elbow?
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is it like just above elbow or just a way up? thanks :)...

 Do you think it's weird if someone walks on the treamill with their eyes closed?
Because I do, and I feel so silly.

 Why is soda bad for your body?
not diet soda... just regular. i heard one time that it damages your brain cells. is this true? and what are the other effects of drinking to much?...

 I need to lose 40 pounds in 3 months ?
what a fast way before basic training?
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its to go into the army please help ...

 Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich everyday?
Is it healthy if I ate Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich everyday for breakfast AND lunch (with a cup of milk)? It's quick, easy, cheap, and good.

I use Smucker's Goober S...

 I want to lose about 5 to9 pounds and I am considering fasting. Is that safe?
I am not overweight but I am dangerously close for my height. I want to stay healthy....

 Some fun facts about breakfast tht i can say in a presentation?
I have to motivate people to eat ...

 I am 5'5'' and i weigh 102 pounds is that over weight?

 I need to lose weight fast!! Can someone tell me something that works?
I need help and advice how to lose about 15 to 20 pounds in 30 days and i am 130lb. ...

Sky D
Were you hppier after you lost weight?
was all the hard work worth it?

Yes, it was marvelous. I wasn't shot of breath anymore and I felt in control of myself. Before I became a vegetarian I felt out of control and I didn't like that.

Yes and No. You feel more light weighted and energized, but at the same time , you'll get headaches because you're adjusting to your body. And after all, I'd rather be wider than thinner because you know for a fact that you're a healthier person. Just throw the whole lose weight thing out the window. As long as you're eating right, exercising everyday, and getting 8-12 hours of sleep per day.... who cares how you look? You'll feel much better on the inside than when you're super skinny. trust me.

Loves Van Halen
no because i looked too skinny and all my pants and shirts were too big....

the cause?
food poisoning. so sick i lost a lot of weight.

there was no hard work here.

Yes. But watch out , If you don't eat too much, you will have stroke.

If that means Happier then a resounding YES is my answer. I went from 180lbs to 130lbs. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

i never really went on a diet or excersise to loose weight. My weight is average and im fine with it. Only problem is...how the hell can i eat like 10 popsicles and lose about 5 lbs!?!?

im sure some people would b happy after they lost some weight...

yes and no,

yes, a thousand times over!!! But, I had gained a lot when I quit smoking! So, now I'm feeling normal again! Hooray!

It was a "Great" Feeling. I had more energy, my brain wasn't foggy, and I looked so good then I got pregnat and gained it back..And now I feel tired and lazy but I'm working on it. the trick is to just workout and be healthy

i guss

Matias L
YES, don't ever doubt about it.
All the hard work is worth it.
If you are in the middle of the way, don't stop.

And if you didn't happen to start yet, think how better you will be feeling.

Good luck with that.

ive always been on a mission to loose weight... the heaviest i weighed at was 130 due to birth control pills... my usual weight lingered at 120, but now im at 118.... i feel that as long as you're eating healthy and working out regularly, the numbers dont matter.

~another thing i realized is that you may NEVER BE SATISIFED with your appearance.... once you fix one thing you see another something that you dont like.... its on going.

~but working out and eating healthy is something that you should always be doing no matter what.

---> PS
after loosing the weight, i am happy.
not completely satisfied, but im happier.

NAN the Neanderthal
I was happier at 50 pounds less than I am now a few years ago.
But more importanly, I felt better.
Now I feel like crap after gaining it all back.

suga Hunii
yes i hav so much confidence since i lost the weight, i can wear anything i want, every bit of the hard work was worth it =]



5th of Tuesday
Ahh, majorly happier. It was worth it while it lasted but I ended up gaining it all back. It's not worth it this time. My motivation isn't there now.

It's not hard if you put your mind to it... And you will be happier.

but gaining it back is a B***H

Peanut Butter
Yes, very pleased on a superficial level. I feel more confident and actually like to go shopping again.

No. I was skinny and miserable. Depends on how and why you lose the weight.

If your not happy at your current weight and lose weight, you'll find you still wont be happy there after. Happiness is an inside job. Weightloss will bring about a healthier you though....Your happiness depends on your ability to please at least yourself at all times. You can only be happy when you are living your life in the very best way possible. No one can define happiness for you. Only you know what makes you happy. However, if weightloss is your main goal perhaps happiness will be experienced by fullfilling your goal.
The key to happiness is this: dedicate yourself to the development of your natural talents and abilities by doing what you love to do, and doing it better and better, in the service of a cause that is greater than yourself.
Soooooooooooooooooo! I had to work from within and built my self confidence from within, once I did the weight just melted away......Happiness brought about many changes.....

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