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 Need Help Losing Weight and Keeping it Off?!?!?
I know I know. I'm asking this question again because last time I asked I didn't get that many answers and the answers didn't really help me.
Ok so I'm trying to lose 4 ...

 Do you think I am fat???
i am a 13 year old girl and i already weigh 165 pounds, i am about 5'6", am i over weight, here are some pictures of me

 Do you think you are fat?

 How can Cheese Pizza be that bad for you?
Now I know pizza is considered a high fat food. And I understand with pepperoni and other meats on it, it becomes greasier. However what about just plain cheese pizza? Cheese may have fat but it is ...

 What is a good healthy snack to eat in the middle of the day?
i'm trying to start eating more healtier before school starts and get in shape. And i get hungry between the normal 1 o'clock time i eat lunch and dinner. Latley i've been eating ...

 What's your height, weight and age?
Just ...

 OMG! I just ate a huge bag of potato chips! What should I do?

 Fat or thin?
i am taking a survey and i want to know if you would either want to be fat or thin....

 HELP I ate pinto beans and now have horrible gas, how can I get rid of this? Please don't laugh!!?

 IS it safe to eat nail polish?
please only answer if you know for sure. i don't need ignorant people scaring me for no reason....

 Be honest... Do you think I'm big for my age?
I don't think I'm fat but I'm concerned that maybe I should be a little bit less. Please don't tell me to get over myself or anything like that. My mother weighed 115 pounds when ...

 I am to skiny at least that is what my family says?
what should i eat to gain weight

im 10 years old 5 feet tall and 45 ...

 Lose weight please help me.
Ok ive asked questions about losing weight a lot and all i get is your perfect the way you are and hippie junk so I am asking nicely please help me lose weight I want you to know ive spent the past 3 ...

 I am too fat?
im 27 year old and i weigh 70 pounds and my family keeps telling me too loose more weight cause im too fat. and there really getting annoying! so i am too fat?

thanks, Angie

 Is 5'8 a bad hight for a girl?
only 14...

 When you open a bag of chips, how much do you eat?
I felt really bummed today so I ate half a bag of chips (the bag was 235 g). Now I feel terrible and I am disgusted with myself.
SO, my question is... When you eat a bag of chips, how much do ...

 Do you think I'm fat?
I'm 13 years old, 132 pounds, and 5'3.5.
Additional Details
I excercise A LOT but I look really fat still. I used to be 115 ...

 Am I fat??????
People always say that I am skinny but I don't think I am. I have always had bodily insecurities for as long as I can remeber. I weigh roughly 80lbs and am around 4ft 10 and a half. AM I FAT?<...

 Fat people are disgusting and selfish...?
Fat people...It not only about their appearence. It's the fact that they don't care about the people around them that have to put up with them. Sitting next to a fat person is nothing ...

 Should fat people be allowed to wear thongs?
I saw a woman who weighed three hundred pounds if she weighed an ounce. Did I mention she was wearing a thong that was so skimpy it may as well been made out of fishing line. Are people totally ...

Should a 12 year old take diet pills???

Diet pills are bad at any age. They mess up your metabolism and can even make you gain weight. Just eat healthy and exercise. Walking is a good exercise. There is no pill to make you lose weight and keep it off. You just have to learn how to eat right.

Diet pills are not bad. If a doctor prescribes them and one's mother agrees, it would seem to me to be okay.

no one should use diet pills. they are a scam and very unhealthy.

NO,young people should get out and exercise..walk your dog ,ride a bike ,play at the park,
swimming,go hiking,skating,move .....move ....move..... include lots of water and healthy foods..don't sit at the computer too much,get friends go to the mall

in between dreams.


no you are to young to get anorexia

no thats known as a drug for them

i wouldnt think so unless instructed by a doctor

Absolutely not! A 12 year old is still a growing child. The only way a 12 year old or anyone under the age of 18 should take diet pills is under the supervision of a doctor.

No WAY!!!

hell no r u crazey

Uhhh, NO! That's crazy!!

no she's too young

No.. Learn better nutrion and excercise. thats good advice for anyone 12 - 92

no way they can cause serious health problems the disadvantages to diet pills far outweigh the advantages. if the 12 year old is overweight do some exercise and watch their diet.

no it would be dangerous

Ask this girl
no.they affect you in harmful ways later in life.

No your body is trying to develop in very important ways. If you do take them you may cause serious irreversable damage.

NONONONONONONNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO WAYYYYY BBUT EMAIL helphotline1@hotmail.com cause they give great advice and answers!

no..12 yrs old, you are still growing. Just go to gym class, you will be fine

NO WAY, they need to go to dietitian and go out side and run around with their mates...not stuff amphetamines down their throat

No just stick to exercising

Nah, just throw up when you're done eating.

No! No a 12 year old should not be taking diet bills because at that age , you should be full of enough energy to burn wat eva calories you consume. A 12 year olds metebolism should be high anyway . Diet pills are out of the question just exercise and eat right and your body will respond accordingly. P.S. A 12 year old should be about ready to go through puberty soon , therefore the baby fat will be melting off real soon .

NO.....Go out and excersise.....have fun.....gegt away from the TV. Go explore your world !!!!!

no! that can hurt a 12 year old! It can mess up ur organs and stuff

It all depends on what you would like to do with your life - if you're looking for an apprenticeship in drug abuse, amphetamines are a nice choice to get the ball rolling.. The second year or if you are good at what you're doing, you could take the next step to taking some anti-psychotic drugs like largactyl or doxepin to knock yourself out at night. Then when the speed pills stop working, you're probably gonna need to find yourself a good drug dealer to help things along - maybe some methamphetamine, Pseudoethedrine or if you're really serious about diet pills, cut to the chase and go the ice. Trouble is though, the Anti-psychotics won't be knocking you out anymore, so then some form of opiate would balance things out and help you with dealing with insomnia, and the utter chaos your life has become, the loss of your family's respect, and more than a few visits to the hospital. You will be lovely and thin though!

no way b/c ur only 12. if this is about trying ot loose weight ..then thats bad..
b/c u should go outside
have fun
go to the beach
and play volleyball with ur friends..
u dont have to be good at it..u just play for fun..
and girls mostly worry about how they look around ur age..
im 13 and i noe how u feel..
i thought i was fat ...
but my freinds say that im not and that i need to relax and just have fun ! =]

Absolutely Not. There is no need for diet pills that could possibly stunt your growth. If you want an appropriate diet go in to see your health care provider.

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