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 How can i get my legs ( especially my thighs) slimmer quickly?

 Were you hppier after you lost weight?
was all the hard work worth it?...

 I'm on a diet, but can I have a pack of crisps today.....?
I started my diet on Monday and I haven't eaten any bread, chocolates, rice, crisps or chips since then. But I'm really craving for some crisps now...Please help. Thank you for your ...

 Ive recently started working out and drinking lots of well guess what ive gained 5lbs im crying here help me?
i dont want to give up but i feel i ...

 How much weight should I lose.?
Ive always been a big person even though no one in my family really is. I am 6"0 and i weigh 219 pounds i have a good amount a muscle and im 15 years old. How much weight do I need to lose to be ...

 Is it possible to smoke and still get fit?
I have joined a football team and have been smoking for about a year....

 I am a 14 year old . I weigh 125 pounds. I am a size 3 in jeans, and a size 5 in dresses.... Am I fat?

 Diets for 12 yr old 5'6 150 pds?
i need to lose weight so i want to go on a diet. my goal is to lose 30 pds. I exercise every weekday for an hour. What r some good diets? also these are a list of foods i DO NOT like


 How much do you think i weigh ?
im 5ft 3 and btw the outfit was as a joke for a party , i wouldnt normally dress like that !

http://i22.photobucket.c Details

 What is an alternative to drinking water? If any.?
I need to drink plenty of water because of the amount of exercise I do. Also, it is good to drink several glasses a day. I can drink plenty of water when I'm thirsty (such as after the gym) but ...

 I feel so fat can someone help me?
i`m not a fat person.
i just have a fat stomache and my thighs are flabby.
i need to know of some exercise and/or food/pills to flatten my tummy and tone my thighs.tell me something that u ...

 Is it healthy to eat vegetables as a main meal,like dinner?
Iam trying to eat healthier and cut out red meats and lose weight.Iam not sure about eating all vegetables for a meal....

 How do i help my Mum lose weight?
I'm really worried about my mum, she has been overweight all my life and i really want to help her. i've asked her to find out tell me how much she weighs but she won't do that because ...

 Im 12 years old, 123 pounds, 5' 1", And FAT!!! what should i do?
IDK Im ...

 I am 5'7" and 98 lbs..... I feel fat in the mirror but then I see pics & I think I am skinny..do I have an ED?
I will feel normal sized or slightly big in the mirror.....but then I will see pictures of myself and think I am skinny.....does this mean I have an ED?...

 How often do you do it?
Eat meals...are you more of a 3 square meals a day, or 5 smaller meals?...

 How many pounds can you loose in 4 weeks by starving?
please no mess i really wanna know....

 Is it true that...?
If you suffer from bulimia, even if you're still at a healthy weight, your periods stop?

Don't worry, just curious!


 Did i eat to much today?? ?
i am battling anorexia and recently ovrcoming it.
I had
special k granola bar and banana for breakfast

1/2 a bagel & strawberry yogurt for lunch

i went to the ...

 What is my weight supposed to be? I am 5'9 and 13?

Additional Details
I am girl i am okayy in looking weight i don't really have a belly. i weigh right now 126...

I think I have an eating disorder???
I binge/purge at least once a week, usually more, and the rest of the week I skip meals, or eat very little. No body knows this information, but everybody assumes Im okay because im smarter than that, etc. Do I have a problem?

Mark S
No there is no problem cause if that's the way you want your body to be thats okay and if you don't DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT eat very little food or it will cause a lot of promblems.

well are you usually busy? If yes than no you do not have a problem. If you aren't than yes you do. If you feel hungry like all the time eat. But remember eat healthy not junky

sandra l
yes see a doctor or talk to someone u trust

Well, you are committing slow and gory suicide, keep it up and before long your internal organs will shut down / malfunction and you will probably be hospitalized with lots of gross testing and other procedures (at least our neighbor is in & has been for 3 weeks now). You might survive but, it is going to get funky & your teeth / gums will start getting gnarly abcesses too. But, hey, for a little while, you will be thin and just look like a junkie or one of those 3rd world people with wasting diseases. I hear that's "in" with teens now.

yes, you do. you need help right away before it gets worse.

Rosie Young
It sounds like it. Get yourself some help before you make yourself sick. Good luck.

yea of course you do.

its not normal to make yourself sick on a regular basis.

please get some help.

Yes you do. It is not good to do that, as someone who did that get help. People will be dissapointed at first but, later will be happy you told since you die easily from that. Think about what will happen to your life if you don't stop. You should get help i did and now im heathy and doing better than ever. Please get some help!!!!

Well you have accepted the fact that you may have a problem so now you go the next step and go and speak to your gp for help to change things around before you do your body anymore damage. Good luck and well done for realising before things got too far to reverse the situation.

Please be carefull, purging can be really really dangerous...you could hurt your esophagus.

Please i beg you to go and see a doctor.

You need to nourish yourself otherwise your cells can start dying...

I think you already know the answer is yes. You just wanted confirmation. You say that you are smart and I don't disbelieve you, but if you are smart then I suggest you seek some professional help. You could take the first step and seek help from your doctor. Best of luck, hope things work out for you.

hear me RAWR
I think you do hun. Have you been feeling fat or ugly lately? Please don't. I'm happy that you realize that you might have an ED. I would go to my doctor right now and tell him your concerns. It's good you caught on so early, it will be easier to feel good about yourself again. Good luck. =)

yeah you have a problem and you are doing well by admitting to it. Have you thought about why you do it? I think it's a physcological illness and you need to see a therapist or a doctor to work out the root of the problem. You can be smart and have an illness, it doesn't make you a bad person. Don't feel shame because of it, tell your family about it, once it's out in the open they can help you deal with it. Nobody will look down on you for something you cannot help. Being sick will do alot of damage to your body.

I must admit I do that. I've read that it is a disorder of sorts. Not like bulimia or anorexia though. See your doctor may be he can help you start an eating plan so you will eat more regularly. I found if I made myself have actimel in the morning with a piece of fruit this helped. However when I say made myself I mean that! It was really hard to do.

Moley Taydo
It sounds like it to me, get help! Talk to someone you trust and hurry. I was purging a little while ago and it's horrible to your body! I just think of it as treat your body like you boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse. You wouldn't want them to purge so don't do it to yourself. I hope you get over this and keep healthy!

Most eating disorders start small and end up big. Go to a doctor before you get to the point that you end up killing yourself. If you purge by vomitting, it will wear the enamel off of your teeth leaving them grey and hideous. If you purge by diuretics, you could end up with a bowel problem, bloody and hard stools. If you purge by exercise, you could put yourself at risk for a heart attack. People usually do that for the control, not the weight loss. You get a rush when you obtain that control and that's what you're addicted to. If you understand the disease itself, you'll understand how you fit into it. After that it will be easier to get treatment. Intelligent people are still people and can have problems like everyone else.

Yes you do have a problem and it's called bullimia. You need to see a professional who can help you stop this behavior since it is very dangerous for your health.

Yes, you do have a problem. Talk with your doctor, and ask for a referral to someone who specialises with these disorders.

You need treatment, so don't delay. This does not just go away by itself. It's not just about eating, but is about other issues you have not been able to deal with.

Please get the help you need.


I once had that, when I was 14 to 16, I hardly ever purged though, I just stopped eating and would sometimes eat one carrot in two days, but it took one of my friends to tell me I had an eating disorder before I knew. (I called it dieting).
When somebody asks you about weight do you break out in a sweat? Do you feel guilty after you've eaten? Do you get constant headaches and dizziness? Wear baggy clothes to hide your body? Do you think you're ugly? Are you very good at schoolwork?
If your answer is yes to most of these then yes you have a problem, but it's ok. Honestly, I still get all worried after I eat something but I've come to realise that it's a body, not the be-all and end-all of everything. What made me stop was, well first of all to realise that I had a problem, and then I mised a period and noticed that it was getting serious, so I joined a karate club and started exercising and pushing my body, then I met a bloke and he found out about my eating thing and, I don't know what he did, made me feel pretty I guess.
I never saw a doctor and I think I should've, like now it's only three years on but I'm constantly hungry and it must have screwed me up. If you have a doctor you can trust then see them ok?

Yes and you need to seek help before it gets worse

You can try www.sparkpeople.com
It is a healthy way to lose weight.
You type in how much you want to lose and by when etc...and they plan out your meals so you can achieve your goal. They have a calorie counter and everything. Plus they give you a fitness plan according to what type of exercising you like to do. The exercises can be done at home like dumbells, resistance bands & ball. You can also choose from walking, jogging,or a home video. There's many different options. It's like having a nutritionist and it is free. You also have support from the members. A real neat site. I'm quite impressed.

God Bless!

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