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 Are laxatives a good way to lose weight quickly?

 I can't put on weight, although i eat 3 meals a day and extras, has anyone got any tricks?

 Why are the Americans so fat?
Now more than half of Americans are obese

How can these people expect anyone to give them any respect when they clearly are lazy and have no self control?

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losing weight??...

 Has anyone tried Adam & Eve diet?
Metabolic diet - balance blood sugar.
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It nothing do with apples and not a FAD diet. It was recommend by natural ...

 How do you lose weight w/o starving yourself???

 What are the good and bad effects of anorexia?

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Just adding this. And i disagree with yoo, i found loads of pro-ana sites. Thanks for the long lists, i have a ...

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Don't have a go at me because im not heading to do it. I would just ...

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 I go regularly now to 24 hour fitness gym, I need to lose about 200 pounds what exercies should i do?
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.........for the day. It's 3am where I'm at. I work nights, that's why I'm still awake)...

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it takes an hour each time with all that scurbbing. this is the only work out i get to keep fit....

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 How in the world can I lose 20 pounds in 2 months???? ?
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 Am I Fat, Be Honest?
I'm 13, I'm 5' 0
& I weigh 117-118.

I feel fat, any suggestions to be 100 lbs? thank you!! :)
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 Exercising for a 14 year old?
I am 14 5'2 and I weigh 113-115.And I try not to eat after 6:00 and i'm drinking lots of water. I'd like to get down to somewhere between 107-110 before Christmas. what types of ...

I just had a large plate of pasta and football practice in 45 minutes i need an answer a.s.a.p
I had a big plate of pasta with sauce and meatballs. We do heavy running, pushups and all sorts of excercises. Will i puke up my pasta? Does my body have enough time? Please answer
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I'm ok people i didnt puke, just had a little cramp in my *** for some reason.

dumb *** food takes at least 2 hours to get through your system. stick your finger down your throat and puke now.

you might, like him... funny video...

Wayne W
My best guess is yes! However it depends on the individual. The starchy, carbohydrate filled pasta will make you feel bloated. Because it is so hot outside your body is going to be working triple time, cooling itself off, burning calories while exercising, and digestion. I would advise you to stay hydrated and not over do yourself. Digestion of food in the stomach on average begins 30 minutes post consumption and can take hours before it is totally digested. Best of luck at practice do your best and stay away from eating right before practice. Save that kind of meal for after practice, when your muscles can use it the most.

just make sure you warm up. you might still puke tho. try to burn some off now then relax for a while befor eyou get there.

Honey S
I wouldnt do exercise so far after hun, leave it a bit :)
Hope i helped-xx-

It's highly likely. You should consider going light, or sitting this one out.

Anything to make you smile//xoxo
ummm that should be enough time to digest the food. But it just depends on your body. You usually wait an hour so thats close enough/

I think it does have enough time, so YES you have time, and if you feel like throwing up just start breathing deeply (in from you nose and out your mouth)

you might puke
either that or get really bad cramps
drink a lot of water and try to get the food out of your body before you leave

dj danjaaa(PRO JONAS)
no you shouldnt.....but your stomach might be a little upset afterwards

You should be okay...but next time eat something a bit lighter

You might puke, id drink some water and let ur food digest.

should have thought before you ate. lol
but i think you should be fine. drink water.. and pee it out.

Any footbal player should be healthy enough to eat heavy while still being able to work out. Pasta is a good source of carbs and you will have a lot of energy to burn. I say you will be fine. One thing that will really help is to not stress over it. If you say you're going to puke, then guess what you're going to puke. Keep your mind on the prize and you'll be fine.

You shouldn't throw up. Talke it easy for a while, and eat some tums.
Hope all goes well!!!

Work and School
It depends on how fast you digestive system is. I hope you don't puke your food but it might be a good thing. It might help you avoid having nausea or having that full feeling in you stomach while you are running

Katie B.
if you only have 45 minutes you should be good if you do alot of running

Scott M
you will be fine man, ive eaten lots of crap before doing rugby and i could swear it gave me more energy and i wasn't sickly at all.

Cormac the Magnificent
People are going to throw mud at you after you puke.

sarah v
drink tons of water starting now!!! it will make it easier to digest!

manda panda
depends but i would barf

Shush it's me
You should be ok.

YUM!! I'm on a very competive soccer team and my mom makes me pasta right before a big game for energy. eating an hour before exercising is fine. drink water the worst that could happen is cramps.

amber :)
i eat pasta or jacket potato like half an hour before football training sometimes. i play for a girls team so we dont do really intensive stuff but we stil run alot. i dont think you will b sick. you should be fine - if anythin you may have a sttich in which case you have to run it off. im sure you will be fine. sit still for an hour :)

i doubt it. if you have 45 minutes that's probably enough time for it to be digested. if you start to feel sick though stop, lol. no one likes puke

you probably wont make it through practice try to hold the puke in
or if you dont like your coach puke on him? (or her)

45 minutes? You're screwed. You should plan better.

i think u will be fine. but it all depends on how fast your digestive system is. sit down and drink some water 4 now.

Deece 1
Yes you will puke you silly jock

i can guarantee your ganna puke! but don't fight it let it happen, you will feel much better afterwards. next time don't eat a big meal right before practice. your body needs about 2 hours to completely digest food.

The more you move before practice, the better you will be. Just keep walking around and it will get your food digesting faster.

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