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 Is swimming laps a good way to loose weight?
30 mins. a day, or just about every day.
and not just swimming around. swimming laps, freestyle, breaststroke....

 Can you really bounce if you are fat enough?

 Need to lose inches but no motivation.?
I need to lose around 3 inches around my waist but I can't stick to a healthy diet without going broke and I don't have a lot of motivation to get up and exercise. Anyone have any tips on ...

 How many pounds in 1 stone?

 How much water should you drink to keep you healthy?

 On average.. how many times a day should a person go number 2?? I usually go every other day..?
Im not constipated or anything.. ive pretty much always been like this...is this normal ?.....

 How can a 15 year old male gain weight??
i am 15 years old 5'6 and about 105 pounds. i am small for my age and am looking for ways to gain weight like what i should eat. please if anyone can answer my question that would be ...

 AM I fat?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!?
okay so im 4 10. 85 lbs. and 6th grade. am i fat?!...

 If i BARELY eat from now until.........?
monday how much weight will i lose?

( i dont waant to hear: you should really eat healthy)

and barely meaning like today i ate like 15 pieces of pasta with some tomato sauce<...

 I need too lose 100 pounds by september of next year. I need advice on how to do it in a healthy way. How?

 How can I lose 18lbs Before saturday?
I weigh 118 and I want to lose the 18lbs before saturday because I have a concert and me and my friend are gonna have Our older bros help us crowd surf and the lighter you are the hugher you can be ...

 What is your name?
what is it??? mine is ...

 Should children not be allowed to eat too much candy?
Is it really bad or just another misconception? I have a friend that does not allow her toddler any candy, she talks about how it would damage the kid's ability to taste other flavors (salty, ...

 What is your favorite part of the human body?
Mine gotta be the thigh and the butt girls have great thighs and butts lol ^_^


 I am 19...105 punds..and i wanna be 120...what can i do?

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I dont want o gain muscle! lol i want my butt back...i want fat mass...... My name is Kawana and II am a white ...

 How do I get skinny?
I need to get skin but I dont know how to start since i live in apartments where they dont allow ridin things SO HOW CAN I LOSE 10 POUNDS IN A MONTH...

 Help a fat girl?
im in desperate need of help im 27 15 stone and scared i wnt see my son grow up i need to do something but dnt know how. Pls no fat jokes or mickey taking im desperate pls help diet and ...

 Does anybody else srtuggle to drink the 2 litres of water you need a day?
not including water in tea,coffee............

Would you rather be bulimic or anorexic?...

 How tall are you?
How tall are you? Are you happy with that height or do you wish to be taller/shorter? And why?
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By the way: I'm ...

I feel like I'm hungry, but I know I'm not?
I ate dinner about 2 hours ago. I have this pang in my stomach that feels like I'm hungry, but I know I'm not. I eat pretty well, I just get these cravings for food before I go to bed. What's the best thing to do? I used to eat until I felt satisfied, but I'm thinking about eating an apple instead.

sounds like a good idea.

becca m
it seems you could have a hyperactive thalmus (horome gland in your brain) that controls your sense of hunger.

chew some gum...its all in your mind

drink some warm milk, it will help you sleep as well as fill that empty feeling in your stomach

MMMMmmm yeah eat an apple or a salad or other high-fiber foods.

If yr not hungry just drink water..........DONT CHEW GUM.....gum makes you more hungry.....i was just learning this subject in health so congrats

Have a drink of hot chocolate or fruit juice, because it'll tell your stomach to pipe down.

Drink water and maybe take a vitamin.

nothing wrong with an apple. That's healthy right. Or how about some carrots? Soon you will feel satisfied.

Caffeine is a hunger suppressant drink a cup of coffee or two and the hunger will go away!!

either eat an apple, or drink some wtaer.

whenever im hungry I usually have a big cup of coffe (splenda and skim milk) if that's not enough i'll add a handfull of cereal. the more healthy kind.

♥ maddie ♥
I always feel like that. I eat cause I'm bored. Only eat fruit and stuff when I'm bored. You wont gain weight. EAT!

Have a glass of cold milk. The protein will make you feel full.

Tay Tay
Just eat the apple. It's not to filling and isn't unhealthy. When that happens to me, I drink water and just go to bed. That usually works for me.

So, eat an apple. You cold also drink a large glass of water. I always feel hungry at bedtime, even though I know I'm not. =(

go ahead and eat, ull c it in a few months

Thats happened to me. I wonder if its light nausea that does it.
By the way dip the apple in peanut butter they go good together.

Lena K Laurent
What you have is your appetite. Have you recently restricted your diet? Are you exercising more? It might be because of that that you have hunger pangs.

Drink a glass of water when you get a hunger pang, and relax for 10 minutes...read or watch t.v. or anything to get your mind off of being hungry. Sometimes when you get pangs, it's because your body is thirsty and not hungry.

I hope you feel better!

I love you =).
Just eat a light snack to cover up that craving and then go to sleep. The apple would be a good and healthy choice.

You should pick me up something at White Castle, that place is amazzingiaiiaingijnairjijijihihaOHBAIOGH... i gtggggotts the shakkkkkes

drink lots of water right now!

Marquita R
that is a good idea it is ok to have a bedtime snack just make it a healty one good luck

drink alot of water or tea or something, it will fill you up at least without all the calories

You may just be thirsty. Your hypothalamus is probably confused - drink water and run to the bathroom.

drink water with some sugar in it, or just water that will help to curb your appetite

Blue Eyes
drink a big glass of water when you get hungry.

Maybe you should drink something b/c sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger.

M.A. Diamonds baby
Have the apple...its a good thing to eat before bed...
also have a big glass of water.

Just eat a bag of chips and go to bed

Believe it or not your thirsty. One of the reasons people eat too much is because the feeling for being thirsty feels a lot like feeling hungry. Your body craves water just the same as it craves food, vitamins, etc. . . It's not always a dry mouth thaat tells you your thirsty. With so many other options on what to drink people dehydrate their body without even knowing it. Especially coffee and red bull. With just a 2% decrease in fluids people can experience headaches. Remember our body's are 70% water and so our diets should reflect this with vegetables like iceberg lettuce also fruit. Water also helps keep your skin feeling young.

Richard B
Go ahead. Have that apple. It's not going to hurt you.

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