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 How to lose 20 pounds quick!!???
okay...school is starting in a week for me and I want to lose weight quick because... I am not fat I just have a little belly that I need to get rid of quick!!! please help me!!!...

 What is a good way to lose weight at home maybe besides excersing???
Please tell me something i can do to lose weight at home besides excersing please help me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

 Do i sound over weight?
be honest!!!!

im 15 almost 16 and im
guys would you that
"5'4" and i weigh 134...

 Am i overweight?

 Best answer is 10points...please help?
i have a huge butt and i just want it to shrink
is there anything i can do to lose wieght off of it and pleasee dont answer if your gonna say "there isnt anything u can do to lose wieght ...

 Is there a fun way of burning calories?

 What is the best way to lose 20 pounds in about 2 months?
i would like to lose weight before school starts agian. and i would like for people to see a change in me. i have lost 35 before i weighed 175 and now im 140 and i would like to finish what i have ...

 Is swimming laps a good way to loose weight?
30 mins. a day, or just about every day.
and not just swimming around. swimming laps, freestyle, breaststroke....

 Can you really bounce if you are fat enough?

 Need to lose inches but no motivation.?
I need to lose around 3 inches around my waist but I can't stick to a healthy diet without going broke and I don't have a lot of motivation to get up and exercise. Anyone have any tips on ...

 How many pounds in 1 stone?

 How much water should you drink to keep you healthy?

 On average.. how many times a day should a person go number 2?? I usually go every other day..?
Im not constipated or anything.. ive pretty much always been like this...is this normal ?.....

 How can a 15 year old male gain weight??
i am 15 years old 5'6 and about 105 pounds. i am small for my age and am looking for ways to gain weight like what i should eat. please if anyone can answer my question that would be ...

 AM I fat?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!?
okay so im 4 10. 85 lbs. and 6th grade. am i fat?!...

 If i BARELY eat from now until.........?
monday how much weight will i lose?

( i dont waant to hear: you should really eat healthy)

and barely meaning like today i ate like 15 pieces of pasta with some tomato sauce<...

 I need too lose 100 pounds by september of next year. I need advice on how to do it in a healthy way. How?

 How can I lose 18lbs Before saturday?
I weigh 118 and I want to lose the 18lbs before saturday because I have a concert and me and my friend are gonna have Our older bros help us crowd surf and the lighter you are the hugher you can be ...

 What is your name?
what is it??? mine is ...

 Should children not be allowed to eat too much candy?
Is it really bad or just another misconception? I have a friend that does not allow her toddler any candy, she talks about how it would damage the kid's ability to taste other flavors (salty, ...

How much should the average 12 year old weigh?

Whoahh; Dana
hmm.. idk... im guessing 80-90???

Well I would think it depends on your height and build. My 10 year old is pretty thin and weighs about 85 pounds. I think between 80 and 100. I also think it depends on if oyu are a boy or girl. Boys usually weigh more.

well im 12 and i weigh 108. so i think between 100-120

Tyronne Bigumms
not sure on the average but, optimally some site I checked said aboiut 85lbs..or 39kgs..

they gave a range of between 20 and 70 kgs..which is about 45 to 155 lbs..which a pretty dang wide range..

I'd say 100 lbs is good..

i weigh 480 pounds

Toni B
between 30 - 40 kilos, depending on height and build. (family genetics)

mark w
12 year old what?? cat abt no more than 12lbs for a larger breed. cow upwards of 1100 lbs

true love never dies
I weigh 68 , my friend wieghs 70 , other friend is 84 , other friend is 90 !

I'm 5'7" and I weigh around 105. When I was twelve I weighed around 90 and I was around 5'3". So I guess regular is around 90 for 5'3", although people tell me I'm underweight..

probably like 80?? i was way less but i was skinny

im 12 and i weigh 92

my 12 yo is 5'6 and weighs about 105- 110lbs

sunny-d alright!
It's not about age, it's about height.

(And whoever is giving thumbs downs to everyone with what I just said is dumb. It seriously depends on height.)

90-100 pounds i weighed 100 and then i walked the whole summer every day and then i weighed 96 pounds! cool huh!?!?!?!

weigh goes along with how tall you are
example someone is 5;4 They should weigh more then someone who is 4'11

How tall are you? It depends but I have a chart if you can tell me how tall in cm you are.

how tall are you?

It really depends on height. At age 12, I was 5'10" and weighed 155 lbs. I grew up to be 6'1" tall and I weigh 165.

Hugs and Kisses
It really just depends on the wight and hight. Everone is so differnt it's hard to tell. They have them wight level scales that can tell you that's how i find out mine. Well good luck

Amanda G
include ur height.
it wuld help so much

gepends on height, metabolism, and frame type.

Sarah K
if you are taller then 5'3-5'6 then between 100-150 pounds

depends on your height, if you are under five feet...maybe around 90 pounds

This site has great info to read through concerning this subject.

Well, im 13 years old (not 12, but close), 5 10" feet tall, and weigh 125-130.. depends on the day.. but anyways, back to my point, it really depens if you have big bone structure, height... so you could never really get an acurate answer for yourself

You shouldn't compare apples to oranges. Every 12 year old is different. You can use a BMI calculator to find out what a healthy weight would be. Try here:

it depends. need more info.

There is no average since 12 year olds come in all shapes and sizes. It goes according to height. A woman should weigh 100lbs for the first five feet, then 5lbs for every inch over five feet according to Dr. Oz.

Hey sweetie....no one can answer that because they do not know how tall you are. Even a doctor can't help you because if you are 12 and are 3 feet tall you will weigh less normally than a 12 year old that is 5 feet tall. See what I mean?

Better re-ask your question.

I am a nurse

It really depends on your height

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