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 I weigh 92 pounds and I am 12 is that o.k.???
Is that o.k....

 Is it okay if I don't eat?
every other day. I exerisce and eat healthy, but its not coming off....

 Is this considered over wieght?
a female who is 13 and is 5 feet 7 inches ways 150 pounds.
is she over weight?...

 Am i FAT?!?
5ft 4in

130-133 ...

 At 12 years of age at "5.4" is 108 pounds normal?
Is that overweight?...

 How do u get rid of constipation?!?

 How tall are you?
im 5"7. u?...

 Curvy or skinny?
I am a uk size 12 and sometimes feel quite big especially compared to other girls is it too big?...

 Am i overweight?
ok i am 13 and i weigh 115-117 pounds..am i overweight?
Additional Details
i am 5'4 ft ...

 If someone called you fat would you?
a) Get there as* in a bear trap
b) Donate to charity
c) Go eat your troubles away
d) O...

 I'm so hungry right now... should I binge and vomit or take laxatives?
i want cheeseburgers, 10 of them and french fries!...

 How much weight do you lose if you don't eat for a few days.?
And the only think you did is drink water?!
Additional Details
I understand i'd gain it back, but would if i started to eat ...

 Is moldy bread OK to eat?

 If someone is desprately trying to lose weight, do you think they should turn to anorexia?

 Am I Overweight? Just Curious?
Hi, this is Emma on my cousin's yahoo.

I am 13 years old, weigh 142. I am 5'6.

Am I overweight, just curious. and a little self-concious.

Thanks =]

 Can i lose 10 pounds in one month and a half?
Hi, im 14 and i do 8 miles every day but not in a row.
I eat wright too.
Im over weight and i need to lose at least 10 pounds or more.
Is it possible for me to loos that much weight ...

 I diet coke bad for you??
is diet coke bad for u and does it really slow down ur metabolism? like i am a 13 year old dancer and i weigh 106 pounds. so would it really be bad for me to drink it if it does?...

 Am i overweight?
Hi im 5' 4 1/2" and i weigh 123 lbs. am i overweight?...

 How old do you think is acceptable to go out drinking?
im fifteen and almost every week i get totally wrecked
everyone says our group are pissheads and i kinda agree but alot of people are doing it!


 Am i fat???????
I am 12 and weigh 133 pounds.MY doctor says its all muscule but i am not sure.I do a lot of sports. Someone give me advice.My confidence is low.

-Don't be mean ...

How do I loose weight and eat all the foods I like?
i am 15yrs old and weighs 135 Pounds and my height is 5'2 i been exercising for a hour everyday for the last week.

burn more calories than you take in

eat them in moderation or find reasonable substitutes. i love cookies and cream ice cream and smart ones makes a fantastic cookies and cream dessert. or instead of a large piece of pie, take a very small piece.

eat portions!! Don't eat lot's at one time, and EAT SLOW!! Also before everything you eat, drink a WHOLE glass of room tempeture water down quickly, it will get you full faster!

join a fitness program. or a weight watchers program.

If you don't want to spend money, walk 10 miles everyday. don't eat more. eat the food you like in less quantity. and don't sit idle or you feel like eating more.

hey! well, when u are on a DIET you can EAT EVERYTHING YOU LIKE... but in a balanced way... you should also do sports regularly!!

smaller portions

Daniel L

♥JB is LOVE!!♥
limit how much u eat of it..for example if u like icecream just have one spoon full of it. but do that with all the foods u eat

well actually it doesnt matter if you exercise everyday if you dont eat right, you should eat protein to build muscle which in turn will burn fat, but the low carb diet is totally bull **** , there is this great book called the abs diet (for women), it helps you flatten your stomach and become more healthy, the book says to exercise every monday, wed., and friday because you should give your muscles a break, just buy the book and stick to it and you will lose weight and gain abs and a healthy body

Krista W
Sign up for weight watchers even if you only have a few pounds to get off they show you how to lose it and keep it off and you only have to be 10 to sign up and you can have an adult take you there and you can eat a lot of things. you should try it good luck!!!

Um. Well you can eat mostt foods you like. If you really wanted to lose weight, you can excersise more, and don't eat when your not hungry. Hope this helped. :)

Keep active & drink lots of water. It's important that you get the right amount of nutrients & maintain a balanced diet. As long as you're not eating more calories than you can burn of, then you should be able to lose weight.
However, as you are only 15 & at a healthy weight for your height, you shouldn't need to lose weight.

Just eat smaller portions

i dunno all i can say is exercise ur butt off.

keep exercising! go ahead and keep eating all the foods you like, but only eat half! so, instead of serving yourself a whole bowl of spaghetti, only serve yourself half. quit drinking soda and high sugar juices. stick to water. i don't believe in diets. oh! quit snacking before you go to bed. don't expect results real fast, but just stick to this and you will see results.


Charlie M
The best way to loose weight and keep it off is what your doing, exercising and building muscle. If u build muscle it will be much harder for u to gain weight.

Eat less of them and walk daily.lots.

Keep exercising! It will not be a quick process!

Eat smaller portions. Use a website like fitday.com to monitor your fat, protein, carbs, etc... eat at least 1500 calories a day, and try not to eat a lot of foods with high saturated fats. If you must, eat less of it then you normally would. Eat 1 cheeseburger from McDonald's instead of 2. etc.. burn more calories then you eat each day.

You will either have to exercise way more or start purging, and I don't recommend that. Talk to a personal trainer to know what exercise will be most beneficial to you.

i started looseing weight by eating smaller portions using a salad plate instead of a dinner plate, i eat a salad first and then my meal... i also drink alot of water, stay away from sweets and soda....i do not eat the skin of chicken and eat leaner meats... lots of veggies with my meals and limit my starch to 3 times a week, using wheat pasta,brown rice and whole grain breads.....popcorn for snacks, yogurt and cottage cheese. i also walk alot each day. and i called my excerise commerical cleaning[ meaning when i am watching tv and the commerical comes on i get up and move around, either tidy up something, or do some kind of movement, leg kicks, or walk to the other side of the room. my doctor also told me to help lose weight ...if i am left handed, eat with my right hand, and if right handed to eat with my left hand. all of these things have worked good for me, i lost 18 pounds in the last 3 months.... good luck

eat 1/2 of what you normally would eat

Exercise, try and eat less, on the one thing that helped me was to drink 8oz. of water before I ate any meal (it filled me up faster and I would not eat as much), I would have water with every meal and if I got tired of it I would put a flavor pack in it. hope that this helps

james P
be active in sports or something.

Smaller portions and exercise.

If all the foods you like are bad for you..then you'll need to do alot more exercising than just an hour a day..

You need to lose 3500 calories to lose one pound..and junk food has ALOT of calories..

Oswald Cobblepot
Excuse me. Did you mean to use the word 'lose' instead of 'loose'?

work out more...for your info fat weighs less than muscle... if u weigh alot you may be really bufff...

also try waterpolo u get strong within a few weeks
(great results)

India J
the truth is u can eat watever u want as long as u burn the calories u ate!

Eat smaller portions

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