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 Im feeling suicidal someone please help me?
my email is lilmisssun22@yahoo.co.uk for any1 willing to ...

 How do i seriously lose 100 pounds as quickly as possible?
i have a lot of stress which makes me gain weight...i say this because i don't eat a lot. mostly on the weekends. but i drink too.
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 Am I fat(with pictures)?
at all.even 1 lb overweight dont try to be nice.be as brutal as possible(but be honest and nice) what do you think?


 If one has eaten lots of junk in a day will it make up for it if this one goes for a long walk?

 Is she fat at all please answer?
my friend is 5''2 and she is 135 pounds and she is 13 years old is she over ...

 Is it true that people who are thin feel the cold more?

 Is buttered popcorn fattening?
I dont like popcorn without butter , so dont tell me that option.
Just these microwave popcorn bags, do they have a lot of fattening calories?...

 5'4'', 126 lbs, size 6. is this fat?
i feel fat, but i dont know if this is fat.
i'm 14, by the way.
please, be honest.
i know bmi calculators say that it's healthy or normal or whatever, but is it fat?...

 What happens if I starve myself?
will i loose any weight
if i starve myself from today ( 7/28 ) until Sunday ( 8/3 )
or for like 3 weeks ?
or what can happen?
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 Am i fat[look in details]?
i weigh 120 somethign puonds
and 5'5
and ppl call me fat
but many call me normal and no ur not fat
i dont have a stomach at all
but i do have thighs
and that pisses ...

 What is the quickest way to lose weight ??

 Should you eat breakfast even if your not hungry?
please only answer if you know!?...

 Im only eating fruits and fat free yogurt for 3 months now?
am i going to be okay?
im 15 in june btw)...

 How can you put on wait when your skinny even if you eat allot?
i eat allot although i just dont put on wait....

 CAn you tell me your age,height, and weight, Plz?

 Which people disgust you more: fat people or shallow people who judge them by their appearance?

 How do u lose 5 pounds a day?

 Help! me! why do u exercise with music & why?

 I didn't work out today and now I feel guilty?
Is this such a bad setback? I didn't have work or anything else to do today and I told myself I was going to workout a lot but I ended up lying in bed all day. I work out at least 3-5 times a ...

 Am I overweight?
I am an 18 year old boy who is 6 foot tall and 16 stones in weight! Am i fat? And if I am how much shall i lose and how?


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[*Shay da wif3y*]
How can I gain weight before school starts in August??
I'm not sure if I have a fast metabolism or something because it seems impossible to gain weight. I weigh about 100 right now. How can i gain at least 20 pounds without spending alot of money?

Eat More Than 2000 Calories So Try Eating Candy Or 5 Boxes Of Cookes Or Oreos.

sitting in front of your computer, answering questions on yahoo all day

Ashley M
Hey, just sit on the computer and eat some chips and sleep in
then eat lots of chocolate but really eat tons of fruit too!

Candy G
simple eat

David N
go 2 mcdonalds every day hav it evry meal u wil b obese within a week

eat all the junk food in ur house and just lay on the couch and watch tv lol it might work

Get a job at a fast food place. Lots of times workers make mistakes and the employees get to eat the mistakes for free.

Drew W
well they do make non-prescription pills that make you feel hungry i suggest taking some and eat eat eat i do and it helps me alot because i never feel hungry

anything with calories or sugar, eat a lot!!!

jacob black my love
start eating larger portions or just more junk food

<3 courtney
get, bananas and fruits and junk food!

if it makes paper translucent, eat it. fruits and veggies are just empty vitamins.

Jacob W
Eat lots and drink coke!

fast food every day or bake cookies every day

Have a healthy lifestyle.

That Dude Brad
rofl eat feces

eat lots of greasy food... that'll fatten you up.

Homer Being
Eat some twinkies.

You might want to go to the doctor, because there are alot of health issues that makes it impossible to gain weight. If nothing is wrong after tests are run, then eat a lot and try to eat fast so you won't feel yourself getting full.
by the way, I WISH I was in your position. haha

why would you wanna lose weight?????be happy that you're skinny!!!!

but if you're desperate.try eating lots of protein.

hey by the way if you eat lots of junk food and stuff you'll be only gaining fat tissue and probably in areas you don't want it.

why would you want to gain weight!
i could see a few pounds but depending on your height i mean wow. I am 124 pounds and im like 5'1 so i would love to be a 100 pounds.Plus large amounts of weight gain will cause you to get stretch marks which arent so pretty. plus other heath issues. unless your under weight for your age/height

don't listen to them or you'll eat yourself sick trying to gain weight. don't try to gain fat, try to gain muscle. it weighs more than fat and you'll look good and healthy.

Jessica K
DO NOT EAT A LOT OF BANANAS! nsorry for the caps but eating too many at a time can be very very bad for your health. bananas are high in one particular vitamin and it can hurt your organs if you eat too many.

Now to answer your question: I was born with a stomach disorder that made it REALLY hard to gain weight. I left high school 103 after 3 years of weight lifting and extreme dieting (all fast food diet, all junk diet, etc). The reality is if you want to gain weight, you need a personal trainer who can work with you to get to your goal in a healthy way because eating junk when you have a high metabilism gets you no where and even if it did, who wants those kinds of dimples?


AL BUNDY: genius, hero
Enjoy it while it lasts, because one day that metabolism will slow down, and your waistline will expand like a balloon. Then you'll be wishing you were back here and now.

K the smart answer here...Increase your caloric intake gradually until you reach your desired weight...Add a little extra veggies/fruit and protein to start, then maybe carbs...

Eat foods that are high in calories, but try to stick to healty foods not junck. Also eat more meals.

Well, you'll want to put on muscle versus fat, it's more compact and overall looks better.

You can up your protein intake and start lifting weights.

See if there's a womens weights class at your local gym. They're not too costly.

its not as simple as to just eat because you can only eat so much before you get sick of the food.. so i recommend those protein shakes or weight gainers until you get the desired weight and then stop.

that one girl
you wouldnt need to spend money to gain weight.
you dont want bad weight so dont sit around and eat junk food. work out. it will help u gain healthy muscular weight. you can do this by a gym or simple weights around the house. that way ur body will be toned out and no fat but u will have a healthy weight and fat average.

I was REALLY skinny all my life & throughout high school. For me, it made me feel just as self-conscious as someone who was overweight.

I ate all the time trying to gain weight without any success. So, I tried doing it the healthy way... I started drinking Ensure (there is a generic brand if cost is an issue) after lunch and dinner. It's loaded with healthy vitamins, protein, and fats.

Along with that, I started lifting weights. Cardio is very important in keeping the fat off, but don't overdo it, otherwise you won't be able to keep the weight on.

Needless to say, after about a month, I had gained a significant amount of healthy weight and looked and felt great.

= )

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