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 Which should I quit first...my 4 pack a day cigarette habit or the 12-14 Coca Cola's I drink per day?

 So, am I fat?
Sometimes I feel so fat and ugly...so I wanted to ask here, since I'll get the most honest responses.

I'm 5'6" and 102 pounds....

 If I did 1000 sit ups and 500 push ups a day...?
Would I see any results in say a week? Or would it take longer?
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I only have a 2 pack lol and I wanna be the ...

 Im home all day and im bored and i like ot eat alot , whatdo i do?
im exercising also and eating mainly healthy but ijust love to eat and love the way food taste i just eat even after the point of being ...

 Do I weigh too much?
I am 10 years old/almost 11. And my height is 4 feet 30 centimeters. I weight 80 something....

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 I weigh 92 pounds and I am 12 is that o.k.???
Is that o.k....

 Is it okay if I don't eat?
every other day. I exerisce and eat healthy, but its not coming off....

 Is this considered over wieght?
a female who is 13 and is 5 feet 7 inches ways 150 pounds.
is she over weight?...

 Am i FAT?!?
5ft 4in

130-133 ...

 At 12 years of age at "5.4" is 108 pounds normal?
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 How tall are you?
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 Curvy or skinny?
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 Am i overweight?
ok i am 13 and i weigh 115-117 pounds..am i overweight?
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i am 5'4 ft ...

 If someone called you fat would you?
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b) Donate to charity
c) Go eat your troubles away
d) O...

 I'm so hungry right now... should I binge and vomit or take laxatives?
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 How much weight do you lose if you don't eat for a few days.?
And the only think you did is drink water?!
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I understand i'd gain it back, but would if i started to eat ...

megan h
Does starving your self work?
ok i weigh 130 pounds and im 5'8 i want to weight 100 pounds is that unhealthy and how do i lose weight and im 12

Not everyone is happy what they look like. we always find flaws in are own looks. sounds like your already at a perfect weight and u don't know it. starving doesn't work. it's unhealthy for your body. your body needs vitamins an minerals and oils. try veges. and fruits.

macongo queen
You're 5'8" and your weight is 130lbs? Why on earth would you want to be 100lbs? I'm 5'4" and I'm 130 pounds and my doctor says I am very healthy. Is someone or your environment encouraging you to be bone thin? Because that's exactly what you will be if you go down to 100lbs. It is unhealthy to be to thin and not to mention unattractive. There is nothing wrong with a woman having curves. That's what we are suppose to have! We're not meant to be shaped like teen-aged boys.

Starving will slow down your metabolism, when it finally does begin to drop your weight you will lose a huge amount of muscle with fat wich is something you do not want because this will make your body fat % higher

Jenny G
Why?? And NO, starving yourself does not work, it is foolish.

Eat sensibly 3 times a day. Excersise, take good care of yourself.

jennie b
Starving yourself can kill you. You are already at the low end of what someone your height should weigh. If you weighed 100 lbs you would look disgustingly thin and would not even be able to function properly. You are only 12 and need to talk to your parents about your insecurities so that you do not put yourself in harms way. They will help you to work through this the right way. If you do not feel like you can talk to them, then talk to a school counselor or a parent of a friend you trust.

Please look at the websites I put below....If you want to feel better about yourself enroll in some extracurricular activities (i.e. sports), eat healthy, and hang out with true friends who make you feel good about yourself.

cassie b
If you starve yourself it slows down your metabolism and when you eat again, your body stores all the fat as it doesnt know when it will eat again.

If you are 12, you have alot of growing left to do, you are not overweight, you are just tall. As long as you eat good food and exercise, you will be fine.

It doesnt matter what you weigh, it is all about what you look like and how you feel.
If you weigh more than your friends, it may be because you are taller than them.

actually no it doesnt.. it will store your fat so your body can eat itself. but the more it has to eat, the more fat is stored.

First off, starving yourself will never be a healthy option, you could hurt yourself. Second, your goal weight of being 100 pounds would put you immensely under your recommended, healthy weight.

Nothing is wrong with your weight now.

friendly advice from maine
starving yourself does not work other than depriving your body of needed nutrients. It causes your body to actually eat itself by using the muscles as food instead of fat as food. To lose fat you must eat good stuff. salads (no or little dressing), fruits and other whole foods. By eating more (of the right things) will cause your body to use the nutrients in a better way. Some foods actually can cause you to burn calories just digesting what you ate. lay off the soda, juice in moderation and stop eating any junk food and youll be better off as opposed to starving yourself. Good Luck.

kari b
your weight is where it should be if you lose 30 pounds you will look sick. you do not need to lose weight. just because you see these sickley actress do not think that u need to lose weight. it is not pretty to be that skinney. it actually looks sick and guys like girls with a little bit of meat on them not bone. your beautiful don't think that you need to lose weight.

Bug Fuggy
100 for 5'8 is too skinny and very unhealthy. Starving actually slows down your metabolism Not to mention you'll become very dizzy and have no energy. Your body goes into starvation mode basically and weight comes off slower. Also, there's no way to keep the weight off after starvation. You'll have to eat at some point and then you won't stop. You'll actually find that not only will you put all the weight back on, but more on top of it.

Ashley r
if you r 5'8 and 130 pounds you r fine. in 5'6 and weigh 125 and I'm healthy. and starving yourself does work but you ll end up in the hospital or dead. so w/e your choose

your the same height as me, and i weigh 136. if you calculate your BMI(body mass index) on a site like seventeen.com. you will see that our weight is actually on the lower percentage for our height. your a tall girl, just because the scale says you weight more than 115lb. models, wats the diff? they have no curves. If you are really unhappy with how you look, or how much you weight...hit the gym with you ipod and make it your own personal workout. TONE TONE TONE. choose healthy food. But one thing you should NOT do, is starve yourself. i have been down that road...and actually you GAIN weight when you dont eat...because your body stores fat in case you cant eat...and that fat will cause you to gain weight...so dont do that.

good luck. =]

Theresa Marie
first of all, that is definitely unhealthy. the weight range for your height is 130 - 160 pounds. and secondly, you're 12 you shouldn't be concerned with losing weight. you have a lot of time for that.

Trust me starving yourself will only cause you more problems and in the end you will end up gaining weight. I starved myself for a while and I got so sick and I lost my period which is really unhealthy. I have also gained alot of my weight back and starving yourslef messes up your metabolism big time so you are actually doing yourself harm by starving yourself. The best way to loose the extra pounds which you dont is exersise and eating healthy, and that means not starving yourself. You are at a perfect weight, why mess it up?

G4m3r MaTT
Yeah I agree with Rika, 130 is skinny for 5'8", and 5'8" is extremely tall for a 12 year old girl. 100 lbs. would be like a pencil.

I've heard that starving yourself will not work, because your body will hold on to whatever fat you have (I am not positive about that, but that is what I have heard). So, to lose weight, I do not recomend starving yourself considering that it is not healthy and that you will probably gain the weight back eventually. By the way, being 5' 8" and 130 lbs is a healthy weight, going down to 100 lbs will probably be too skinny, and unhealthy. The best way to lose weight is to just watch your diet and calories and be sure to excersise.
Good Luck :)

Starving yourself can actually make you gain weight. Your body will hold on to any bit of food you eat. If you are serious about losing weight, email me and I will give you a healthy plan to go by!

Good Luck!

Diana V
well u shouldn't eat after 6:00 pm. when u wake up eat something so you wont be hungry later. if you do get hungry eat fruit or something healthy with no sugar. Workout and you should loose weight. You should not want to weigh 100 pounds that is unhealthy go for mabey 70-90

awe here we go again. look you need to exercise daily. go ride your bike for 30 min. do 30 sit ups. 30 push ups. eat less but don't quit eating. measure out you meals. eat what the recommended servings are. we normally eat 4X's what we should. cut out sugar totally. that means coke, sprite, any soft drink. drink 8 glasses of water every day. cut grass at home also. do not eat after 7pm either. and you will drop weight quick. eat salads. fish, chicken all baked not fried. do not eat any thing fried. just don't starve your self you body will not use up the fat as fast. eat small portions for your meals. instead of eating the whole burger leave 1/4 of it out. good luck. stay away from chips and junk food. in one month you will notice a big difference.

Emily Huff
jeese kid! dont do that to yourselfe! thats not the way to go! if your 5/8 and 12, your gonna wiegh more, but its usually not all fat, just muscle mainly. your healthy kid, dont worry about it. if you want to lose a couple pounds, just eat healthier.

Blair Waldorf
Uh, being 5'8" and 130 is the perfect weight, probably a bit UNDERweight to be honest. So eat more, don't starve yourself.

yes and no. It will make you lose weight if you stick with it, but it is impossible to do for any length of time, and you gain back what you lost + more.

I starved myself in college, (existing on cans of tuna and oj) and lost 50 pounds making myself sick in the process (black outs, nausea, memory problems, thinning hair). After I was happy with my weight loss I tried to eat normal again, and now have gained almost everything back.

It is not a good idea.

Starving yourself to lose weight?
Not smart, and very unhealthy.

You're body will go into starvation mode, and slow down your metabolism. When you decide that it was actually a really stupid idea, and gain back your weight, it'll be alot harder to lose it from then on.

So don't do it in the first place. If you want to lose weight (and you don't need to) exercise, and try to improve your diet.

Don't do something that could get you seriously sick.

sheryl m
That is VERY unhealthy!!!! 100lbs is too thin for 5'8" anyway, but NO 12 year old should who is that tall should try to drop 30 more. You could permanently damage you body. Plus, since womens' bodies were designed to bear children, starving yourself makes your body think there is a famine, and for reproduction's sake your body will keep every single thing you eat. Basically, it backfires.

Emily J
diet and excercise works the best. whatever you do DONT starve yourself it doesn't work!

If you want to get sick, then yes it works.

Kimberly B
not at all. When you start to eat again your body is going to hold on to ever calorie you take in and you will gain back the weight two fold

First of all you are fine at the weight you are, second starving yourself will slow down your metabolism, and trigger your starvation mode. which means if later in life you really need to lose weight, it will be harder for you to do so.

why not focus on reducing your body fat to a very healthy level? 100 lbs is far to skinny for a women of 5'8. you would not have hardly any muscle on your body slowing down your metabolic rate setting up yourself for some serious fat gains latter on in life.

c g
5'8" - 130 is a good weight. If you wanted to you could probably lose a few more pounds and still be healthy, but do so with a normal exercise/diet routine IMO. If you're burning more calories than you put in... you should lose weight without the need to starve yourself.

Especially if you're 12! Your body is still growing and needs nutrition.

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