Am I couch potato???

I spend about 4-5 hours a day watching TV, playing video games, or on the computer during the week. On weekends I spend about 8-9 hours a day doing this. I consume 4000-5000 calories a day.T...

I spend about 4-5 hours a day watching TV, playing video games, or on the computer during the week.
On weekends I spend about 8-9 hours a day doing this.
I consume 4000-5000 calories a day.The last time I saw my toes was 2004. I weigh about 365lbs. If I walk a lap around the track once a week will that make me not a couch potato and help me lose weight?

It is your mind not your body you need to focus on. you have to change the way you think... If you think the way you have always thought life will be the way it has always been.
If you are worried about something then if you can change it take action. We are creatures of habit. so don't expect to change overnight. Set some goals. Get off that couch... Today you have to start, today. don't wait till tomorrow. get involved in something go to church, a support group. drink 64 ounces of water a day I cannot stress the water enough, cut sugar, and fatty food out of your diet, Start with a couple of things at a time. Just start to reduce the bad things and add the good. Set a goal about exercise and just do it. Walk one lap the first week two next week.
I worked a program that has changed the way I live. Go to It will teach you to get rid of the stinking thinking and I swear I have accomplished more since I worked the program than I have ever accomplished.
The bottom line is that we can do anything we set our minds to. YOU CAN DO IT! I know you can.
I would get rid of the tv. and video games. It is time for change. Take action....
I have made lots of changes in my life, I feel better now, because I am in charge. You take charge.You take control of your life today. JUST DO IT!
Read motivational books. Think positive. Did you know that we do not have a feeling without a thought first. So if you are feeling bad it is the way you are thinking.
You are smart. You are a good person. You can change. You can take control. Knowledge is power. Set that goal today, for six months. and jsut see what all you can change... You will feel like a different person.
Do it for yourself you deserve it. Life is good. live in the present moment. and participate in your day.

Martin Personaltrainer
Im sorry to say Mike. But yes you are a couch potato.

Do something about it.

Start Working out. Eat Healthy. I have been having clients with the same weight as you. If you stay there it is not going to be easy for you. Plus you put yourself in a big risk.

I use this program on a lot of my clients.

An I have been having a great succes with it

good luck


The best thing you could do is everytime you make something to eat, take only half of it and keep the rest for the next day, as time goes on your stomache will shrink, and it will take less and less to fill you up. That what i did and i lost some weight

Start with low intensity work outs and work your way up

you have to walk an hour everyday but also watch your food intake...

eat half the calories that you do

eat healthy food

do quarter of the TV/video games/computer

walk a lap around the track EVERY day, and then gradually increase it until you are running at least every other lap and doing a total of 10 laps

you will have to do more than that, but stay pen pals with me, write to me through my email, or I will email you if you profile allows it, and I can encourage you. Be like a personal trainer but one that does this through email and chat.

What do you say, if you think it will work let me know. Also try starting with 8 laps every other day. don't make it a set amount of times per week, just go every other day, and do it early in the morning, so that its done and finished should you want to just sit around the rest of the day.

I hope this helps

If you think you are a couch potato maybe you are one, but if that is what you like to do it is your life. Enjoy. But if you are worried about your health and want to live long try to be a little more active with time. Don't do it all at once. Maybe since you like to watch tv so much you could get an exercise bike for at home. Try one day by drinking a glass of water. Try slim fast or atkins or even try some grapes. Keep adding more healthy things and you will find you might like it. Try some plums. Maybe cut out some salt. The little things you can do really do add up. Is there a sport you like? Do you like to swim? Try to find a buddy to walk with and enjoy the exercise, that is the key. Do you like yogurt, try to find something you like out of it and force yourself to make gradual changes, yet enjoy life.

try cutting down the hours watching tv,and playing video games. try exerciseing[running or even walking] it'll help you loose some weight and calories.

Areah S
umm yea abd get a dog that likes to play you can run in the park abd you ca lose wait have fun and only watch tv 30 minutes a day

you should work out at least 5 days a week and eat less.

Katlyn S
yes your a couch potato and you'll need more than a lap to lose weight. but just be happy at how your losing weight because if your miserable you won't lose that much.

dude you and be gots sumthing common....

yea u are a couch potato...but are you fat..if ure really tall 365 lbs maynot look a lot on you even if it is still alot by most height standards..

just go to the gym dude

Sugar fairy :]
Having a healthy diet,and exercising regularly will not make you a couch potato.

Gin Ginny
I think you should try walking around the track every day. When you can handle something a bit more intensive, then adjust the routine to suit by either including aerobics or weights. Shouldn't be too hard or strenuous.
btw, reducing your calories by even just a little would help too.

Ashley C
I would say that that would make you a couch potato. One lap around the track is a good start but do it atleast 5 times a week then increase your activity from there. Eating fewer calories will also help.

Carly B
You need to cut back on the calories and make better food choices. Slowly introduce exercise into your lifestyle as you don't want to overdo it - maybe just do 15 minutes of walking a day. After all SOME activity is better than none! There is a really awesome program called Couch to 5K that might be good for you...

Not from Earth
yes and probably to your 2 questions

Fish N' Chips♥
yeah you are....

you deffinetly need to get more active
but your not going to lose that much weight unless you cut back your calories and start eating healthier

yes u r try working out or nutersystem

5000 calories is to much, and even if you walked everyday, you won't lose weight. Walking is not much exercise. Try jogging or riding a bike.

exercise every day and cut down on how many calories you eat every day a little

Morgan M
yeas total couch potato. Once a week how about everyday? Once a week yeah it will get you moving but you might lose like a pound a year? Cut back on the food, take a walk every day, do something that makes you MOVE. moving burns calories, Watch tv or play video games and jump up and down or walk in a circle, then it isn't as bad becuase you are moving.

once a week wont do anything.. you need to start with like 2-3 times a week. and then after a few weeks go everyday.. you need to eat healthier and spend less time watching tv.. get up, go out, and do things..

um i'd say you need some exersize. i dont know what would work best for you though. you should ask your doctor. however you should walk more than just once a week! start out slow and easy, then just increase the number of laps you do and how many days you do it. if you stick to it you won't be a couch potato anymore! hope i helped =)

Caitiee kinz
walk around a track everyday.
and if its raining walk around your house

maybe you shouldnt watch tv so often maybe like 30 min to an hour a day?

good luck


the last time you saw your toes was 2004?? yeahh you should definitely start exercising.

Tiana M
Walking 1 lap once a week won't help even a little. You are the poster child for "couch potato" and are rapidly on your way to a ton of conditions brought on by obesity.

The ONLY way to lose weight is cut your intake back to at most 2000 calories a day with a balanced diet....NOT junk food. Cut down on carbs, increase the fresh fruits & veggies. Walk that lap around the track a couple of times a day for exercise....or more.

Get off your butt and save your life....its well worth it!

you have to run 4 miles a day and this will help you eat less with out effort. But since you are heavy it will be very hard to start to run. So walk 4 miles a day for as long as it takes to slowly start to run. Even if you run a little walk a little until you can run it all. Once you can run it all with out pain, you will start to loose weight very quickly. but getting there will not be easy my friend. Because you will feel a lot of laziness the moment you start to do something about your weight. And this laziness will go away or become easier I should say, it never goes away. But you will feel very lethargic for the first couple of months. The hard part is not the running, it's the mental laziness. If you can beat that you can beat the weight. good luck

Rina B
Sell your computer and tv.