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 What is the best treament for a seven month old baby that is teething really bad and cant sleep?

 How often should i brush my teeth,currently i`m doing it once a week, is that sufficient?

 What is the best toothbrush I can buy for $500?
my papa gave me five hundred dollars to buy a tooth-brush. can you tell me what is the best tooth brush I can buy with just this little amount of money?? thank ...

 Can anyone tell me the best way to stop my false teeth falling out?
I was having tea with the local vicar the other day. I took a bite of my cucumber sandwich ( cut into triangles with the crust cut off) and my teeth fell out. Oh! The shame i did'nt know where ...

 I think I have an absessed tooth, what should I do?
I know I have to go to the dentist, but they scheduled me for july 5th, and I got a headache because of it. What can I do for now? Should I take tylenol or any other medicine?...

 Do braces hurt when you first get them?
I'm getting braces soon,and I just want to know what to ...

 Cant sleep chronic toothache, any advice?

 How can I prevent bad breath?

 What type of toothpaste do you use?

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thanks for you response.......

 Toothache and wont be able to see a dentist till Thursday?
I cracked my tooth sometime in January 2007 (don't remember the exacted day) but it didn't start hurting till a had some peanuts a week in a half ago. Now the pain is nearly unbearable and I...

 Anyone else think having toothache is more painful than giving birth?
I've had Endometriosis and given birth twice but nothing compares to the pain when you have an abscess or tooth problem....

 How many toothbrushes have you ?

 Wisdom tooth being pulled out?
i am getting my wisdom tooth pulled out on thursday and i am pretty damn nervous... i am expecting a whole lot of pain, if so can you tell me your stories with this, how did you cope with it and how ...

 R u afraid of going to the dentist?
I am not I personally love it, cause I love my teeth....

 If you've had your wisdom teeth surgically removed...?
I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. I'm really nervous about it. My bf told me as many details as he could remember about the process, but his were removed a couple years ago, ...

 HOW LONG SHOULD U KEEP A tooth brush?
ok. so plz answer my question. i will choose u for best answer but first im gonna go answer one of ur questions . u give ten points then i give u ur points. my tooth brush is kinda old but i cant ...

 Can you over brush your teeth?
If you brush your teeth with a regular toothbrush, and without using toothpaste for about an hour a day, can it damage your teeth or your gums?...

 If uve had braces... PLEASE HELP ME!?
tomorow i am gonig to the orthadontist for my "moldinggs" or whatever theere called, for my braces. i was sposed to get my braces three years ago but i am TERRIFIED of vomiting... so i am ...

 A few questions about getting wisom teeth pulled??
1. how much does it hurt and for how long?
2. do the pain pills they give you for the pain after the pulling cause nausea?
3. will it cause swelling around my face??! school starts on ...

 When is it safe to remove stitches?
I had 9 extractions done under sedation on monday evening (3 days ago ) and im wondering when it is safe to remove the stitches.

i originally thought the stitches would disolve however im ...

Danielle H
What is it like having your wisdom teeth removed?
I've been having problems with my wisdom teeth for some time and over the weekend I have developed a bad infection along with a very swollen face. I'm going to ask my dentist if I can have them removed. I was just wondering if anyone has had theirs out after having problems with them and what it was like? I'm a bit scared but I think I've had enough of all the infections and having to be on a liquid diet when they are bad!

Depends on how much of a pain wussy you are.

I was fine the next day, but my friend was laid out for 4 days and whined like a 6 year old girl

Brad Morris
Oooh...Hard times ahead babe

Hurts like hell but worth it

hey baby just don' giv it a thought ....i am 21 and i don' have a wisdom tooth....
i am a university topper,
a poet,
a cricket player

It really hurts. Have them removed. It's really well worth it.

semih a
dont worry .study for happy in this eart .I like your but I am studing for be happy now . you should live happy :))))

I don't feel as wise as I used too.

Stephen H
I kept getting an infection, so once that was cleared up, the removal was painless - just a big hole in your gum for a few months!! My removal was painless though as the root of the tooth didn't have any nerves interfering with it. The dentist will do full xrays first to assess the situation.

I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out because they were impacted. It don't hurt to actually have them taken out because you will be heavily sedated and numbed, but for three to five days afterward, it hurts quite a bit, the worst night being the first and getting slowly better after. You won't be able to eat solid food for about three or four days, mostly eating soup, yogurt, pudding or anything soft. Within a week of having them out you will only have a dull ache for about another week and it will slowly fade away. The initial pain after the numbness wears can be unbearable so it helps to have painkillers or aspirin handy.

Jack Lilian
It was really quite bizarre - no pain and very worthwhile doing. However ... having had a strong and sufficient anaesthetic it was rather disconcerting watching a 14 stone man using his all of his strength (& struggling!) plus hearing strange screeching and grinding noises coming from my mouth - but feeling absolutely nothing! Hope this hasn't put you off, see what your dentist advises. Best regards.

X box lady(who doesnt play Xbox)
Painful... just for a while tho

My dentist tried to remove one with a local anaesthetic. it wouldn't budge and he ended up breaking the top of the tooth off.

He sent me home as is. I was in agony and had to go to A&E for strong pain killers.

I saw an emergency dentist the next day who took an x-ray. The root of the tooth was hooked and would never have pulled out.

I had to do into hospital for the maxillofacial surgeons to remove it.

I had it done under a general. I didn't feel a thing and the releif was instant. I had no infections and no further problem.

Chewing feels funny.


Simon D
You'll be given antibiotics for the swelling. Probably Amoxicillin (Penicillin in tablet form). The dentist won't want to take the tooth with all the pus around.
After the course of Antibiotics the swelling should have gone down, then the Dentist will remove the tooth.
I have heard horror stories about hooked roots, or Dentists wrestling with wisdom teeth. Mine came out in a couple of seconds, no pain due to the painkiller. 6-8 hrs. later however the medication wore off and no tablet painkiller could help. It is bad, but it's just one of those things, you'll get through it. Shouldn't last more than a 1/2day to a day before the pain is under control.
It happened to me just like you described.
You've gotta have them out, you could lose your jaw or die of blood poisoning. The best outcome if you do nothing is that it will seem like something died in your mouth. Mouthwash and brushing will do nothing to the smell.

I had all 4 of mine taken out at the same time by the dentist. I was knocked out for it. It hurts when you first wake up but the pain killers take care of that. I did look like a gerbal for a week with my face all swollen. Don't be surprised to find a bruise on your chest.

they put a needle in your gum that hurts and pull the thing out. Then you are left with a hole for a while but it isn't too painful. Don't worry.What you are going through now is far worse

I have had mine out.. and...............when your wisdom teeth are taken out you shouldn't have any pain.. but later your gums will ache.. just let the Dentist do it.. good luck and just think.. no more pain.. only a dull ache for a day or two.. take care now x

they may put you to sleep, but your gums will be sore after, dont worry just get it over with , and just keep on thinking no more pain.

I had one taken out - it took less than 5 mins and hurt less than a bee sting. The pain lasted around a day and within 3 days the wound had 100% healed.
My other three wisdom teeth are fine.

Hurts like H but well worth getting rid of the aggravation of the infections which will not stop coming

I had one out recently that was growing at a right-angle to the rest of my teeth. The extraction is not so bad as you might think. I just had a local anasthetic, but you can have Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) or even a general anasthetic if you want.
The pain afterwards is negligable. Certainly, the pain you get from infections and suchlike is far worse.

(After the op, make sure you bite down hard on the area where the extraction has taken place, with a streile surgical wad, or hankerchief. This helps the blood to clot and the wound to heal. My dentist forgot to tell me to do this and as a result I have a large hole at the back of my mouth).

I would say get them out under general anaesthetic and get them all done at the same time.

I had 3 of mine out - 1 by the dentist and 2 impacted bottom ones by the doctor in a chair in the hospital. I was completely awake, I heard all the noises and crunching and saw all the instruments but the worst thing was the first one got badly infected afterwards, and I knew I had to go back and have the second one done... it was horrid.

So... General Anaesthetic, all at once... my recommendation.

The Monkey
I had one removed - up top on the right - when I was 18. That went well except it created a hole in my palette which I could blow threw, then it healed. Since then the remaining 3 have been well behaved. Well that is except one which grew sideways and moved another tooth until it cracked and I was in the dentists for an hour while they split the tooth into four and then extracted each one bit by bit with loads of injections. The dressing in the hole fell into my gin and tonic at a wedding reception the following day - other than that. No problem.

Best to get them removed. Otherwise they will crowd your other teeth and cause *severe* pain later in life.

I suggest being put under and have them all done at once, as I did. That way its over with and only have to deal with the pain 1 time. You will recover quickly, prob back at it within 3 days.

Col J
I had all 4 of mine taken out about 6 years ago.
Had to go to hospial and had an anaesthetic, think i was out of it for about 45 mins, woke up a bit light headed but ok, my mouth was still a bit numb. Once you have woken you have to bite on a surgical wad to stem the bleeding, then at my hospital the nurses wouldnt let me go home till i had a warm drink and eaten a sandwich.
The day after your face is all swollen and thats lasts about 4 days and i had bruises all round my neck (looked like i had been strangled) they lasted about 2 weeks and that was about it. I definitley recommend having it done at the hospital under aneasthetic. As far as i can remember it didnt hurt - the only uncomfortable thing was trying to eat for about 2 days after cos it feels like you have big holes at the back of you mouth!!

I have had all four removed. Every time I felt a little pressure and then was told to rinse - and was shocked to find the tooth was out! Completely painless experience. Saline rinses for a few days afterwards. Don't miss them.

It looks like it depends on the experience of the dentist. Good luck, and remember that some dentists will give you some diazepam, if you ask, if you are nervous of dental treatment.

I had to go to hospital to have them removed and it was very painfull

Lauren S
Wow, wisdom teeth can be so vicious. I too had problems - cavities which became infected, and had to have 2 removed. You will be suitably numbed in the area concerned (strong local anesthetic that will even numb the outside of your cheek) Once this has taken effect then the tooth will be wiggled out. There is the sensation of something going on in your moutn, but NO PAIN !! Afterwards there may be a little bit of bleeding, and you are told not to drink hot drinks for a while, to allow the gap to start healing. After this there will be no more discomfort, and the hole where your tooth was will gradually close up over the space of a couple of months.
All in all, well worth it. !!

I've had 3 removed & glad i did, i had no end of problems from them. My dentist gave me an injection the first time & the one he took out came out in a second & without any further problems. The next two, i had to be sedated for, but i knew nothing about it & went home to bed, had a bit of pain but nothing a few painkillers didn't sort out & the next day i was fine. This all coming from someone with a pain tresh hold of zero! I have to have the last one out at some point, but have to go to the hospital for this as the root is wrapped around the main nerve & if they pull it, it could damage the nerve & i will be left without any feeling etc, but it has to be done as i can't floss very well between it because it is at an angle & could decay the whole of my bottom teeth. So not looking forward to the whole thing, but sure i will be fine just as you will be, i highly recommend having them out, nothing worse than that pain! Very best of luck!

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