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 Tooth problems?
my back tooth on the left really hurts wen i eat wot cud it be i cant really go to dentist cos its so expensvie is there anything else i can do?...

 Have you ever been visited by the tooth fairy?

 Anybody know what is the best way to fight cavities???
any like toothpastes or toothbrushes??? please help!!!...

 What kind of Toothpaste is better Crest or Colgate ?

 What's the worst part of getting braces on?
I'm going to get braces on in January and I wanted to know what the worst part of getting them on was. How long does it take to actually get them on? I heard the worst part wasn't the pain, ...

 Cracked or chipped tooth?
so i have this tooth that has a little crack on the front. its kinda flaky, so if i were to pick at it (which i havent) part of it will come off . it doesnt hurt wat so ever. it is very hard to ...

 Going to have my first filling in two weeks time....?
Hey everyone =] I'm 16 years old.....and...

Um, I am going to have my first filling in two weeks time, & I have no clue how it will go...

I know you have to have an ...

 What are some home remedies for a toothache?
I have a dentist appointment in the morning, but the pain is excruciating, tonight. Please help!...

 Why does smoking make your teeth go yellow?

 Why has teeth a shade of yellow? Is it a nutrient deficiency?

 Braces ???
Well I'm in 8th grade and getting braces on December 4th. It's still a pretty long time, bt I can't wait and I'm really excited. So, I'm just wondering about any information ...

 Is it any harm to health if you accidentally fall asleep with crest white strips on?
i fell asleep last night with crest white strips on, and i woke up with a sore throat and nothing on my teeth. is it any harm to your health to swallow crest white strips?...

 Bad Breath Questions?????
My teeth are sparkling white and I use mouth wash every day before school, but by the time I'm at school my breath is ack! Any helpful info?? Please help!!!!!!!!!!...

 How can I get rid of this toothache?
I had 2 top teeth filled 4 weeks ago and immediately started to have toothache. The pain radiates all over the left side of my face, into my head and eyes and into all other teeth on the left side. T...

 Would you be concerned?
I got my wisodom teeth out on Tuesday, I went o a concert last night and kissed a girl a bit with my tounge, not crazy bu a occassionally. I was spitting blood this morning, I guess from the teeth. S...

 Do fixed braces hurt ?
I'm getting fixed braces (train-tracks) tomorrow and I was just wondering if it hurts when they tighten the wire. Help I'm really worried =(...

 I think i need braces, my mom doesnt!
this is what my teeth look like:
http://i291.photobucket. http://i291.photobucket. ...

 I am getting braces soon, do they hurt?
I am wondering if they hurt? If they do which part hurts more? Do they hurt taking them off?
Which foods should I stay away from?...

 What will be easier to eat with braces?
I have the choice to have pizza or a fish sandwich with fries from Dairy Queen.
And i only got braces on my top teeth. What will be easier to eat? And wont really mess with my braces?

 Please BRACES HELP!!!!?
I''m a 15 year old girl and i'm getting braces tomorrow..what are some things that i need to look out for or is it going to hurt? what are the main things i should eat when i first get ...

Is it normal for a tooth to be slightly wobbly?
Im worried

Be very worried!!! Go see a dentist immediately. It could be bone loss or a cavities. Either way did you now that oral/dental problems can spread to infect heart values?

GO SEE A DENTIST If you don't have insurance then make arrangements for payments, which can be covered by less movies, less dinners out, less coffee, etc.

no go 2 the dentist and they Will tell u because u could have a cavortey

Able P
No! Bad Tooth Or Bad Gum Sounds Bad Be Worried Go See Some-One Who You Think Knows Something About This Field Your Guess Is as Good as Mine Maybe A Carpenter A Mechanic A Electrician A Singer/Dancer Maybe A Dentist Might Help You If All Fails?

no its not prob a problem with your gums,, go see your dentist

no not normally go & see your dentist

No. Rinse your mouth with salt water for a couple of days and go to the dentist. Hopefully the salt water will fix things, but let the dentist make the final call.

Only if it's about to fall off. Are you getting any pain? Get an appointment with your dentist if it is really distracting you.

Bob the Boat
Of course it is normal for teeth to go wobbly.
Some of mine did after using them to eat and drink dear knows what when living abroad.
I am now equiped with what I call my spare teeth.
If it is wobbly, it will soon fall out.
God bless the dental services
I shall go to a meeting this evening, as I can now grin with impunity.
Well I tryed to stop a house warming party fight a few years ago, and this bloke, in a bad mood gave me a thump in the face for my intervention. Twit.
Wobbly front teeth.
All is OK with the spare ones.
I am far from a violent person, but my dentist can be a bit brutal sometimes.
Heck, I just put up with it.
All the best,

Shane C
no, but that depend on how old you are ?
If your older than 16 they you had better see a dentist soon they can save it .

Irene E
Are you sure it's your tooth that's wobbly?
Maybe the tooth is OK and your head is wobbling about.
I'd get your head checked if I was you.

Go to the dentist but DO NOT worry, I have had slight movement in my wisdom tooth for years but I have regular check ups and see the hygenist every six months and everything is fine......

There should be a very small amount of movement (this is called physiological mobility and is what stops your teeth breaking everytime you knock them slightly). If its just one tooth wobbling or they are all moving more than normal then go and see a dentist.

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