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 How many times do you brush your teeth in one day? ♥?

 Could i use ?
cillit bang to whiten my teeth ? afterall theyre enamel and so is my bath
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sun m - im from the uk , its a product ...

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i have bad breath and need help getting rid of it. i brush my teeth every morning floss and and listerine and at night i use act. i brush my toung and also go to the dentist every 6 months to get my ...

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thanks for you response.......

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i am getting my wisdom tooth pulled out on thursday and i am pretty damn nervous... i am expecting a whole lot of pain, if so can you tell me your stories with this, how did you cope with it and how ...

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I am terrified of the dentist and need my wisdom teeth pulled. How bad does it really hurt?

ihad my wisdom tooth pulled out and it didnt hurt, but it was sore after the anasthetic came off

Sweeney Todd
i dont kno i havent done it


I had mine pulled out in August 07. The oral surgeon that did it was really nice and experienced. He explained everything, and how it was going to be done. I decided to be put under since i hate the sight of blood and didnt want to feel anything. I didnt feel a thing!!!! And it was a lovely nap, but a lil weird when I woke up. All went smoothly though.

And it really does depend on your pain tolerance. Good luck!!!

Truthfully it hurts but for only a short amount of time like 1 maybe 2 days i just had mine done. Eat as much as you can before bc you wont want to for about a day after. But the pain come when you have to clean out the holes where the tooth was bc food will get caught in it. and dont eat anything red bc you dont know if it is blood or the food. but dont be scared it will be over quickly and their is a quick healing process.

It depends on your age and how the teeth have to be removed. Some have to be surgically removed as they are below the gumline, and some can be removed by just, well, pulling them.

The actual procedure isn't a problem - the soreness and aching and pain after the procedure can be a discomfort, but the dentist will either prescribe some painkiller or you can take Ibuprofen. As a matter of fact, your dentist will probably ask you take 400-800mg of ibuprofen prior to the procedure as an added precaution against post-procedure swelling and so forth.

You did not say if you need to have your upper, lower, or both sets removed. And depnding on your age, your recovery time will be different. I was 17 when I had my lower wisdom teeth removed in, oh, 1975. I recovered in a couple of days with no issues. Fast forward to about 4 years ago (age 46). I had to have my two UPPER wisdom teeth removed and while the procedure was painless, afterwards I expereinced pain, discomfort, and a sinus infection (as the roots of upper wisdom teeth can reach up into your lower sinus cavity bone).

I found that warm compresses and ibuprofen alleviated the pain a LOT (as did ibuprofen), but at an older age, it took over two weeks to bet back to normal (and I had to take an antibiotic for the sinus infection!).

So if you are young, get it done now as you'll recover much faster and easier.

I hoped this helped to answer your question and (somewhat) alleviate your fear.

Good Luck,


It's different with everyone. Some don't hurt and others do. They will give you pain meds that will knock out the pain. No need to worry.

i've had a bunch of teeth pulled.. about 4. it does hurt pretty bad without the right anesthetic. (numbing stuff) the numbing stuff they give you doesnt work for me but youll be fine..

I had all four done at once. I took the meds exactly as directed. If it said every four hours, I took it exactly ever four hours, so I didn't give myself any time to hurt. Really wasn't as bad as I had expected.

the actual process is a peice of cake. if they are just getting pulled instead of being cut-out ull probably only be sore for a week. dont worry, it's not that bad. good luck with it.

Well, they put you under during the procedure and give you a pretty heavy prescription for painkillers afterward. The pain is minimal because you are doped up for a week or so. It never gets much worse than a dull ache...for me it didn't, at least.

You will be asleep during the procedure so you won't have a care in the world and after all the meds wear off yes it is painful, but nothing that most people can't handle. Just take your pain meds and follow the doctors orders.

Im terrified of dentists and had mine done at hospital. It was utterley painless and they gave me something that put me on the ceiling with no side effects.

Dont worry- go for it. You will be in and out within an hour.

Diane W
Totally depends on who does the work. Ask people to tell you who they went to in your area and how their experience was. Also, don't go to a dentist for this. If you go to an oral surgeon, you won't remember a thing. They knock you out. It's great.

I found the best oral surgeon (30 years ago) and had a great experience. I was singing in recovery with a mouth full of cotton. And I had hardly any swelling, no bruising and my stitches were out in 2 days. My sister had a different oral surgeon and looked for a week like she's been beat up.

Just ask around and see who had a good experience and who had a bad one. Be sure to tell the Doc which of your friends referred you.

Good luck.

I can't answer your question but I can contradict you. Do you really need your wisdom teeth out? There was a report done saying most people don't actually need their wisdom teeth taken out, but are still getting the treatment only because their dentist said so, and the dentist says so because he wants money. So I don't know your situation but if your teeth/ mouth/ jaw don't hurt you, don't get it done! However if they do hurt you then yes get it done... and hopefully you'll be so sedated you won't feel anything. I do believe its the healing part that hurts however.

I've been in the dental field since 1978. I had impacted wisdom teeth removed, all four at one time with local anesthesia only. The oral surgeon used Novocaine and nitrous. Absolutely no pain before during or afterward. the reason a patient feels most discomfort is because of the swelling afterward. this really helps: Be sure to use ice packs immediately following surgery and continue to do so for 24 hours. No swelling=very little post op pain. Also be sure to use a board certified oral surgeon. You'll be fine if you follow these steps.

I had 2 done the other 2 the doctor said he couldn't remove because they were too close to a nerve and the risk was paralysis of my mouth. They aren't hurting me so I've left them alone.

i had mine done under complete sedation. no pain. plenty of pain pills to kill pain afterwards. it was not a big deal to have it done.

Debbie s
You can ask the dentist to put you under during the procedure,however if you are going with just novacain,it's mostly the pressure that you feel.

its not bad.. they put u under

sometimes you have a choice of whether they will keep you awake or put you under anesthesia. either way it's not fun, but it's not that bad. if you can get it done while you're awake, then the roots or whatever are probably not that deep so it's not going to be that difficult and you will be totally numb anyway. if they put you under, obviously you won't feel anything. and they give you pretty strong pain meds for after. it's just really important that you follow all of the aftercare instructions exactly so that you don't get a dry socket, because that hurts pretty bad.

Lindsey G
depends on if they are impacted or not. mine hurt forever!! but others don't hurt for very long. just depends. load up on pudding and apple sauce and ice cream. good luck!!

ps the longer you wait the worse it is b/c the roots grow on them.

Are you having all 4 pulled at once?? I had all 4 done in one day. I know your fear of the dentist.......I have the same.
You can expect to have some pain afterwards. Remember to follow instructions they give you.....it's so important....it's best to avoid dry socket.
They should prescribe you something for pain anyway.
It took me about 2 days to start eating normally. Mostly a soft food diet.

Good luck!!

I too have a dentist phobia from a bad experience when I was a child. About a year ago I had to have a tooth pulled and I told the dentist about my panic attacks and to not take it personally if he hurt me an I smack him in the face. Well, he shot me so full of Novocain that I couldn't feel the side of my head for about 5 hrs. Problem solved...

You won't feel much until your anesthetic wears off, and the oral surgeon will give you pain meds to take if you need them. Depends upon how high your pain tolerance is. If you can stand menstrual cramps (assuming you are female) without meds, then you will be fine. But the pain management pills are there for you to use if you need them for a day or two after.

My three daughters did not feel the need to take their prescribed pain meds at all when they had their wisdom teeth out and I didn't either.

But dentists/oral surgeons are so good these days, that you need not worry. You will be well taken care of and comfortable throughout. Get references and be sure you have someone to drive you home afterwords because the anesthesia takes awhile to wear off. It would be analogous to driving drunk.

mine didnt hurt at all, i didnt even need to take the pain med's b/c they didnt hurt.

ask for the gas and you won't care......for afterwards get pain pills

it really doesnt hurt bad at all. you will feel pressure but thats about it. the tooth will be out before you even know it. i have had all 4 of mine taken out and boy am i glad.

good luck.

oh and a response to Samantha- they do not put you under- they just numb your mouth- that is all!

Little One
the worst part is the healing after wards. They will inject some numbing meds into your gums, feels like a pinch, not too bad.

You will feel some pressure while the operation is happening, but no pain.

The healing process isn't fun though. Enjoy your liquids! and those pain killers! ;) lol

me n' mona
If you are going to be knocked out when you have them done, you won't feel a thing...you wake up and they give you percocet and you're numb for a couple days and it's over. You go back to get the stitches removed in a week. I don't know what it's like to be awake, so I'm sorry that I can't help you in that area.

The Mrs.
It was actually quite enjoyable for me (I know that sounds WEIRD...) and I even had 2 impacted teeth - which supposedly hurt the most. I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed in one appointment. They put me 'under' and I woke up in a different room, so I thought that was awesome! I mean, I do NOT remember getting up and walking to a different spot... That was the best part! The other good part was they give you stitches in your mouth so you won't be bleeding like crazy. Depending on your dentist, they might use dissolving stitches, that literally disintegrate within about 2 weeks. My oral surgeon did. Initially I think I had like 2 pieces of gauze in there and when I got home, I rinsed my mouth out with cold water and didn't have to put any more gauze in. I don't remember it hurting at all, just felt kinda funny...like there was less pressure back there (2 of mine had already started growing in). I didn't even have to take the prescription drugs they gave me, Advil did fine for the dull pain (let me emphasize dull...it didn't really HURT but there was a little bit of tenderness/throbbing). Just get plenty of rest afterwards (trust me, you'll probably just feel like sleeping anyways as the anesthesia wears off). Drink plenty of ICE water, it really helps soothe/rinse your mouth. You'll do fine!!

PS. You may think it sounds crazy, but my friend had hers done before me and she said it was 'fun' as well...I thought she was nuts to say that...since I'd had teeth removed before...but in all honesty, it wasn't bad at all!

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