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 Help i have bad breath?
I have really bad breath and I've tried everything to get rid if it.

I brush my teeth up to 4 times a day, I floss twice and I use mouthwash as often as I can through out the day. I&#...

 White spot on my throat!??
Well its like.right above my tonsil. not on my tonsil. and it burns. and its all red around it. its been there a few days now. what could it be??
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 Throbbing toothache!!?
i have really bad toothache and can't get an appointment at the dentist until next week. what can i do to relieve the pain? it keeps me awake most of the night and is driving me mad.please help....

 Is going to the dentist really that bad and scary???

 How do i get my enamel back in my teeth?
I've used so many whitestrips already that my teeth look transparente! Is there any toothpaste, mouthwash, or treatment I can use?...

 My dad said i might need a brace, what do you think? (pic included)?
They look fine to ...

 What happens if I use a whole box of crest white strips at one time?

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I meant if i kept putting the strips on one after another not all of them on my teeth at one time....

 Do listerine whitening strips really work?
They are pretty expensive so I only want to pay money for them if they really do whiten. DO THEY REALLY NOTICEABLY WHITEN YOUR TEETH IN 2 WEEKS AS THE BOX STATES? thanks in advance!...

 When getting your wisdom teeth removed, do you have to go under Anesthesia or can they give you somthing else?
I'm a smoker and I'm afraid of what might happen.
I don't want to tell them im smoker because then my parents might find ...

 What can i do for a toothache painkillers aint workin!!!!?

 I cant afford to go to the dentist how do i get rid of a tooth pain?

 What will my dentist do if I have impacted wisdom teeth and no dental coverage till next year?
I am in a lot of pain. One of my impacted wisdom teeth is trying to erupt. My dental insurance will not cover anything until May of next year.

I am having a sharp, shooting pain in my head ...

 Are firm brissles on your toothbrush good for your gums?

 Anyone had 4 wisdom teeth pulled at once?
my dentist wants to pull all 4 at the same time while me being asleep... and alot of people are telling me not to have all 4 done at once...im so tired of them b.c they are messing with my tmj and ...

 Do you find hot dentists attractive ??
ok , i have like the cutest dentist ever. i do not know if he has a wedding ring , but i figure if i like him a lot. he will not think that.
i have always been scared to talk to him and ask ...

 What's the right sequence for flossing, brushing and mouthwash?
I'm wondering if there's a right or proper sequence for using dental floss, toothbrushing and using the mouthwash to get the most of them? Thanks!...

 An awful taste at the back of my throat and in my mouth?? how can i ge trid of this?
after a few beers on a saturday and sunday for the next 3-4 days i have a horrible taste in my mouth, what causes this and how do you get rid of this??...

 How do i sharpen my canine teeth?
i want them to be more ...

 What's wrong with my mouth?
My lips and the area around my mouth has been drying up for the past three days. It seems chafed and cracked and my entire mouth hurts and is almost numb with pain - i've tried lip balm, canola ...

 Braces-do u have to pull your teeth out??/?
my dentist said that i have go to the orthodontist and get braces.
i m only 12 and my teeth are really crooked. my sister even calls me a vampire. i asked my friends (who has braces..) and they ...

How does a dentist test for a cracked tooth?
How does the dentist know if a tooth is cracked or not?

Terry Murphy
He can tell a cracker tooth because its attached to a racist white cracker, yo

x-rays mostly.

exrays usually

Margaret C
To be honest xrays won't usually show a crack in a tooth. Cracked teeth usually have a range of symptoms, and not all will show the same ones, but typically a cracked tooth will be
1/ painful to temperature change
2/ painful to bite on (usually more when you release the bite than when you bite down, but this isn't always the case...)

Sometimes the crack is obvious to the naked eye, and sometimes the filling needs to be removed and you can see it then. You can get someone to bite on a piece of plastic or cotton wool to try and see if it is painful. You can also shine a bright light through the tooth- the crack will show up as the cracked part won't transmit the light like non-cracked tooth.

They can be a bit of a problem to find though.........

X-ray to confirm if the dentist suspects it is cracked

he or she will have you bite down on a plastic stick, It's called a tooth sleuth.somtimes they show on the x-ray or intra oral photos.

Katrina G
it depends where it is. the dentist would take an Xray of the tooth the crack will seem to be a different colour to the rest if it is cracked.

Visual inspection and X-rays are the standard to determine any damage to a tooth. A damaged tooth may not cause immediate pain or result in immediate problems, but if it's left untreated, the tooth can develop into a more serious problem.

ArchWired.com Braces Website
X-rays often do NOT show a crack in a tooth. Sometimes, unfortunately, it can be a very difficult thing to diagnose, even if you have the best dentist in the world. This is called "Cracked Tooth Syndrome."

If there are no obvious signs of a crack, and you are suddenly experiencing sensitivity or pain in one tooth, chances are it could be cracked. Do not ignore this, because if the crack goes too deep (down to the root for example), the tooth may not be able to be saved.

Depending on the type of crack, the dentist may be able to repair it with composite bonding material. However, it may be necessary to crown the tooth instead. If root damage has occurred, a root canal may be necessary. If the tooth is beyond repair, it may need to be extracted.

He hits it with a hammer if it rings it's ok !

flower power
if its not visible to the naked eye..he can do an x ray which will show it.

bobbi b
Depends on exactly what you mean by a cracked tooth.

A fractured tooth after trauma may be x-rayed to show a horizontal fracture under the gum or bone.

If however you are talking about a vertically cracked tooth that will not show up on a radiograph. It can only be diagnosised by visual inspection or by use of biting on something such as tooth-sleuth or cotton wool.

Often the dentist suspects a cracked cusp but can not prove it and the only way to find the crack is to remove any fillings and then press on the tooth tissue that remainsm a cusp at a time and see if that cusp falls off!

Not very scientific but can be very effective.

dr h lecter
yes charlie, would be terrible to be racist wouldnt it.

lil southern girl
Other than an obviously visual sign, x-rays.

x-ray and I have also had them touch the tooth with a splinter of ice...ouch!

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