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 Ways to get rid of bad breath (not the obvious ones)?

 Is there anyone else out there petrified of the dentist??
i have to admit, i never used to look after my teeth and always refused to go to the dentist! i regret it now coz my teeth are now ******! i am in a waitin list now for a hospital to have my bad ...

 I had a weird experience at a dentist office and am not sure what to do regarding this situation.?
the dental assistant was completely unprofessional, but not at all rude to me. she started slamming and banging the mouse button keys on the laptop when it wasn't doing what she wanted. Being ...

 About how long will this take to get braces off if i have teeth like this:(pic.)?
here is a pic
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 Is it bad to smoke while your wearing tooth whitener strips?

 POLL: How many times per day do you brush your teeth?
I do 3-4 ...

 How much time do you brush your teeth everyday?

 Do you brush your teeth everyday?
common be honest. what make you skip brushing your teeth the day you didn't....

 Which is worse chewing or smoking?

 Wisdom Teeth?
The dentist wants to pull out my wisdom teeth. Is this a wise thing to do? What's gonna happen if I leave 'em in, anyway? Any advice?! Past experiences??? Thanks :)...

 What is the most annoying part of having braces?
I have braces for 2 months now and what annoys me the most is drooling all over my pillow at night. What's annoying you?...

 When you get braces do you get shots??

 Chipped tooth, can anything be done by dentist?
I have a chip in my front tooth, which I did when I was younger. It makes the tooth appear wonky and I hate it
My two front teeth are longer than the rest (yes,a biy like a rabbit)
Is ...

 Gums bleeding...why?
when i brush my teeth, after brushing, my gums is always bleeding, and i think it causes bad breath sometimes. is it true?
and what should i do?...

 17 years old, and still has 12 milk teeth. has anyone else got this? when should they fall out?
my daughters teeth wont align until the milk teeth are out, but theyre showing no signs of wobbling or aches. she has healthy teeth, just wants straight ones!! when should the milk teeth have fell ...

 Will my wisdom teeth push my teeth closer together and close my gaps?
A person told me that when my wisdom teeth grow in they'll fill in all the gaps in my teeth, so now I'm really curious. My teeth are like all straight in a line and I only have just a ...

 Is lemon juice god or bad for your teeth??

 What color braces should I get?

 Should I ask my dentist for a gown?
My dentist says I have a lot of dental work that needs to be done that would take too much time during regular office hours. So, I've been going late as he suggested. He's been doing a good ...

 How do I stop a toothache from hurting so much?

Jessica H
Can you really die from an abscess tooth?

Well i dont think so. but you can die from a huge infection. abscess teethe could give you an infection if your not careful.

Yes, in theory. If the bacteria inside the abscess gets into your blood stream, it can make you sick. If enough of it gets into your system, and it goes untreated, there is a chance of death due to severe bacterial infection.

DIE OF PAIN. it might spread too. :'(

Hey U, Yeah U..Get over here
if it gets super infected (and abscess tooth is alrdy infected) and turns into gang green. you can die of any infection that is not treated. infection is an overgrowth of bad bacteria.....bacteria is a living organism that multiplies very fast. untreated and yes you can die over a very long and excruiating period of time.

mr. y
Ive had them and didn't.but if the infection gets into your brain it can it happened to my sister(she didn't die).she had bad teeth one got an abscess and the infection went to her brain and she got really sick

I didn't know that you coudl die, so it's like AIDS for teeth?
lol learn something new every day

my mom works at a dentist office, and my husband got one a while back, so your answer is yes, i may take a while for the infection to spread, but it can turn to gangrene and kill you. better go have it taking out, you will need to get a root canal if there is nothing left for them to grasp a hold of.

renay s
bad teeth has been linked to severe heart conditions. i know that sounds crazy but it's true. ask any dr. or dentist

Yes you sure can,
If it gets into your blood stream it more then likely will travel up to the brain, since your mouth is so close. There are several cases you can find regaurding this. It is a serious thing to play around with a dental abcess, so see someone immediatly.

yes but it's rare, your nerves connected to your tooth can become gangrenous(gangrene) and if not treated immediately can spread like bush fire and WILL kill you. if not gangrene infection from the pus in your tooth can also do the job

yeah if the infection gets into your blood stream!!!

You can if you leave it for long enough, it is an infection in your head, a really bad infection, not far from you brain.

You sure can if not treated..The poison inside a abscess can travel directly to your brain.

Yes you can. The infection can get to your brain, you can get blood posioning.

thats what I hear

You could if it goes untreated, it would be the infection that could kill you or cause other untreatable damages.

Halie S
I believe you can if it gets to bad

yes you can. the infection can travel thru your body to your heart or brain and is much harder to get rid of at that point.
Take whatever med your doc prescribes!!!

Yes. When your tooth is abscessed, it means it's infected. An infection is a bunch of nasty bacteria swimming around in your body. If you do not get the abcess taken care of, that infection will grow and spread, and eventually those bacteria will get into your bloodstream. Once they're in your blood, they will be carried to every part of your body so they can wreak havoc and chaos on your system and kill you.

if the infection spreads.. like to your brain or something

Yes you can if the infection from the tooth is not cleared up the bacteria can get into the blood stream, in ancient times many a man was killed by just such a thing

before the advent of modern dentistry, baby, people were dyign in thier teens from bad tooth decays, abcess teeth than turn infected etc. youbet you could die if it got too far.

Yes, because untreated infections can spread.

yes you could, that is very dangerouse, if the infection gets in your blood line, it will go to your heart and can kill you. it happened to a good friend of mines mother. she died from it when he was 14 years old

Yes, it is possible. the bacterial infection can break apart from the tooth and spread through the bloodstream, and lodge in places in your heart or brain.

Hope this helps.

Yes, it could get infected and that infection could spread and affect your organs.

Yes Ive heard of this before and one of my good friends daughter who is in the military got sent home to ICU for an abscessed tooth. You need antibiotics for this


Yes if the infection spreads to your blood steam it could end up killing you.

Yes you can...any infection, left untreated, can spread to other parts of the body where it cannot be easily eradicated and cause overall fevers, bad reactions, increased heart rates, and death.

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