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 How do you know you have lung cancer?

 My mom 's face is gray is that fdrom chemo, and can she died from getting chemo?

 How long can you live with blood cancer?

 Should my mother file for disability since she was diagnosed with breast cancer? She has no health insurance!

 Any advice for me ? I have just been diagnosed with cancer in my left kidney.?
I would like to know what to expect. Will they put me on chemo or just remove the kidney and check to make sur that was enough?...

 Bowel Cancer Post Op Fever of 40.5 HELP ?????
My dad had an operation for bowel cancer 3 weeks ago and although having a temperature he was released from hospital. He was taken back in last week and temperature has risen to 40.5. He is only ...

 My friends mom died of cancer and i dont know what to do to help!?

 I have a abnormal pab smear?
i have a abnormal pab smear. what could in ...

 Is it possible to have a baby while going through Chemo?

 Does cancer come up on a blood test?
im curious if cancer shows up on a blood test. like if i went to the doctors, and they drew 3 things of blood and sent them to the lab. could they tell if you had any type of cancer?...

 What would you write on your "Bucket List" knowing the end was near?

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Seriously...have you NOT watched the movie THE BUCKET LIST?

Great movie...and lots of people are doing ...

 What is the worst type of cancer to get?
There are so many different types of cancers. Cancer could happen anywhere in the body. I heard that some cancers is worse than others. I heard that blood cancer is one of the worst. Which cancer is ...

 What do you do or say to a person who was just diagnosed with cancer?
I know it sounds awful to even ask...
But what do you say right after a person finds out they have cancer? I know hug and cope but don't know what to say......

 I need to tell my son that his grandpa has cancer and needs to have chemo. can anyone help me with this ?

Additional Details
My son is 10 years old and we live in western ...

 Help! my son is addicted to cigarettes!!!?
i get my 5 year old son every weekend. he kept asking me to give him a cigarette whenever i took a smoke break. i gave him a drag, thinking it would teach him a lesson and be an awful experience ...

 Does febreze give you cancer?
my teacher said that some household such as febreze and other spraying chemicals give you cancer......because when its sprayed it stores up inside the cell or body fat and keeps store up as you keep ...

 Would a problem with my lungs show up indirectly if an ultrasound was done on my bladder, liver and kidneys?
I recently had an ultrasound on the above and thankfully there was nothing serious, I have been getting pains in my lungs for the past couple of months and wondered if there was something serious ...

 How does chemotherapy work to treat cancer?
please dont say i dont ...

 What is mitosis used for?

 Will this affect my life later on?
while i was 5 years old,i broke a mercury thermometer..back then,i didnt know that mercury is very hazardous,so i just touched the mercury with my hand and i saw lots of it kinda 'enter' my ...

What to do and eat to prevent cancer?

Steve W
Your question shows me that you understand prevention and causes of cancer. Good for you. Now to answer it.
1. Eat raw and unprocessed organic food as much as possible (this tells you what is not in your food, ex. pesticides, herbicides, hormones, etc.)

2. Eat Grass Based Food- (this tells you what is in your food)
High CLA contents which are extremely cancer fighting
Higher levels of Vitamin A and D
Healthier lifestyle of animals makes for healthier food
Grass Based Raw Milk is darn near the cure all for disease

3. Eat High Brix Food- (this can help you measure nutrient density of your food, ex. brix = all disolved sugars, minerals in the food)
A refractometer will measure brix of fruits and vegetables for you with just a couple drops of juice on to its prism
Buy a refractometer on ebay for $45-$200
Readings of over 12 Brix will assure you that your food is nutrient dense and will be cancer fighting

Look at the variety of people who have gotten cancer and you will understand that we just don't know enough to make recommendations other than a varied diet and nothing to excess. I doubt that Jackie Kennedy was ever one ounce overweight, or Farrah Fawcett, or Olivia Newton John or any of the many other heathy, slim stars who have contracted cancer. There are probably environmental factors that haven't been fully explored yet.

Cieeeee <3
Don't eat fatty foods... There is no true prevention for cancer but to stay healthy. Eat healthy foods and exercise... Sometimes cancer is inevitable and it is hard to distinguish... Live life to the fullest.

Always eat fresh fruit, vegetables and grains. Don't have too much meat and don't eat anything burnt. Don't smoke and only drink a little bit. Exercise, stay a healthy weight and see a doctor every year.

ORGANIC FOOD (meaning this is a way to stay away from the pesticides and toxic sprays used to grow conventional veggies & fruit, as well as to stay away from weird hormones injected in cows and passed through milk & meat).

Put a water filter on our faucet. It costs $9 from Walmart or any big supermarket. I use "Pur" or Brita...they keep out most s_t like metal residue, chemical residue, intestinal parasites..

Don't smoke.

Eat at least 5 veggie and/or fruit today, in as many colours as you can (green, yellow, orange, purple, red..)

Drink pomagranate juice -some swear by it.

Eat lots of broccoli, cawliflower, blueberries...

In all, eat BALANCED, no excess..and EXERCISE YOUR BODY weekly.

Jojo Q
First of all, for all the innumerable research and extensive studies about cancer, it is still a disease with causes still unknown. However, there are lots of information on contributing factors for the disease, but these are still not conclusive. For instance, cigarette smoking does not always give lung cancer, but just MAY lead to it.

There are certain nutrients in food that are said to be anti-carcinogenic or cancer preventing. But consuming these, even in large amounts is not a guarantee or sure-fire prevention against cancer.

1. Allium compounds in garlic, onion, leeks
2. Carotenoids - alpha and beta carotene in colored fruits and vegetables, lutein in green leafy vegetables, lycopene in tomatoes
3. Coumarins in citrus fruits
4. Dietary Fiber in skin of fruits, covering of nuts, cereals
5. Dithiolthiones in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage
6. Flavonoids in fruits, vegetables, green tea and red wine
7. Folic Acid in green leafy vegetables, liver, glandular organ meat, legumes, cereals
8. Isoflavones in soybeans
9. Saponins in legumes and vegetables
10. Selenium in seafoods, organ meat
11. Vitamin C in citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, pepper, tomatoes
12. Vitamin E in vegetable oils

If you'd notice, most of the nutrients are really found in fruits and vegetables

exercise regularly, be stress free, drug free, tobacco free, alcohol free & eat lots of vegetables. Don't eat any junk foods & follow your doctors orders.

obviously there are many factors that effect one getting or not getting cancer. But foods with antioxidants help prevent the cellular damage that causes cancer. Some examples of foods containing antioxidants are... cooked tomatoes (cooking the tomatoes increases the amount of antioxidants), dark chocolate, berries ect....

Nikki J
I hope this helps:
Eat a variety of healthful foods, with an emphasis on plant sources.
Eat foods as close to their natural state as possible.
If a food will not rot or sprout, then throw it out.
Shop the perimeter (outside aisles) of the grocery store. Avoid heavily processed foods.
Eat five or more servings of a variety of vegetables and fruits each day.
Choose whole grains in preference to processed (refined) grains and sugars.
Limit consumption of red meats, especially those high in fat and processed.
Choose foods that help maintain a healthful weight.
Adopt a physically active lifestyle - Adults: engage in at least moderate activity for 30 minutes or more on 5 or more days of the week; 45 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous activity on 5 or more days per week may further enhance reductions in the risk of breast and colon cancer. Children and adolescents: engage in at least 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous physical activity at least 5 days per week.
Balance caloric intake with physical activity.
Lose weight if currently overweight or obese.
If you drink alcoholic beverages, limit consumption.
Reduce or cut out tobacco use
Increase your intake of cancer fighting foods
Avoid sugar. Cancer loves sugar. Some even feel cancer thrives on most carbohydrates too, so it would make sense to limit some of these too such as corn and potatoes. For information on this, go to http://www.immunerecovery.com.
Deal with stress before allowing it to overtake you. Consider utilizing mind/body approaches or stress reduction techniques.
Avoid pesticides and products that have cancer causing ingredients

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