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 Any ideas>?
I had a tumor taken out of my body when i was 5 months old.... i have one kidney now and cant play very many sports..... anyone have any suggestions? i need a hobby.... my father told me they also ...

 Mom might have breast cancer?
My mom told me her mammogram came out abnormal.
She said she has to go back next week to do another.
i'm afraid she might have breast cancer, i've been crying all night.
She ...

 Why won't the pharmaceutical companies promote the cure for cancer that has been found in DCA?
Look it up. http://www.dca-dichloroa...

 Sometimes my breasts hurts, is that a sign for cancer??
I mean what are the signs for having breasts cancer??...

 Why do they say ''He or She LOST their fight with Cancer''?
How could they say they lost the fight with cancer. Some cancers you can't control and they're almost impossible to beat yet they say ' they lost their fight with cancer' as if ...

 Hair falling down is this cancer?
well my friends hair is falling down and she wants to know if its cancer?...

 Which are the only animals who don't get cancer?

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there are 3...

 Does she have skin cancer?
my mom has something on her foot that kinda looks like a large pimple. she has had this for a few months but it was very small. now it is 4 times that size. she will go to the doctor soon probley. ...

 How the hell can Coca Cola cause Cancer?
How the hell can a soft drink cause Cancer?...

 Wooden cutting board may cause cancer?
I heard from my friend that using wooden board for cutting vegetable may cause cancer as small wooden pieces comes out and they are not digested. Is it true?...

 Breast cancer? please genuine answers only.Any other answers will be reported instantly.?
my mum has D.C.I.S,an early form of breast cancer,she is in hospital at the moment,she had a lumpectomy yesterday morning,she seemed fine in herself when we visited,she had a drain wound fitted,which ...

 How can a woman who has smoked since age 16 (she's 74 now and still puffin a pack a day) not have cancer?
or other issues? My mother in law has smoked since she was 16 and she is 74 and smokes almost 2 packs a day. I know cause we buy them for her daily. (not with our money, she too feable to go in the ...

 Suggestions of a great gift basket? its for my y grandpa who is on kemo for prostate cancer...?
My grandpa is on kemo for prostate cancer. He's not nauseous and still has his appetite, but is diabetic- so sending sweets is out. He is so weak and tired- I live in NY and he's in Idaho- I...

 My dad just had a colonoscopy, found out he has a tumor..?
I am the daughter.. and am very worried.. My dad will find out next week if its cancerous..either way will have surgery.. The doctor who would perform the surgery has a bad rating on that medical ...

 What age did you start getting mammograms?
My mom was diagnosed with stage IV at the age of 60 (she died over a week ago at the age of 64) and I was wondering if I should get a mammogram. I am in my early thirties, so I don't even know ...

 How long did your loved one live after they found out they had breast cancer?
my mom recently passed away from it. Was just curious....

 I have stage 3 colon cancer and want to know how many years will I live after chemo?

 My mom has lung &liver; cancer 3 YRS no bowl movement for3 weeks alot of pain what can be done lots of laxative

 My dog has leucemia and some cancer?Isthere anything that ican do the doctors say she will only last for only?

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a couple of weeks!!...

 What to do and eat to prevent cancer?

Smoking Gives you Cancer, What about Natrual Smoke, Camp Fires, Weed, Ect...ect?
My friends and I were having a discussion, we all know smoking gives you cancer, has been for many years, we all know that.

What about Weed, Its Natural, and I remember hearing something that burns naturally, ex: Forest Fire, Because its all natrual, wont give you Cancer. Along with Weed, Camp Fires. We know Burning Houses, and buildings are a cause of cancer, mostly because of all the toxic burning stuff there made out of.

I just want some more input in this question of mine.
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Your Replies are all Great, I geuss what the question REALLY boils down to is 'does it give you cancer or not?'

Thanks for all your detailed Answers. Im not saying we smoke weed, or inhale smoke all the time, were just wondering if it gives you cancer or not.

weed is bad **** you can get addicted very easly. DONT DO IT

Actually no one knows what causes cancer . . we only know what places an individual at RISK for developing cancer. And it seems that smoking places one at a higher risk of developing lung cancer . . and there is no 'magic number' either. If you have the tendancy to develop lung cancer you could after smoking one cigarette or after smoking for years. There's no time factor that will make you 'safe'. However, keep in mind that some people who smoke for years . . never get lung cancer . . and some people who eat healthy, exercise, and avoid all cigarettes can still get lung cancer. No one really knows why although you hear lots of guessing and speculation going on. Children can also get lung cancer . . even those who live in pristine homes with non-smokers.

That being said . . anything other than oxygen that goes into your lungs is probably not good for you. But, I don't think occasionally being exposed to these things will be harmful in the long term . . although there is no guarantee. But, there is no guarantee that after avoiding weed, campfires, toxic burning stuff, and cigarettes that you won't develop leukemia or a brain tumor or a sarcoma instead of lung cancer. It is good to be aware of the environment and what may or may not be harmful to you . . but the truth is that there are over 200 different types of cancer and even more subtypes. You cannot protect yourself against every known cancer. What you need to do is weigh the risks, stay as healthy and fit as possible and that way if you ever get cancer than you will be strong enough to fight it.

EVERYTHING that burns gives off carbon monoxide(a poisonous gas) as well as carbon dioxide,. Then the derivitives of what make up the substance being burned. Tobacco is treated with a whole swack of chemicals while it grows and these are in it while it is being burned. Grass is not a commercial product(yet) so alot of those bug sprays and other fertilizers and stuff to make it mellow and burn longer and smoother are not in there(all secret ingredients). To say it doesn't cause cancer would be misleading as you breathe it in deeper and hold it in longer
- 1 cigarette does not cause cancer neither does 1 pack. How many packs is the question.
So, how many packs of grass have you toked?
Same applies to a campfire but in reverse. As it is diluted with air, you don't get a heavy draught in.
But what else is in that campfire. Pitch(a tar like substance). Still it ain't good for you....there are no "volcano people" or "people of the burn" as the fire needs oxygen to burn, and we need oxygen to live. In the competition for the available air - we will lose.

Yeah, it's not really the smoke itself that gives you cancer but what's in the smoke. Cigarettes have tar which is the carcinogen in that case. Some other substances can cause cancer as well when burned

The smoke from a cigarette doesn't give you cancer. It's the chemicals inside. When a person smokes weed or breathes in the smoke from a campfire, there are no added chemicals to the smoke. Therefore, these things don't cause cancer.

Oh Wow
Tobacco is natural. So yes, anything can give you cancer. Smoke is smoke if you;re inhaleing it

weed is known to not cause cancer

Smoke from things like a forest fire, grass fires, or a camp fire will affect your lungs and your breathing. I know of persons whom would always burn dead leaves, or camp and breath the smoke and the doctor has said to stop because now their breathing is limited.
The lungs purify the air we breath so that oxygen can be sent to the brain. But with the lungs full of smoke all the time, any smoke, the full function of the lungs is reduced more and more each time until a person has to be on permanent oxygen.
As for cigarettes, I had a neighbor lady who has been smoking since she was a young lady and now in her 70's she still smoked. I was hospitalized for a week and when I returned home, I asked for Lucy my neighbor and she died while I was hospitalized. She had been smoking all her life 2-3 packs aday was hospitalized and died. The ones who inhaled natural smoke, well they are surviving, but need help to breath.
Cigs cause cancer because that is pure carbon dioxide. My mom died because of the cigs, I have done all possible to help her stop but she wouldn't quit. The person I loved all my life is gone before her time. So take care and protect you lungs.

everything gives you cancer, stop worrying

Breathing in smoke of any kind is bad for your lungs. However, the volume (amount) is probably the most important thing. Since most smokers have 10-20 cigarettes a day, that does not give your lungs time to recover and clear out the tar that enters them. I quit smoking cigarettes 3 months ago and now I breathe much better and have more stamina in everything I do.

By the way, to the person who says weed is dangerous and addictive...that is only partly true. Weed is not nearly as dangerous as any other drug out there. By addicting, there is a psychological addiction for potheads because it is boring not being high. However, there has been no evidence that weed is chemically addicting like nicotene. I have no ill effects when I quit for a month before to take a piss test for work. In my opinion, since weed is smoked sparingly it is not nearly as bad for you as cigarettes.

Stereotypical Canadian, Eh?
its the chemicals in cigarettes that give you cancer, not the smoke its self.

answer faerie, V.T., A. M.
my understanding is that the burned material itself is carcinogenic, including barbequed foods which are blackened.

yes all of those can contribute to cancer. the truth of the matter is, cancer is floating around our bodies all of the time. usually our lymphatic system filters it out and we are good to go. but occasionally due to stress, environmental factors, diet, blah, blah; blah, our immune systems are weakened and the cancer cells slip through the lymph nodes. this is when the cancer cells attack a specific organ. this is usually when the diagnosis cancer is made.

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