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 Name one thing thats wrong with legalizing marijuana for medical use, like for end stage cancers, etc.?

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If it helps people live a better quality of life for a few weeks/months, who are the rest of us to condemn this action? when we are living healthy lives and don'...

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 Where u from?

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 Signs of breast cancer?

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I've had two swollen lymph nodes on my neck for about a year now and I went to my doctor who told me to see an ENT. I went to the first ENT and they said it was an artery, so I went back to my ...

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Had the lumps in my neck about 9months go. Other lump under my pits and groin. Dont feel bad, just tired, and I have night sweat. I have lost about 20 lbs. No fever or illness. They dont hurt, just ...

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Lately I've been experiencing little pains on the top left side of my head, but only in small areas. My eyelids feel like they're being pressured to go down and my eyeball is feels sort of ...

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I have recently taken up smoking again?
and it must be stopped. So smokers/ former smokers tell me why I am an idiot

smoking is fine. **** the high class

I do know that every time you quit and start in again it keeps getting harder and harder to quit.
You have a will and if you really want to do it you can!!!

It is a filthy dirty stinking killer!! UGH!

I was delivered by calling on the name of Jesus, who delivers us if we have Him in our lives,

Because you had already stopped????? surley you was over the worst of it???
Read Allan Carr's Easy way to stop smoking, worked for me and many people i know

I quit for 15 months and started back, so I guess I am an idiot too! I quit again in Feb. and used both the patch and nicotine gum (at the same time lol). Now I chew nic gum like a crackhead. Try it, you will prob like it. Make sure you get the coated kind and put that cig out, it makes ya smell!

Thin Kaboudit
Cancer will stop you.

Well someone told me that if you stop smoking and then start again that it is much worse on your lungs than if you never stopped. So you may have more sensitive lungs. I kind of thought this was a bunch of crap but thought it might help!! ;)

I'm not going to tell you that you are idiot--it's an addiction and we all know it. I am on day 8 of no-smoking and let me tell you......it's nice, but I miss it!!!!

I got on Chantix and it's GREAT! I am starting my third week smoke free and while I do miss the movement and visual and social aspect of smoking, I can honestly say that I have no craving whatsoever for a cigarette.

All I can say is quit, quit, and quit again. Good luck!

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