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 Second opinion needed. How do we go about getting one? Mom diagnosed with terminal cancer.?
I have electronic copy of reports. Doctors at current hospital refuse to treat her for fear that treatment will cause her already reduced functioning kidneys to fail. They have recommended Hospice ...

 Why there is no medicine or treatment to cure Blood cancer and AIDS?
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 I am suppose to have a Mastectomy?
If the Dr. removes the nipple, what are my options? I have heard of tattoos and making a nipple. I am over 50, but I still have a hard time thinking of nothing there....

 How do you know if you have breast cancer?
I found tiny lumps in my left breast. I also have the sores on my nipple. Plus to top it all off breast cancer runs in both sides of my family. I'm scared to death!! Please tell me the signs of ...

 Have you ever had a Friend or a Family member with Cancer?
May i ask who it was? And what kind of cancer it was? We found out my Mom had kidney cancer after she passed away. We didn't know when she was alive she had cancer. And is your family member or ...

 Link between seatbelts and breast cancer?
I'm wondering if this has ever been looked at. Specifically the material the seatbelt is made of (nylon), the materials' exposure to other auto-making materials (chemicals, plastics, metals)...

 Can a mammogram see an abnormality that an ultrasound can miss?

 Is there any proof that people with end stage cancer and in a coma can hear?
A family member passed away last week, she had cancer. While in her last hours we all took turns telling her we loved her and that she was free to go in peace. Is there any evidence that supports the ...

 After taking chemotherapy,when the body regain its health?
I mean hair,strength of blood................

 Please read...?
okayy my mom had her mammogram on monday and she got a call on wenesday that they saw smething. they want her to come back on friday. they sad theres endless things it could be so dont jump to the ...

 Cancer question?
My grandpa was diagonsed with lung cancer 5 1/2 years ago, and he is still alive. Is this unusal for someone with lung caner?...

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 My husbands kidney cancer is now in his leg bone and a lesion in his brain. How long?

 Do you ever get scared that cell phones and WiFi signals are giving you cancer/causing harm?

 Is it possible for a genre of music to be so annoying it could cause a form of cancer?
My coworker blasts obnoxious rap music during work. It annoys me to no end, and sometimes i can feel the beat of the song in my skull, not in a pleasant way either. Can this kind of stress cause ...

 Is it possible to survive 2b cervical cancer.?

 Could smoking marajuana make high grade precancerous cells in the cervix turn to cancer?

 Would someone who was really sick with cancer...?
...stay in bed or be in the hospital?
Additional Details
assume the person was 70 years in age/...

I have blood in my stools sometimes,does that nescesarily mean I have colon cancer?
Yes,I don't know if I really have colon cancer or not.And I am to embaressed to ask my doctor if I do,considering the fact that I would have to tell him that I have blood in my stools.

Anjolina T
Do you feel pain or something abnormal in your stomach or in intestine? If you do then this is the early sign of cancer. visit this site... here you will get few tips on how to detect early colon cancer symptoms.

If the blood is bright red, like from a cut it's not internal. Probably hemorrhoids. If the blood is dark and actually in your stool that is a little more questionable. Doctors see literally everything. Don't be afraid to sit down and talk to them. It is important to be able to discuss your concerns and symptoms. I'm sure whatever it is it's nothing they haven't seen or dealt with hundreds of times before. Look at it this way. If you can manage to take an hour out of one day you will feel so much better in the long run. Good luck.

Ella L
No, bleeding can be for many reasons. Most likely not colon cancer, that tends to be largely asymptomatic.

If it is bright red it means it is bleeding in your large intestine. It doesn't mean its not internal, it means the blood hasn't been digested by our enzymes. This digestion will only happen in the small intestine, hence the bless from the small intestine will come out a different color. If it is blackish or very dark purple/brown it means its bleeding somewhere in your small intestine.

Hemorrhoids are a common cause of bright red bleeds. Tell your doctor. Thats what they are there for. They are pretty cool about this kind of thing. And if they aren't then tell them loudly you don't like the manner in which they treat you and get another doctor.

Barry auh2o
It does not necessarily mean you have colon cancer, but is definately a red flag.PLEASE see your dr.

tiny Valkyrie
ALWAYS tell your doctor if you have blood in your stools because it means SOMETHING IS WRONG in your digestive tract and has to be investigated. It may not even be cancer, it could be hemorrhoids, or just irritation requiring a few weeks change of diet.

Doctors have heard and seen damn near everything in their years of practice, so don't be embarrassed.

Please don't be silly. Let your doctor know about your situation. Believe me as a doctor we see lot's of weird things and this is not one of them. Blood in stool can mean many different things from gastric ulcers to hemorrhoids. It is very important for you to let him/her know so the problem can be discovered and fixed.

Help For Sinus Infection
Though blood in the stool may not necessarily mean colon cancer, it is important to have it checked by a doctor.

As some of the others have mentioned, the color of the blood in your stool is significant. Bright colored blood could mean hemorrhoids and dark colored blood must surely be investigated.

I am familiar with colon cancer because my dad and grandma died from it. Most of the time in the initial stages, there are hardly any symptoms. But once you pass out blood, it could already be stage one. But stage one colon cancer means that the survival rate is more than 90% and the patient need not go through chemotherapy.

So, even if it is colon cancer, early detection can help you survive to a ripe old age. So I would suggest that you go see a doctor immediately. There is nothing to fear. In fact it will give you peace of mind.

A friend of mine had blood in his stools and he thought he has hemorrhoids. He delayed seeing a doctor for 6 months. In the end, his whole rectum had to be removed and a colostomy has to be constructed to allow feces to flow out from his stomach into a bag. He no longer has control over his bowel movements.

I hope you see a doctor immediately because too many people have ignored the early warning signs.

BTW, no one here can tell from your symptoms whether you have or do not have colon cancer. Even the doctors cannot tell unless you go through a colonoscopy and have a fecal occult blood test.

You make your own decisions. We are not qualified doctors here. So, take what others say with a pinch of salt. That includes me!


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