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 What are some possible symptoms of thyroid cancer (or even any kind of cancer)?
I am a 23 year old female, I have quite a large goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) and I am worried that it may be cancerous. Please help if you can, any information would be truly useful and most ...

 Is there any programs for people with cancer who can not pay the med. bills?

 Do diet sodas really cause cancer?

 Why can't they cure cancer yet?
Why is it when someone has terminal cancer they have all the drugs in the world to make dying easier on you, but they can't get drugs that will actually make you better?...

 Which country has the highest rate of cancer?

 Can you give a brief explanation about thyroid gland? What is its function? defeciency of thyroid affect how?

 I want to ask a serious quesiton here as I am not getting the answers in another section?
I want to know if there is cancer or any abnormality will the specialist at the hospital want you back in to see him within 2 weeks at his clinic? I had a phone call today from the hospital from the ...

 Why is the federal government (US) spending 7x more on breast cancer research than prostate cancer, despite...
...the fact that about 9 percent more men in the US develop prostate cancer than women develop breast cancer.

$550 million v. $80 million


 I have severe neuropathy in both feet following chemo treatment for colon cancer. How long will it last?

 What type of cancer is this?
- It was diagnosed in a 16 or 17-year old girl.

- She went on chemotherapy and all her hair fell out.

- The doctors said it was nothing to worry about, but she later found out ...

 What would you say to someone that you've never met before, that has recently found out they have cancer?

 How do i deal w/my grandfather dying from cancer?
my grandfather has cancer & it is spreaing FAST. he is dying and its killing me. over the past few weeeks ive been tlkn to him more. but he is only going to live 4 a few more months how to cope?...

 Are there any suggestions for relief of cancer treatment radiation burns?

 Please, could you share with me the signs/symptoms of breast cancer?.....i am very worried, thank you !!?

Additional Details
i am not going to go into the details, but you have helped so much. my partner and i were "spending time together" and i notices what looked similar to a &...

 Blood test?
if i have had alot of blood test done..does blood test give doctors a hint if anything is wrong even if its not wat they are looking for..like skin cancer,tumors and ect.......

 What could cause water in the lungs and around the heart?
Anything other than cancer?...

 What can i do to console a person that suffer from leukemia?

 My leukemia is back?
I'm 15 right now.
I had my bone marrow when I was 9 and I relapsed again a year ago, and I had my bone marrow in July last year, and I've taken blood tests regularly and I just found ...

 I have fairly advanced stage 4 esophagus cancer metastezied into the liver. Can I eat ice cream?
I am on chemo for a year now. I understand that sugar feeds cancer cells. My blood sugar hovers around 100. Can I still eat ice cream in small amounts? The doctor says yes. They want to keep my ...

 What can happen if epidural misses your spine?

Has any one used Zyban to give up smoking?
I have been taking Zyban for just over 2 weeks now and i have successfully managed to kick the weed.
Lets hope I can keep it up when Ive finished the course.

wasn't this in the news a few years ago? I'm sure a few people dies when taking it.

My partner used zyban for stopping smoking and he did about 4 weeks it really did work with friends but he went out and started again, he has just stopped again today but this time hes done it using chantix although I have to say he seems to have felt poorly a lot with this and much preferred when he used the zyban, goodluck with your stopping smoking

I tried Zyban but could'nt get on with it, i stopped smoking but i never slept while taking them so i had to stop taking them. Went back to the smokers clininc to try something else but they told me i had my slot and refused to offer me anything else. So much for helping you try to stop smoking!!!

My son gave up using Zyban. He used to smoke about 20-30 a day and had done for about 20 years. He had no problems giving up and even though he suffered a personal loss 3 months after he quit, he still doesn't smoke now, a year later. I think if you want to do it you will Zyban just makes it easier.

Black Orchid
I tried Zyban and they did nothing for me i just smoked through the course
I finally gave it up using patches 13 months ago
Good luck

I gave up using Zyban really easily, from day one I didn't have any craving. Six months later I woke up and it was as if I hadn't stopped at all. The cravings came back like mad. I asked the doctor for a repeat prescription but you can only have one shot at it.

Back on the weed so be careful, the cravings will come later but try and be strong and don't give in!

Dr Frank
This drug was popular for a while, but patients stopped requesting or accepting it when the Daily Record published a series of centre spreads about patient deaths on the drug.

The articles were poorly written, unscientific and just plain wrong.

Some very minor changes to the data sheet were made, increasing the time patients were to take 1 tab daily before increasing to 2. There are a long list of interactions and potential side effects, one of the most important is that it can cause depression and should not be given to patients with a past history of depression.

This is interesting because the drug is marketed in the States, in higher dose, as a Prozac like antidepressant.

As far as efficacy is concerned the trials showed it to be more that twice as effective as NRT, it can also be used with NRT to increase success rates.

On the down side everyone in the studies had almost one to one backup and support, this is not available to the rest of us, which I think contributed a lot to the results.

It is certainly a drug you need to chat to your GP about, but overall I think it definitely has a place.

Good Luck- its got to be better than smoking!

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