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 Is cancer infectious desease?

 My father-in-law has lymphoma. the doctors say it is stage 4. how short is his time?
he was taken to the VA hospital last night. his blood oxygen was way down (71). they gave him a transfusion and he is on oxygen. he looks yellow. he wants to go home because he doesn't want to ...

 Group of blood vessels grouped together to form a tumour called?

 I was diagnosed this week with CLL. How do I tell my 13 year old daughter?
Stage 3, have not yet begun any treatment. I am still in shock..please, any suggestions on how to tell my daughter? We are very close and she knows nothing up to this point, other than I was not ...

 My biopsy results came back and they said it's not mild, what does this mean?
I had a biopsy done and all they could tell me over the phone is that it is not mild. What is a mild result and what could I have if it is not mild? Could I have precancerous cells or could I have ...

 Breast Cancer........?
I think i found a lump in my breast, but im not to sure, i know there is a way u can check ur self.. but im just not to sure how to do it, could some one PLEASE tell me how to do it myself.... also ...

 What are your suggestions for healing cancer?
For you are a part of my God!

Healing be unto you and yours and me and mine
In Forgive Affirmed Spirit
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 Can you smoke insense?
Will it effect your body
if you put a plaster at the bottom and inhale will it act as ...

 Why is there blood in my stool?

 Any ideas>?
I had a tumor taken out of my body when i was 5 months old.... i have one kidney now and cant play very many sports..... anyone have any suggestions? i need a hobby.... my father told me they also ...

 Mom might have breast cancer?
My mom told me her mammogram came out abnormal.
She said she has to go back next week to do another.
i'm afraid she might have breast cancer, i've been crying all night.
She ...

 Why won't the pharmaceutical companies promote the cure for cancer that has been found in DCA?
Look it up. http://www.dca-dichloroa...

 Sometimes my breasts hurts, is that a sign for cancer??
I mean what are the signs for having breasts cancer??...

 Why do they say ''He or She LOST their fight with Cancer''?
How could they say they lost the fight with cancer. Some cancers you can't control and they're almost impossible to beat yet they say ' they lost their fight with cancer' as if ...

 Hair falling down is this cancer?
well my friends hair is falling down and she wants to know if its cancer?...

 Which are the only animals who don't get cancer?

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there are 3...

 Does she have skin cancer?
my mom has something on her foot that kinda looks like a large pimple. she has had this for a few months but it was very small. now it is 4 times that size. she will go to the doctor soon probley. ...

 How the hell can Coca Cola cause Cancer?
How the hell can a soft drink cause Cancer?...

 Wooden cutting board may cause cancer?
I heard from my friend that using wooden board for cutting vegetable may cause cancer as small wooden pieces comes out and they are not digested. Is it true?...

 Breast cancer? please genuine answers only.Any other answers will be reported instantly.?
my mum has D.C.I.S,an early form of breast cancer,she is in hospital at the moment,she had a lumpectomy yesterday morning,she seemed fine in herself when we visited,she had a drain wound fitted,which ...

Do you have a family membor or friend whos suffered from cancer?
both my mum and dad have passed away cos of cancer.

if cancer was standing in front of you right now. what would you do?

personally, i would kick the living **** out of it.

hate that word/disease

OK here goes My dad my Grandpa Father In law many friends and now my husband.Keep the faith it is one of the many lessons we are here to learn. Life can be tough but you know what so can we.

i was diagnosed with cancer of the base of my tongue last year.when i was told it was like time had stood still.even worse was seeing the devastated look on my husbands face when the surgeon told him.then we had to tell the kids which was awful.at first i was so scared but only my husband knew how i felt.i decided i was going to beat it and had chemo and radiotherapy.although i am now in remission it has left me with some problems.i have no saliva i have no taste buds.i cant eat and have a tube in my stomach which feeds me a liquid diet through the night.i also have mrsa where the tube goes into my stomach but at least i am alive.

My adoptive grandmother was diagnosed with cancer hope she will make it because she is special to me.

But lets be positive that she will make it.

yeah me and my mum, mine is terminal,and i would agree to help you kick the living **** out of it. lets hope the scientist and docs find a way to do that properly one day.sorry about your mum and dad i have a daughter xx

T-REX Mermaid
You hit the Mother Lode with my family. My 6 year old brother died from leukemia in 1963. When my mother was 40, she had cervical cancer, 6 months later, colon-rectal cancer, this was followed by cancer of the spleen, and then non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. She didn't die from cancer. As a result, Since I was 40, I get check ups every 3 years for colon-rectal cancer. I have had pre-cancer polyps removed every time. I try to eat a high fiber, low fat diet. It's in the gene pool.

PS I have spared you my mother's 5 siblings' cancer. YUK!

I have on Obama's Glasses
Just me is all I know of in my family. I am 55 and had double mastectomy and cancer in some lymph nodes. I did not want to worry my son about this (he works at a state prison) because I did not want him to be worrying about his mom going through chemo and radiation while guarding murders and rapists.
I just wore a wig the time I had no hair from chemo, and he did not notice at all.
My older son was killed at work 11 years ago, and my son has no other siblings, so he just did not need this extra worry, maybe I will be ok.
God bless you, I am so so sorry that this happened with your parents. Wish I could give you a hug.

I had cancer. Finished treatment for it a couple of months ago. Because I had it a young age, and it's rare to get it at my age, doctors think it may be genetic. So I'm waiting for the results of that to come back. I'm so scared my parents or my brothers will have to go through what I went through. It is a horrible disease, and no one deserves to suffer from it.

both my mother ,daughter and sister died of the big C
just live life for them .

i don't know what kind of cancer it was but you make sure you have regular checkups so much can be done if it is caught early.
good luck have a good life

I'm so very sorry about your Mum and Dad dying. My Mum had cancer, three of her sisters (my Aunts) had cancer. I have two friends who've had bowel cancer. I had breast cancer in 1985, but nothing's missing (only the cancer). You could say it runs in the family but many people had cancer where I used to live. Lots of people have had or died from cancer in this area, where I've lived since 1976. So you could say it's an environmental issue too. I'm one of the lucky ones who survived, and I gave some of my blood about 5 years ago to be used for research purposes. I like to think it's helped in the development of the vaccine against cervical cancer. If it was standing before me right now I'd give it the radiotherapy and chemotherapy some people have to suffer, only I'd overdose it.

My Grandma died of cancer. I guess it's just one of those things. But we can't be angry about things, we have to remember the good times that we spent with our loved ones.

I also lost both my parents, and my older sister, to cancer. I don't think so much about the cancer as I do about my loved ones not being here any longer. I miss them so much.

Debbie V
Yes, my mom died of lung cancer and it was terrible. I don't know how to kill cancer, or kill the cause, or cure anyone at all. It was 3 years ago, and I still cry.

TX Mom

Pebble & the Man
my mum has cancer. but i think she'll make it

My aunt died of a brain tumor when I was little, my friend has skin cancer, and my mom had a tumor on her spine...
Sorry about your losses. If cancer were in front of me, I'd probably do the same thing.

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