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 My girlfriend broke up with me because she has cancer. How do I get closer to her w/out pushing her away?
I've broken up with my girlfriend because she is sick. At first she didn't know what she had. Her doctors didn't know if it was a tumor or that she has lung cancer until she gets ...

 I have recently taken up smoking again?
and it must be stopped. So smokers/ former smokers tell me why I am an ...

 Is a mole that changed from brown/black to a white flaky hard dangerous?

 What happens after biopsy? if it shows that it is cancer does the gyno do more biopsies or what?

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i am asking because when i made my open to get the results for the biopsie the lady asked if i would be on my period.(as if i was going to be examined again.)...

 Anyone have throat canser?? If so what are you symptoms?

 Pls... i need info on Cancer urgently.. provide link if possible..?

 Can people who can easily tan under the sun, can still get skin cancer?

 Liver biopsy?
hi do u need to fast 4 a liver biopsy??? what is it??...

 Does anyone know why I have this bad feeling in my brain?
When ever I put a straight thought in my brain and am happy, there is a pressure that comes to my brain and makes me feel sad and weak does anyone know why this happens, could it be because of a ...

 Is Breast Cancer is heriditary? From what stage of the family?

 Could i have a brain Tumor?
recently my mother said that she thought my right eye was starting to have a cross eyd look because it seemed to be moving closer to the left. She is the only one that has noticed this because ...

 Whay would you do if you found out you had a Brain Tumor? Serious replies please?

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 Name one thing thats wrong with legalizing marijuana for medical use, like for end stage cancers, etc.?

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If it helps people live a better quality of life for a few weeks/months, who are the rest of us to condemn this action? when we are living healthy lives and don'...

 Can someone tell me the symptoms of pancreatic cancer?

 Is lukemia a disease that you can get by scraping an open wound over a pavement covered in blood?

 I have a lump... help?
I found a lump in the middle of my chest between my two breasts. Its more on the left side. I noticed it a couple months ago but forget about. It has me worried lately and I keep thinking of the ...

 Do you think a cure for Cancer will be found soon?

 Where u from?

 Liver diease?

 Tattoo for leukemia survivor...?
My girlfriend was diagnosed with cancer almost two years ago but now is a survivor, she wants to get a tattoo with an orange cancer ribbon and wings but she is having a hard time coming up with one ...

Do i have skin cancer ? ?
yesterday i have suddenly got this patch on my face around my mouth which is flaky, crust,painful and really itchy. i have been putting some E45 cream on but i dnt know if it will work. i looked it up on the net and most of symptoms match. and im only 15. what could it be ? can you die from it ?


Are you especting to fine the PROFESSIONAL you need here??????

Go to the hopital and see a Professional!

cleo the pussycat
you really shouldnt be asking qustions like that on here. you need to see a proffessional

SUE G online
i doubt it not at your age, in younger people, skin cancer is usually from a growing or itchy mole, only older people have scaly itchy patches which when they fade leave a red mark, if you are worried then go to your gp

Could be impetigo - see your GP for a diagnosis if you are worried or it doesn't clear up.

doubtful try calling the nhs helpline
but if you are worried go to casualty

It SOUNDS like you have eczema on your face, before you go down the cancer road (which is highly unlikely) there are more common problems this could be, pop along to your GP, he'll likely prescribe you with a topical cream. It could also be something you have reacted to, have you used a new face cream etc?

John M
Most likely not

Not everyone has perfect skin 100% of the time, stuff like this happens

Chill :)

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