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 I have a lump in my breast and schuled for a breast aspiration..I am sick about the whole thing but scared to?
I am scared so terribly of the needle going in my breast...they said this is probably nothing is that true? Any one been through this?...

 Dad advice about smoking.?
My dad lied to me when i was six and i believed him he said he stopped smoking. i later found out he has a pack of ciggarets every week i am very sad because his dad died of lung cancer. i don't ...

 Nervous about lung cancer!!!!!!?
I am 35 years old. My mother died of lung cancer one year ago. She didnt have any symptoms, just got sick one day, we took her to the hospital, she was diagnosed and died 6 months later. She had ...

 Do we have the right to die?
in case of cancer patient, do we have the right to die?...

 Does ur chest get smaller wen u get breast cancer??
Plz answer this, is very important!!...

 UK What should my friend do about her cancer?
She had an operation for cancer some time ago, now they say it's back. They told her she should have chemo a few weeks ago, then she went to an outpatients clinic thinking it was to sort out the ...

 Don't you think worse than havin cancer to die from would be Alzheimer's?
Just watched an old movie that i had never seen before with Mia Farrow and Martin Sheen and i was spellbound to what this woman was going through. I had rather die from anything but having my brain ...

Cure for cancer.?
okay,, i know this may sound wierd, but do you ever think that the cure for cancer is a simple thing, like eating a elephants poo, and then everyone is spending soo much money trying to find one, when its just at the zoo?

im not trying to say anything like 'cancer is a joke' i just always think about these things...... yeah im wierd and stupid.

Problem Child
There will never be a cure for cancer. First, every cancer is different. Even people with the same types of cancer, have different cancer. 9ex..2 people with breast Ca may have very different cancers, what works for one, may not work for the other)
cancer by its very nature is a bunch of cells that have essentially gone haywire..and they do it different in everyone, so finding a single cure is almost impossible.

We will be able to eradicate individual cancers. Mostly through prevention and early detection. Therapies are putting more and more people into remission and controling their ca, but cancer is a wildly unpredictable disease.

Yes, there are MANY cures out there for cancer, all the "research" they have done has been all for show and talk. Doctors and companies have known for decades that there are natural cures for cancer, but they dont "medically accept" them, but instead companies pay millions of dollars to regulatory government agenecies to overlook these cures, and together they launder money to eachother and make themselves rich by "researching" a cure for cancer. I think really what they;ve been doing is just trying to find a way to make a drug that cures cancer, but then gives you some other type of disease. You are no wrid and stupid for thinking this, because the truth is that the majority of people are stupid and weird and have no clue what the hell they are talking about, you are right to be thinking the way you are, you are logically smarter than a lot of people, and one cure for cancer is colloidal silver, there are many more. This is not an overnight cure, but with ongoing treatment, it is very possible to cure cancer. I dont think eating poop will cure it, but some say eating apricot seeds can, or drinking colloidal silver, or flooding your body with oxygen.

Are you ready to test that out?

There are many different types of this disease so a single cure is not possible.
I think you are probably fight to a degree tho', there may be a simple cure for most that has not been identified yet.

♥April♥ ☺
well, i guess its a little of each choice. but normally its not easy when it already spread through the entire body.

Hey.. you may be onto something! I know you were being hypothetical about the elephant poo.. but would you believe thousands of $$$ have been spent on kangaroo mucus as well as alligator blood looking for cancer cures? Sounds strange.... but true. I'll look for the links, if I can find them again, I'll post them.

You're neither stupid or weird.
What you say is called "thinking outside the box" and often is the simple thing that everyone overlooks.

Example: Avocados are a great oral cancer fighter (prevention). No need to reinvent the avocado.
Think you understand what mean.

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