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Reduce Pimple Redness and Size

You went to bed with clear and glowing skin, but when you awaken, you find a huge, monster zit ready to take over your face! You panic and apply all sorts of creams and gels to it, as you do not know that the secret to ridding yourself of the pimple is found in your medicine cabinet!

  1. Fish out some good old aspirin from the medicine cabinet.
  2. Crush the aspirin(s) in a small plate, or even on your clean bathroom counter. Large, hard objects are ideal for crushing, such as your cleanser cap. Just make sure the cleanser is closed and then begin to pound away at the aspirin. The aspirin should be a fine dust when finished.
  3. Now mix aspirin(s) dust with a quarter sized amount of mask if you have one, or two-four drops of plain tap water, either way, add just enough so that the dust is mixed in, not dissolved.
  4. Scrub your face/T-zone lightly with the about half of the solution (place the remaining half on the counter/plate) for about thirty seconds. Rinse.
  5. Apply the remaining half directly on the pimple and allow it to sit for at least 5 minutes.

  • Use stronger aspirin for larger pimples, and weaker aspirin for smaller pimples.
  • Uncoated aspirin is easier to crush and use, but you may also use coated.
  • A clay masque is a great thing to mix the aspirin in because it will also help disinfect and reduce the pimple redness and size.
  • Use the aspirin scrub once or twice a week for clear, glowing skin.
  • Use the aspirin spot treatment once or twice every other day for pimple treatment.
  • Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory.
  • Allowing the aspirin to sit for longer amounts of time will result in less redness and swelling of the pimple.

  • Though rare, some are allergic to aspirin, please check to see if you are by testing the aspirin spot treatment behind your ear.

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